Part 1

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You let out a groan when you heard your phone go off. You were abruptly pulled out of peaceful sleep as the sound rang through the silence that used to surround you. You buried your face more into your pillow and tried to block out the obnoxious sound you had long ago set up as an alarm. You had no luck, though, so instead you willed yourself to extended your one hand. You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and just slightly opened your eyes so that you could look on the screen. You didn't miss a beat to turn it off and placing your phone on your nightstand again you threw your blankets over your head and closed your eyes once again.

Silence had once again surrounded you and a smile spread on your lips at how peaceful it once again was. The morning light was peaking through the curtains but not on your face. Instead it fell on your back and managed to actually warm your whole body. You let out a content sigh and allowed yourself to be pulled into dreamland once again, where images of someone in specific flashed through your mind.

The silence did not last long, though, as your mother's voice broke through it.

"(Y/n)! Come on wake up!" she said from downstairs, managing to pull you once again out of your almost-sleep.

You groaned once again but decided to ignore her, you were too tired after staying up till late at night yesterday video chatting with the guys and today you were willing to stay in bed till, certainly, pretty late.

Seems like you were not going to have it that way, though.

"(Y/n) come on! Jared and Misha are waiting for you!" your mother's voice broke through the silence once again and that was when your eyes snapped open and widened in realization.

"Fuck" you hissed and without a second thought you pushed the covers off you and jumped off of your bed.

You started searching through your closet for something to wear while a knocking was heard on the door.

"(Y/n) come on. You're going to be late" your mother's voice was heard from the other side of the door.

"I'm coming!" you shouted "Tell them to wait just a little bit!"

"Hurry" she shouted at you and you didn't hear more from her.

You searched a little more through your clothes but at some point just gave up and grabbed whatever was in front of you. Which just so happened to be a Led Zeppelin T-shirt and blue jeans. You shrugged, putting them on. You went to the bathroom to splash your face with some cold water, sleep still lacing your features, and brushed quickly your teeth. you combed your hair as fast as you could and only hurried more when you heard your mother shout at you to get going. You wore your shoes and grabbed your backpack, running out of your room and down the stairs.

"Bye mom, bye dad, bye Rich" you said in a haste, to your parents and brother.

"No hey hey!" your mother spoke up quickly "What about your breakfast?" she asked.

"I don't have time mom. Let Richard eat it"

"I'm just gonna take her pancakes. With plenty of syrup please" your brother didn't miss a beat to say as well.

"But-" your mother started protesting but didn't have to say more when a car's horn was heard.

"Sorry mom, but I'm gonna be late. I have to go. Bye! Love ya!" you exclaimed and run your way out of your house and quickly towards the car that was waiting for you there.

"About time! What the hell where you doing (Y/l/n)?!" Misha exclaimed with a laugh as you took a seat in the back.

"Shut up Collins. I couldn't wake up because of our video chatting. I would probably be here in time if you hadn't kept me up all night" you closed the door behind you.

"Are you sure it was only us? Maybe after we ended the call you started talking with somebody else" Misha looked back at you with a smirk and a raised eyebrow and you rolled your eyes at him.

"Yeah right" you muttered, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Stop it Misha. You had a problem getting up this morning as well" Jared defended you, as he pressed more on the petal to speed up so none of you would be late for your classes.

"How do you do it though?" you asked him.

Jared shrugged "I guess I'm used to it, I think at least" he stated simply.

"Probably. Oh I almost forgot. Genevieve called last night" you spoke up again and Jared glanced at you for a second at the mention of his girlfriend's name "She didn't say to tell you anything but I am asking you just to make sure. You have not forgotten your upcoming anniversary right? Because, mind my words Padalecki if you have forgotten and not bought her a gift then-" you started threatening, pointing a finger at him.

"Whoa relax, (Y/n). No I have not forgotten. How would I forget our one year anniversary? Yes, I've got her a gift but if you are actually trying to figure out what that is and tell her then forget it. Tell your friend that she'll have to wait to see" Jared said with a chuckle and you nodded your head.

"Fine then" you almost groaned, crossing your arms in front of your chest and looking out of the window. Genevieve should just as well wait to see what gift Jared had for her.

Silence had fallen between the three of you but it did not last long as Jared parked his car outside your school, next to the other ones. You all three exited it and made your way inside the school along with everybody else.

"Just wait. I have a few things to get from my locker" Jared said as you stood there next to him, waiting for him to get his books.

"Oh huh seems like you got an admirer (Y/n)" Misha whispered to you, elbowing you in the ribs, and and after a small glare at him, frowning you followed his gaze.

