Part 4

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  Your heart jumped to your throat, your eyes widening as you felt your breath being knocked out of you.

"Jensen?" you breathed out, jumping slightly when you turned to face an open door and the green-eyed teen standing there.

"What the hell?!" you shrieked "Turn around!" you exclaimed, one hand clenching the towel around you and the other tucking it as down as possible, trying to show as less skin as possible.

Jensen seemed to not grasp onto how you were trying to cover yourself, too occupied by staring at you. If your face was burning hot before it now was on fire. You felt your heart thud in your chest, ready to jump straight out of it, and your knees suddenly become weak. You thought they were about to give out any moment now, especially if Jensen kept looking at you the way he was. His eyes were roaming your figure, almost wide, as his mouth hang slightly open. He subconsciously licked his lower lip and you caught yourself letting out a shaky breath you didn't know you'd been holding. There was something in his eyes and the way he was looking at you as if you were naked. Not far from the truth anyway.

It seemed like just a few second whereas it surely was more that you two stared at each other but you found yourself breaking from your delirium, realization downing more on you.

"Turn around!" you exclaimed again and it seemed to be enough to make Dean break from his daze as well.

His eyes snapped to your face, widening slightly "Oh. Oh sorry!" he raised his hands immediately turning around "Sorry!" he said again, glancing at you for a second over his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing here?! Don't you ever knock?!" you hissed, glaring at his back.

"On the bathroom door?" he asked, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"You know what I mean" you growled at him. You were angry at him and he just was not making the situation any better. The fact that he had caught you in this moment, making you really embarrassed, made matters all the more worse.

"Alright alright" he let out a snicker and you glared at his back "Sorry, ok? Sorry"

"Whatever, just wait outside till I change and then you can come inside" you grumbled slamming the door shut behind his back.

You let out a long sigh, running a hand down your face. You swallowed the lump in your throat, putting hand over your chest as in an attempt to soothe your rapidly beating heart. You quickly got dressed and opened the door to find Jensen still waiting there.

"Here, free now" you said with a hard look and before waiting for a response you started making your way to your room. Or well, you were about to but a hand on your arm made you stop and turn.

"No wait" he said in a rather soft voice. You frowned deeply, looking at him. You tried to glare down at his hand holding your arm but the look on his face prevented you from doing so. It reminded you a lot of this morning, of how he had gone from playful and cocky to serious and... sad. It actually made you worry now.

"What?" you tried to grumble at him but it didn't come out like that, more like in a sad and tired way.

"I'm sorry for..." he trailed off, motioning to the bathroom door.

You crossed your hands in front of your chest "Yeah I got that."

"No I-" he swallowed the lump in his throat "-I'm sorry... for everything. We- we didn't get to talk this morning and I really wanted to"

"Yeah, well, thank your lovely girlfriend for that" you couldn't help but hiss the words as you referred to the blonde.

He let out a long sigh "She won't be that for long" he said seriously and you had to keep yourself from showing that you were really interested in hearing more.

"What, got tired already? Understandable, considering that you've been with her for more than a week" you said with sarcasm.

"No, no it's not that" he said, and you noted the hint of sadness in it "It's just- look, do you have some time to talk? There are a few things I need to tell you and I-"

"Tell me? Oh so you all of a sudden want to talk with me again?" you snapped at him "Why? Because you are sorry you bailed on me and all of your friends all that time ago? Don't you think it's, oh I don't know, a little late?"

He looked at you for a while but then averted his gaze to the floor and his feet "About that-"

"Save it Jensen. There is no point in it anymore" you growled at him "Just out of curiosity, though, what got into you to all of a sudden to remember what you did to me- us?" you corrected yourself not wanted to let anything out.

"I-" he swallowed, licking his lips "-it's 13 years today ever since-"

"-We met" you cut him off, completing his sentence.

He smiled softly and a little sadly at you.

You scoffed "I'm impressed you remember that. Thought you'd probably want to forget that day along with the rest of them you spent with us... for good" you growled and the smile immediately fell.

"I've hurt you" it was more like a statement than a question.

"Wow you think?" you couldn't help but say sarcastically at him.

You did not want to hurt him- and considering the look on his face you were- but he had more than hurt you all that time ago. It still felt like a stab to the heart remembering what had happened three years ago, not to mention what he had been doing all these three years. It felt like torture, seeing him with all those girls at school and at the same time flirting with you.

The feelings you had developed all that time ago for him only made the pain worse.

