Part 2

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"Jensen?" you breathed out and you only saw his smile widen.

"Morning sweetheart" he said looking down at you with those green orbs that after all this time still managed to make your heart flutter.

You took in a deep breath as you tried to calm down yourself "What do you want Jensen?" you asked a little more harshly than you'd want. But you knew that it would be better if you acted like this around him instead of showing even the least bit of all the emotions he made you feel. No. You had to remind yourself multiple times that you should not even think about it much less actually feel it.

"You" he said as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Yeah well too bad you can't have me. Isn't almost every other girl in the school that you've slept with, enough?" you raised and eyebrow and pushed him so that you could walk away.

Mostly because you wanted to walk away from the feelings he was giving you.

"Well, none of them can ever compare to you and you know it" he said trailing off behind you, shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course" you scoffed, rolling your eyes "What do you really want now Jensen? I don't have time you know" you said, all of a sudden stopping and turning to face him. Almost colliding with him again.

"I think I made it pretty obvious, didn't I?" he said matter-of-factly, the smile not leaving his face.

"Yes, yes you actually did. Which does not surprise me at all. But I was hoping that for the sake of what he once had, of that friendship that lasted so long all that time ago and I would like to think mattered to you, that you would not pull this on me now. I really don't understand why you keep insisting Jensen. I think I've made it pretty clear that I am not interested in you. Just leave me alone, and go bother somebody else." you said as harshly as you could, glaring up at the green-eyed guy.

It was true after all. You and Jensen were once friends. It would be hard for somebody to believe that- how one of the most popular guys of the school used to hang out hours to no end with a girl like you - you were not really popular that was for sure - and yet it was true. You and Jensen lived close to each other and you'd often go by his place or he'd come by at yours and you two would spend almost all of your free time together. Most times Jared and Misha would join you as well. You were actually one big group but the four of you were inseparable ever since you were little kids. You knew each other better than anybody else and the friendship you had was really something you never wanted to let go of. You had made that promise to yourself a couple years ago you clearly remembered that.

But things just did not go the way you wanted them to.

When you went to high school everything changed so dramatically that you had a hard time believing it yourself. Jensen just stopped hanging out with you. Well, not you as the group but mostly you as a person because he would sometimes spend some of his time with Jared and Misha, although it was mostly during movie nights they organized. Still, even though he would talk with them often it was just not the way it used to be when you were little kids. He just stopped hanging out with you and spending time like you used to. It was just you, Jared and Misha now and then a couple friends that you'd made in high school. But you could not blame him anymore. He was the popular guy and you and the guys just were not. It would probably be bad for his image to be seen hanging out with you or any of the guys, especially now that he had new friends to hang out with.

And let's not get started with all those girls. It seemed as if every week he had a new one. But it was not that that bothered you- Well, it actually did but you did not want to admit it even to yourself. Jensen would just not stop, as it seemed, until he had slept with every girl in the school. Even if that was not entirely true, it was sure that he would not make a serious relationship and every time you saw him he had yet another girl hanging off his arms and clinging to him as if she was desperate for his attention. What you could not understand though was how all of a sudden (or maybe not) he had thought of you and started flirting non-stop. You were not going to fall for it, that was for sure, even if... your heart would flutter at his smiles and the butterflies would dance like crazy in your stomach whenever he was close.

You were not going to fall for any of that simply because you should not fall for any of that. You knew how it would end. You knew how all of this would end if something happened between you and Jensen. He would be fine, that was for sure, but you... oh you would just be heartbroken. Laying on an empty bed and crying your heart out as you thought of every word he had said to you was nothing but a lie. He was a heartbreaker and you simply refused to be his next victim...

...even if your heart longed to hear those beautiful lies leave his lips, directed at you, while he wrapped his arms around you and-

You stopped yourself before you could start with your own wishful thinking again. You should not. You simply should not.

The smile fell from his lips when he saw you dead serious and he looked around him for a while and then down at the floor, running a hand through his hair, letting out a long sigh.

"Look I just wanted to talk with you (Y/n). Can we please?" his cocky behavior was all of a sudden gone and you saw how... tired he actually looked.

"What? Tired of pretending to be someone you're not?" the words left your lips in a hiss before you could realize it.

You were speaking the truth nonetheless.

"I'm-" he swallowed "Can we talk alone for a while. Not here." he said and let out another sigh.

You almost felt yourself about to give in. The look on his face was almost heartbreaking and you bit your lip to keep yourself from agreeing at that very second. You could understand him up to some point that being him was not easy and the fact that you were so close to him before high school and all of this started meant that you knew Jensen better than anybody else and you did know what he felt just by looking at him.

"Please. I know you probably hate me and that you are not going to believe me no matter what I say but I need to-" he started speaking again and at this point you were ready to tell him yes and you would have if it wasn't for-

"Baby? What are you doing here? I've been looking for you everywhere." Joanna's, rather obnoxious to you, voice was heard as she came behind Jensen and immediately wrapped her arms around him "Who are you are you talking with? Oh" she asked and then looked at you. Or well rather looked down at you. In both meanings of the word.

"Goodmorning to you too Joanna" you mumbled with a roll of your eyes and you heard her soon scoff.

"Yeah goodmorning... whatever your name is" she said, clearly showing that she was not interested in you.

"It's (Y/n)" you heard Jensen say in a hiss and the blonde frowned visibly at him.

She once again rolled her eyes "Why are you talking with her?" you heard her 'whisper' in Jensen's ear but it was much obvious how she meant for you to hear it as well.