"Ross?" you raised an eyebrow as soon as you caught sight of his eyes on you. He immediately turned his head so that he now looking at Spencer saying something to him, though, as soon as you made eye contact. You could see faint blush rising on his cheeks.

He was a rather cute, and pretty nice, guy. You would admit.

"I wasn't talking about him but now that you mention it" Misha nodded his head and shrugged "I meant somebody else" he nodded with his head towards Brendon who was just a few feet away, close to Ryan and Spencer, but talking - or not so much - with Dallon. He was eyeing you up and down with a small smirk on his face.

"Urie? Ha that's funny Misha. He's not interested" you shook your head and averted your eyes from him.

"Yeah, you say that cause you haven't seen the way he looks at you in History class" Misha scoffed slightly "Why don't you give him a chance?"

"Me give him a chance? Maybe you mean the other way around. He's one of the most popular guys here, Misha. And we, are just the outcasts. That means, fist of; I don't give him a chance. He probably will if he feels sorry for me and second of; forget what I previously said because he is not interested in me." you shook your head and shrugged.

"But you never know" Misha said simply.

"Yes, but actually you do know with guys like him. Do I need me to remind you who he hangs out with?" you raised and eyebrow and he shook his head.

"No need to. But he hangs out mostly with Spencer, Ryan and Dallon. They are nice guys and popular, so what makes you think that Brendon won't be like them hm?"

You just rolled your eyes again at him "Look Misha I don't know. And I don't really care. Even if he is a nice guy I'm not going to try anything simply because I am not interested. That's it" you said firmly.

Misha just looked at you with narrowed eyes for a while "(Y/n) are you hiding something from us?" he asked suspiciously and you would be lying if you said you didn't feel your heart rate pick up and a small blush creep up your neck.

Your eyes almost widened but you tried to hide being stunned.

"M-me? Wh-what could I possibly hide form you guys? You- you are my best friends right? Why would I hi-" you started stuttering and rambling only to be cut off by Misha again.

"Are you a lesbian?" he asked and you found yourself to be dumbfounded "I mean, no problem with that. Even Miss Charlie is so, yeah" he added with a shrug.

"Where did that even come from?" you asked wit a small laugh.

"Well, I haven't seen you date anybody, especially since high school started" he said simply and you shook your head.

"Only you would think of something like that. No, Misha I'm not." you laughed slightly "I just am not interested in any of the guys at our school, that's all" you added as simply as possible.

"Well, I think there is an exception to that now, isn't there?" Jared got again into the conversation and asked, smirking at you and raising an eyebrow.

"Do you know something I don't?" Misha didn't miss beat to ask.

"No he doesn't" you almost growled at Jared, basically, while glaring up at him "There is nothing to know" you added.

Misha of course didn't seem to believe you so he opened his mouth, ready to speak, but was cut off by another, rather cheerful, voice.

"Morning ladies!" was heard and you all turned to look at your brother there with his books in one hand and a chocolate bar in the other.

"Richard, what is it?" you asked in almost a growl.

You and your brother Richard were actually twins, even if you had your differences in appearance, but despite everything he managed to get in your nerves just as much as a younger brother would. When you were younger you thought that if you grew up he would become more serious and collected but alas nothing had changed. He was that same annoying kid, with the character of a five year old that just had had too much sugar - you weren't surprised about that after all the sweets he ate - despite the fact that he was 18 years old. You actually used to hope than when he would get older he would stop being so annoying, and that's why you were glad you were the same age, but it only proved that no matter how many years passed Richard was always going to stay the same.

"Sheesh what's gotten into your pants, sis?" he asked you with a raised eyebrow.

He didn't wait for a reply as he spoke up again "Oh wait. Nothing or well nobody. Yet." and he laughed.

Jared chuckled as well and you saw Misha try to stifle his laughing as well. You had a hard time not shouting at them right then and there about how you were not the little innocent girl they thought you were or how that had long ago happened. You bit your tongue, though, and pursed your lips. It was better to shut up and not say a word, because that would only cause problems.

"Sorry" Jared muttered to you with a chuckle and you just rolled your eyes.

"What is it Richard?" you asked again your brother, tapping your foot impatiently on the floor.

"Yeah right, so I wanted to... ask you a favor" he said hesitantly and you raised an eyebrow, smirking at him.

"And what could that be?" you asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"Well, you see I'm probably going to be late after school and I was wondering if you could tell mom that you saw me stay at the library to study for an upcoming test?" it came out as more of a question.

"I'm guessing you won't be staying at the library, though" you said and he nodded.

You thought about it for a while. Sometimes it felt more as if you were the older sister than the two of you being twins- and Richard being older by a few minutes.

"Fine" you said and he let out a sigh of relief "Just... make sure those bullies get what they deserve" you said in a more soft voice and he smiled even more widely.