Dean opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by another voice "Hey what's going on? We heard voices coming from here and Richard sent me to take a look" you both turned to look at Misha walking up the stairs.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, mostly you and you gave him a nod.

"Yeah yeah" you said, glancing at Jensen for a second.

"Hey, by the way-" Misha spoke up cheerfully again before any of you could "-why don't you come join us downstairs huh? Seems like there is a good amount of guys downstairs wanting you to do so" he said with a sly grin.

"What do you mean?" you asked perplexed.

"Well, other than Pratt being his usual self and Evans having joined him today there may or may not be a British guy downstairs asking if you're here" he smirked at you.

"Tom's here?" you breathed out with a widening smile.

"Hmh" he hummed, nodding his head "Oh and of course not alone. Hemsworth might not be able to come tonight but hey, you and Downey always have fun together if I'm not wrong, right? Oh and don't get me started with how Urie seems to find a great interest in the conversation whenever it is about you"

"Misha" you groaned, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks and crossing your arms over you chest.

"What's up with Urie?" Jensen's, rather angry, voice was heard and as you glanced at him you could not help but notice how he had clenched his jaw and his eyes were narrowed at Misha, demanding an answer as to why one of his best friends - Brendon and Jensen were two of the most popular kids in the school and therefore friends - and well-known playboy had shown an interest in you.

"Oh nothing. Just, seems like our friend here has a good amount of guys showing an interest in her" Misha smirked, glancing a you "Although there seems to be someone special, cause she just won't show an interest in any of them. A clear one anyway. What's left to know is who that special guy is though, she won't say a thing to us"

"Someone special?" you noticed the small hint of interest and wonder in Jensen's voice.

Why did he want to know so much? He didn't seem so bothered by it. Was he thinking that it was... him? And if yes, why did he seem so happy about it? He wasn't happy, though. He couldn't. Could he?

"Shut up Misha" you grumbled "There is nobody"

"Nobody? Ouch that Hurt my feelings doll!" another voice said behind you and you immediately let out a giggle at realizing who it was.

"You'd wish Downey" you said with a chuckle as he came next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulders.

Just like with Chris Pratt and Evans you and Robert were really good friends for a long time. You had a teasing relationship, and you'd often flirt with each other but you didn't take it seriously. That's how Robert always was.

"Oh please you'd wish sweetheart" he smirked at you, winking.

"But I have to admit I am a little hurt. I thought last night meant something to you! So you just used me for my body huh?" he asked a little over-dramatically and you rolled your eyes with a laugh.

"I thought you'd know it by now, Robert. I'm sorry I hurt you but that's the truth" you pretended as well.

He gasped in fake shock "So I was just a one-night-stand to you? But I thought you loved me! Oh gosh this hurts!" he put a hand over his chest, groaning in fake pain.

Unable to keep your giggles in anymore you burst into a feat of laughter.

"Yeah come on you two drama queens, we have a movie marathon downstairs. And I don't intend to miss 'Civil War'" Misha patted you on the shoulders.

"Are you not coming?" Robert asked you.

"Well, since there is obviously some Avengers there- although Richard told me otherwise, I sure as hell am not going to miss it" you said with a smile and Robert's only widened.

"Sweet!" he exclaimed "Come on then!" he said, moving his arm around your waist and making his way with you down the stairs, Misha first leading the way.

You glanced behind you for a second to see Jensen following you. Obviously he did not want to leave you alone with all those guys for even a second- especially at seeing the way they interacted with you.

"Look who's decided to join us tonight!" Robert exclaimed with a bright grin and almost everybody's attention turned to you. Smiles spread on almost everybody's faces as soon as they saw you. You knew most of the guys, and by that you meant you would often talk with them here and there. There were just a couple that although you knew who they were you did not talk much with. But it didn't matter much as, you knew, in the company of Chris Pratt and Evans, Robert, Misha, Jared and even Richard you'd be ok. And then maybe you'd get a chance to talk a little with Tom who at the moment was looking at you with that smirk of his that reminded you a lot of Loki.

"(Y/n)!" Chris (Evans) exclaimed with a wide smile, immediately striding to you. Taking you from Robert's arms and wrapping his around your waist he lifted you with ease.

"Chris!" you squealed, letting out a giggle as he spoon you around.
"Good to see you too!" you chuckled, as he set you down.

He chuckled, kissing your cheek which earned an eye roll from not only Brendon but also... Jensen?

You frowned as you saw the almost angry look on his face but your attention was snapped away from him by Chris.

