Chapter 29

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Julia Stark Last period of the day, History with Jason, yay, I walk into class, Jason in his normal spot, all the girls watch me walk, as I sit down next to him, he winks at me quickly, "okay, everyone knows camp is next week, and your cabins are 2 people in one cabin" the whole class starts looking around at eachother mouthing 'with me' "I will be choosing the pairs" there was a loud groan from everyone, "okay lets choose partners starting from the back" "Julia because your new I would let you be with Jason, but considering he is a guy, that can't happen, is there anyone you'd like to be with?"he says "why does the whore get to choose!" a girl shouts, "Lizzie, that was inappropriate please wait outside" I looked around the class, and one girl was smiling a me, I smiled back, and pointed to her "with Macey?" he says, writing in his book James and Dan Eloise and Eliza Jason and Henry Beth and Chiara Nick and Curtis Damion and Riley Emily and Sarah and lastly Julia and Macey There was a groan from almost everyone, I looked at Jason, "which ones Henry" I say, He points to a guy, he was chubby, had a lanyard around his neck, shirt tucked in, I couldn't help but giggle, "I have to go talk to Macey" I say, Getting up and walking over, to brown hair brown eyed girl, "hey I'm Julia" I say, "I know that, everyone's talking about you" she says, "what?" I say, "you and Jason, everyone is so jealous of you, I'm not, well I am, but not in a bitchy rude way, I mean look at him, We both turned our heads to look at Jason, he gave us a wink, and we both giggled like school girls, We heard the bell, and I stood up, "where's your locker I'll meet you there tomorrow" I say, When you walk in the front door 8th on your left" she says, "okay see you tomorrow Macey" I say walking back up to Jason smiling, "how was that" he says, "she's awesome" I say, "I'm glad" he says walking me out, "do you think camp will be bad" I say ignoring all the looks I was getting. "well it was for me, girls wanting to rape you left right and center" he says, "I don't want to rape you" I say, "That's because I got to you first" he says, "what?" I say, "I ate you out, first." he kisses my cheek behind the locker doors, "well, I couldn't do that to you, because I wouldn't know what I was doing" I blushed majorly, His hand cups my cheek, "I'll teach you, or you could google it" he says, I took this information in, and I would go home and google it, "mums picking me up, so you better go a different way" I say, "text me when you get home" he says, "I will" I kiss his lips and walk out the back door, Mum is waiting, I open the door, "hey mum" I say, "hello Julia" she says, fuck she's annoyed, "How are you" I say, "you tell me?" she says, "uh, I don't know mum" I say, "you'll explain yourself when we get home"

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