"Sure will do" he winked at you.

Richard had this thing of not being able to stand bullies or people in general that caused problems to others. So one day he had decided to use his love for pranks against them and therefore give them a taste of their own medicine. You had to admit that you were actually proud of him for that.

"Thank you" he kissed your cheek and you brushed him off as if it was nothing.

"Yeah yeah whatever" you mutter and he still smiled widely at you.

"You're the best. Alright, see ya later folks! Oh and Sasquash don't forget about Friday, ok?" he said with a wink at Jared who chuckle and nodded.

"Sure thing" he said and Richard quickly left to meet up with Robert, his best friend.

"Sasquash?" you asked Jared with a frown. Your brother was known for coming up with nicknames for everybody but this was a first for sure.

"Uh yeah. We were watching a movie the other times and the main character just looked like me. His name was Sam but that's too ordinary for Richard so instead he came up with a nickname for him that he now uses on me" Jared said with a shrug and you laughed shaking his head.

"My brother is unbelievable" you said giggling.

Jared opened his mouth to say something but yet another voice cut him off this time.

How come the bell had not rang yet you could not understand. And to think that you were scared you'd be late.

"Morning bitches!" Felicia's voice was heard from behind you and you quickly turned to great your red-head friend with a big smile.

"Morning" you greeted with a smile as she came next to you and you started walking again.

"You seem pretty good. I had a hard time waking up after so many hours of talking with you last night" she yawned.

"You tell me" you said and did the same as the boys chuckled.

"Well at least I luckily have with Miss Charlie on first period so I'm cool" she said stretching.

Miss. Charlie, or full Miss Charlie Bradbury was one of the best teachers in the school and something like Felicia's alter ego. Many times you actually just looked at her and saw an older Felicia in her, with longer hair. She was really close with the students and open with them. Talking about matters that were even about her personal life and being always close to all of her students. She taught something about Technologies, you didn't know specifically since you hadn't taken up any of her classes. You did know a lot about her, everybody did basically, just like everybody loved her. She was really easy going and rarely would her lessons be boring or tiring - at least considering what Felicia had told you. She mixed greatly with her students as if she was one of them, which was part to the reason why everybody called her with her first name. She had asked them to, of course.

"What about you?" she asked, running a hand through her short red hair.

"Well.." Jared spoke up first but seemed to hesitate for a while "I have a lesson with... Mr. Winchester" he said and without a second beat you, Felicia and Misha burst into a feat of laughter.

"Guys come on" Jared groaned.

"Whow talking about coincidence" you said through laughing.

"Oh no this is no coincidence. I'm telling you this is Supernatural" Felicia pointed out, emphasizing on the word, as she laughed more and soon you both erupted into a new feat of laughter.

"Oh just shut up ok. I don't understand what you guys find so funny every time I tell you I have a lesson with Mr. Winchester" Jared said with a frown.

"Are you kidding me Sam- oh I mean Jared" you said and Felicia and Misha laughed more.

"Yeah very funny (Y/n)" Jared rolled his eyes at you.

"It was" you pointed a finger at him "But, point is that it actually is funny. All of this. Mr. Winchester is something like an older you and you know it."

"A you from the future" Felicia didn't miss a beat to add and you nodded at her words.

"Are you kidding me? Like hell am I going to look like that in the future. Have you seen that guy's hair? No way" Jared shook his head.

"Uh but you never know. I swear, every time I look at him it feels like I am just transported into the future and see an older version of Jared, just less funny." Misha pointed out.

"Well, Mr. Winchester is kind but he tends to be a little bit too serious sometimes" you shrugged "But I am going to agree with you on that one. I mean you can see it yourself right?" you asked Jared "You've got almost the same height as him and the dude is tall. Just wait in a few years and you'll see. Mind my words, Padalecki. One day your hair is going to be that long and you will not want to cut them not matter what we tell you" you pointed a finger at him and then laughed.

"Yeah right" he scoffed, rolling his eyes "Just like Misha is going to turn into Mr Novak" he added with a chuckle and Misha's eyes visibly widen.

"Hell no!" he exclaimed.

"Maybe you should say 'heavens no'" Felicia said and you and her giggled.

The smile did not leave your lips though as the mere thought of your favorite teacher as you talked about him was enough to brighten your whole day. Not to mention his presence.

"Well, yeah say 'Purgatory no' as well if you want to but I'm telling you forget it. I'm not going to turn into that tight ass" Misha shook his head violently.

Tight ass indeed you thought with a smirk.

You quickly shook your head and laughed "You forgot about the halo"

"And the wings" Jared piped in with a laugh.