"Come on we're going to watch Captain America: Civil War tonight" he patted your shoulder, motioning for you to follow him next to his seat on the couch.

"Yep, and you better chose the right side" Robert added, sitting next to you with a smirk.

"Uh sorry but I'm going to stay... neutral" you smirked at the both of them and before they could protest you got up and away from them.

You walked to the other couch next to the one where Robert and Chris had you previously squished between them. A somehow satisfied smirk spread over Jensen's lips at your obvious rejection towards Chris and Robert.

You couldn't help a small smile that appeared on your lips and the butterflies that danced in your stomach as the slightest spark of hope was felt in your chest.

"I said- Jurassic World first!" Chris (Pratt) exclaimed, shaving a handful of pop-corm in his mouth.

You chuckled "What's up with you and that movie?" you asked him.

"Well, I was going to suggest 'Guardians of the Galaxy' but we're going to see that next Friday. This one's got a great plot, though, not to mention the main actor rocks" he said with a wide grin "'Sides, it's got dinos in it!"

"Dinos huh?"

"Yes! And let's not forget the Alpha. Although I have to admit I am more of a fierce one" he grinned at you, wiggling his eyebrows.

You scoffed, rolling your eyes at him "Oh please, you'd wish"

"You haven't tried me in bed yet" he only smirked more, coming closer to you.

"Nor am I going to. Ever!" you retorted, rolling your eyes at him although a smile was still on your face.

Chris opened his mouth to speak again but was cut off by your brother "Hey, Pratt when you're done flirting with my sister mind moving a little to the side?" Richard glared slightly at him as he squished his way between you and Chris on the couch.

You let out a soft chuckle, shaking your head at your brother's behavior. Your eyes fell on Jensen to see him glaring daggers at Chris and then glance at you. Although as soon as he caught you looking at him he immediately turn his eyes the other way.

You were made to look away from him when you felt a presence next to you and you instantly smiled when you turned to look at Brendon take a seat next to you.

"Hey again" he smiled.

"Hey again" you said with a chuckle.

"So you are joining us after all?"

"Yeah" you chuckled some more.

"Well, then it is my lucky day, or night anyway" he said with a bigger smile "I have to say I'm a little hurt, though"

"Why?" you looked up at him with a perplexed look.

"Because I wasn't the one to convince you to stay and it was Robert" he said with an adorable smile.

You couldn't help a giggle "What? So you are jealous now?"

"Well, I might as well be" he said with a half-smile, throwing an arm over your shoulders.

You could not help a smirk as you raised an eyebrow at him. You opened your mouth to speak but once again were cut off by Richard.

"Not you too" he groaned "Look I didn't invite you over so that you could bang my sister which by the way is not going to happen. Ever." he all-but-glared at Brendon "You-" he looked at you now "-go sit there were I won't have to worry" he said shoving you to move. You groaned, rolling your eyes at him and made your way to the third couch, opposite the one you were sitting at the moment.

"I wonder why he thinks you'd be safer here" a voice said next to you as soon as you sat and a giggle instantly left your lips.

"He clearly is wrong huh?" you smiled widely as you turned to look into his blue eyes.

"Very much so" his smirk only got bigger and soon your both erupted into a feat of laughter.

"Hey!" Misha protested, throwing pop-corn at the two of you "Quiet!"

You giggled as Tom chuckled in a low voice "Careful there, Hiddles. Your Loki is showing" you laughed along with him.

"What can I say? I may be the god of mischief after all" he said, laughing slightly.

"Well, your eyes are not showing any hints of green at the moment so I think I'm safe" you laughed.

"You'd always be safe with me, love" he smiled softly at you.

You only smiled up at him sheepishly, feeling a small blush creep up your cheeks. You fidgeted with your hands for a while before another voice next to you spoke up.

"It seems you're having lots of fun with all of the guys here" you heard and turned to look at Jensen looking at you with an almost cold look, although you saw a hint of pain in his eyes as well.

"Got a problem?" you raised an eyebrow at him, glaring.

"Me? No" he shook his head, looking at the TV screen like everybody else was doing, full attention on the movie. None of them realizing what was going on and just focused there. Other than you and Jensen.

"I don't know what your boyfriend would say though" he said again and you turned to look back at him looking down at you.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jensen. I don't have one" you tried not to show any kind of emotion.

"I guess you're right" he shrugged, and you let out an inaudible sigh of relief, turning to look back at the TV.

"He's a lot older to be considered a boyfriend per say" he finally whispered to your ear and you felt your eyes widen.

Oh no.  

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