Better Off Alone. (Justin Bieber Fanfiction)

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Julia Stark

“Julia! Are you ready for school!” my mum yelled from down stairs, I did the last button up on my new uniform, and slid my black leather shoes on, I checked my hair in the mirror once more before walking down the stairs, I looked at the food on the table, 



I eat them slowly, I was a bit nervous going to a new school, and god knows why mum chose this area, it didn’t look very people friendly, I swear I heard a gunshot last night, 

“are you excited honey?” she says, taking off her apron, 

“I’m more nervous” I say, eating a piece of pancake, 

“it won’t take you long to make friends, maybe even a boyfriend!” she laughs, 

“Mum!” I say, 

“come on eat up, and I’ll drive you” she says, I was only 15, I hadn’t got my license yet, and I wasn’t planning to either, well I was just not eventually, I didn’t want my mum to pay for a car, she had it hard without dad, I didn’t want a second car to be put on her shoulders.

I stood up and pushed my chair in, and picked up my bag and put it on my back, I got my phone off the table and slid it into my pocket, I got even more nervous, as I walked to the car and sat in the passenger seat,

mum came in after me, and started the car. 

On the way, I looked out the window, at all the houses, none of them were anything spectacular, I have no idea why mum decided to live her,  

I saw a boy skating down the side walk, he had a similar white shirt on to me, maybe he went to the school, I wonder if I’ll see him today. 

“Have a good day honey” my mum says, before I step out of the car, and put my bag on my back again, 

“Bye Mum, I’ll try to” I give her a smile, and closed the door, 

I keep my head down and try not to draw attention to myself, as I looked for the office. 

Thank god mum dropped me off near the front, I walked into the office part of the building, and waited at the side, 

“how can I help you?” the lady says, 

“Uh, I’m Julia Starks, this is my first day here” I say, 

**JASON MCCANN TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE**  I hear over the loud speaker, 

the lady behind the counter rolled her eyes, 

who was Jason McCann? 

“nice to meet you Julia, I’m Miss Parley, I’ll just get your timetable and textbooks, and tell you where your locker is, and you should be good to go” she says, with a half smile, 

“thankyou” I wonder if anyone was going to show me around? Or doesn’t that kind of thing happen here? 

she appears at the desk again with 3 text books, and a piece of paper, 

“there’s your books, and you locker is 10-35, have a god first day Julia” she says, I pick the timetable up and slid it in my pocket next to my phone, and pick the books up in my hands

I walk over to the door,  I couldn’t open it my hands were full, I felt a breeze and some pushed me over, 

“Watch where you’re going stupid bitch” A guy says, 

excuse me? 

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