"Yeah all of that. Man, ok he is our Religions teacher but does he actually have to be so... holy?! I mean I highly doubt the man even knows what the word sex means, let alone do it" Misha said with a shake of his head.

You shook your head as well and looked down at your feet as you walked, a small smile on your face. You caught Felicia's eyes on you, though, from the corner of your eye and looked up to see her frowning at you. You just shook your head at her with a reassuring smile and turned to look at the guys.

"Well, he does look all holy and that-" you started speaking.

"And acts like that let's not forget it. He is thought to be an angel by many, actually, don't forget that" Jared pointed out, cutting you off for a while.

"Yes, but despite that we don't know much about him. We don't know what he does in his personal life. He might even have a girlfriend and we don't know it" you shrugged.

"Yeah right. I'm still betting my money on him being a virgin" Misha chuckled and you all laughed a little.

"But other than that, the dude needs to loosen up a little bit." he added.

"At least he's not like Michael" Felicia pointed out.

Michael was your other Religions teacher. Too many students wanted to be in that class - probably for the quite easy grades - so they had to hire a new teacher for it in addition.

"Agreed. But, as I said, we don't know what he does in his private life. He at least is a good teacher and a really good person. He is kind to everybody and always wants to help. Don't forget that one time when you failed his test but instead he gave you a B. He may be awkward and have 'rusty people skills'-" you made air quotes "-But at least he is helpful and nice"

"Yeah ok. No need to say any more (Y/l/n). We already know he's your favorite teacher" Misha rolled his eyes at you and you just shook your head with a laugh.

"Honestly if he wasn't such a tight-ass then I would have thought something was going on between you and him." he added.

"Wh-what?" you squeaked.

"Yeah, but as I said the man is probably still a virgin. Man, I even think he is afraid of women. Lots of girls want him here and just as many have hit on him but he either doesn't get it or is scared. Personally I think it's the second. The look on his face when a blonde hit on him the other time, clearly showing her assets, was exactly similar to the one I have when I watch horror movies" Misha said a little bit too dramatically.

"Who- who was it? Did- did he show any interest in her after that?" you asked with a deep frown.

"Why scared you might lose your boyfriend?" Misha asked mockingly with a chuckle.

"N-no. Shut up Misha" you ended up groaning and shoved his shoulder.

"Just kidding. Relax" he raised his hands in the air.

"Yeah yeah right" you mumbled, looking down at the ground. You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks and you bit your lip as you tried to think of an excuse to take some time to yourself and away from the guys.

If you stayed any longer you were sure you were going to raise suspicions.

It was enough with Felicia looking at you all the time with a frown on her face, studying your every move and expression.

"Uh guys I think I forgot to take a book from my locker. I'll uh... I'll se you later, ok? After class" you stopped and started taking a few steps back.

"Sure" Jared said with a small frown.

You gave them a tight smile and quickly turned and ran off to your locker. Leaving them no chance to ask you anything more.

You let out a small sigh of relief as you opened your locker and pretended to be searching for something. You glanced a few times to see if they were gone and sighed when you saw they were not there. You shook your head and ran a hand through your hair. You hated lying to them, just like you hated coming up with excuses so that you could avoid them- or well, basically avoid something else. But you knew that something like this would happen. You had thought about it and you had agreed to it when all of this started.

You sighed one last time, and after deciding to put a few of your books there, you closed it. You held your few books in your hands now and were looking down at them as you were deep in thought.

So deep in thought that you did not realize how somebody was standing right behind you and as you turned and were about to leave you only collided with his chest.

"Ow" you let out a huff of air and rubbed slightly your forehead that had collided with said person's, rather firm and broad, chest.

"I'm so-" you opened your mouth and started apologizing but you immediately stopped when your eyes traveled up, from his chest to up his neck and then finally his face where a big grin was spread.

You immediately shut your mouth and pursed your lips as you scanned his face. Every little detail you so vividly remembered as if it was just yesterday but it was actually a couple years ago. Just like it was years ago when you last saw that smile directed at you and filled with innocence. It was directed at you, this time, but certainly not as innocent as it used to be.

It had lost all it innocence.

Just like you had lost... him.

Yet... yet you cursed yourself in your mind as you felt the same flutter of your heart as you saw it and then your eyes locked with his bright green beautiful orbs that you could just easily get lost in.



A/N: You liked it? You hated it? Oh guys please I desperately need to know your opinion about this. DESPERATELY.

Do you want more of this? Please guys tell me so. Really.

Also, I would love and definitely need to hear your suggestions. I have a few ideas of my own but they are just some here and there. So what I am saying is that you can send in suggestions on what should happen next and most probably I am going to include them. It's 99,9% possible for all of them to be in.

I actually need them right now for this story.

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