You scoffed and averted your eyes from her, crossing your arms over your chest. You could not help but notice the tone of her voice when she spoke about you. Of course it was a big deal someone like Jensen talking with someone like you not to mention him defending you in front of none other than Joanna. She was the head leader of the cheerleaders, the most popular girl in the school and the most slutty you could easily say. With one look at her anybody could tell that as well. Her skirt could hardly be considered that, with the length it had, barely managing to cover the essentials. Her shirt for once was modest but the fact that she was not wearing a bra was much too obvious you could say. But she did not care. None of the other students cared either- or well at least did not show it. She along with Jensen were the most popular kids in the school. They could literary make or break somebody's reputation in this place.

But apart from all of that she was Jensen's girlfriend. You thought she'd be just for a week, like it happened with most of the others but this time it had lasted longer. You could clearly say that you were not happy about it, that was for sure. Other than number one slut in the school she was the number one bitch, and that was very much obvious.

"I need to talk with her about something. Go, and I'll catch up with you later" Jensen had to keep himself from growling the words at her.

Man, he is tired of pretending to be someone he isn't indeed you thought.

Obviously all this facade he put on and the popularity seemed to have caught up with him and he had a hard time managing it. You could not blame him. Jensen was always a straight forward person, always true to himself. Now that he had started acting... like this, in front of everybody and all the time for that matter, it was probably too much.

"What?" she was really surprised and you could not hide the fact that you were as well. He was practically ditching her so that he would talk with you, even if it was for a little amount of time.

Either something really bad had happened or, and you tried to keep your heart from fluttering at the next thought, he had gotten tired of all of these and wanted to be friends again.

You shook your head as if trying to shake the thought itself away from your mind. It was kind of crazy, especially after all this time had passed, but then again you knew Jensen better than anybody else and this- what he showed to everybody, was not Jensen. It wouldn't really surprise you if he had gotten sick of it and wanted to stop pretending.

"You- you what? You want to talk with her instead of spend time with me?" she asked, looking at him with wide eyes, and you had to keep yourself from cringing at the tone in her voice when she referred to you again.

"She has a name" Jensen said through gritted teeth and you could see how he was holding himself from saying something worse at her.

"Yeah well but certainly no business with my boyfriend" she said and linked arms with Jensen's as she glared at you.

You found yourself recoiling at the look on her face and as Jensen opened his mouth to speak and probably snap something at her, you beat him at it and spoke instead.

"No. No it's ok. You're right. She's right" you said looking from Joanna who had a rather satisfied look on her face to Jensen whose expression could only be described as that of a kicked puppy.

"I have no place here with you guys-" you spoke again, stopping only for a second as you heard Joanna mutter an 'Obviously' with much annoyance.

"Yeah" you swallowed as you looked at her with an almost blank face and then averted your eyes at Jensen. You took in the sight in front of you and you literally found yourself about to cry. This- this was your once best friend. This guy was the one you had promised with that you'd spend all your lives together and would never break your friendship. This guy was the one you considered family and loved him as that. Maybe a little bit more. This guy was... a stranger anymore. He was not Jensen. Not your best friend, your buddy, whom you'd spend endless hours with, not the Jensen you used to know.

And that hurt more than anything else. It hurt how he had just pulled away, became like one of them- the popular kids that cared about nothing and nobody other than themselves and their image. It hurt seeing him and realizing that he actually was not that same person you'd grown to love over the years. It hurt seeing him being turned into someone else as he pulled himself away from you and everything else he'd ever known.

It hurt.

"I'm sorry" you mumbled, averting your eyes to the floor and quickly turned around to walk away from them.

Jensen opened his mouth to say something, to catch up with you but nothing came out as he watched you run away from him. The same pang that you felt in your heart was there in his as well.

Joanna scoffed next to him that only made Jensen's head snap in her direction as he glared at her. He removed his arm from her grasp and started walking away as she shouted his name and trailed off behind him like a puppy.


You let out a small sigh of relief when the teacher announced that the lesson was over and you could wait for the bell to ring so that you could get out. You were actually glad about it because you no longer would have to pretend as if you were interested in the lesson while in reality your mind was far away from that. You could not stop thinking about what had happened earlier with Jensen. When just a while ago he'd shamelessly hit on you, even if he had some girl by his side, and try to get you, he now seemed like a totally different person and you could not help but think how much of his past self this new Jensen reminded you of.

The teacher got up in the meanwhile to hand out some past papers of yours. When in the past you'd care a lot about your grate right now you could not take your mind off the things that had happened this morning.

"Oh come on!" Misha's voice broke you from your trail of thoughts and your turned to look back at him sitting just a few seats behind.

"I thought I would have gotten a straight A in this one! I had actually read something this time!" Misha said with a groan.

"This time?" your teacher raised an eyebrow at him. For being awkward and having rather rusty people skills, Mr. Novak seemed to be catching a lot of things that any of his students said.

"I mean..." Misha started speaking and trailed off, eyes almost wide and you giggled slightly.

Mr. Novak glanced at you from the corer of his eye and a smile spread on his lips as well, mostly when you locked eyes with his.

"Well, I am sorry to tell you Collins, but you had actually made a couple mistakes. Congratulations, though, because this time you got your B on your own" he told him with a smile and continued handing out other papers.

"But I really needed that A!" Misha exclaimed and proceeded to groan slightly.

"Maybe next time" Mr. Novak said nonchalantly and you saw Misha roll his eyes at him and mimic him as Mr. Novak had his back turned to him.

"As I think it is not right to make fun of your teacher while he is not watching" Mr. Novak noted and Misha froze as Castiel glanced at him for a second.

Castiel chuckled slightly and so did some of the students along with you.

"Great job" Castiel's rough voice almost whispered to you as he handed you your paper, your straight A written on top. It was not a surprise to you, especially at how much you liked learning about angels and that was the test's topic.

"Thank you" you smiled up at him and his own smile only got bigger.

Misha groaning was heard again and Castiel turned to look at him after handing the last paper "Collins I did not think it would be such a problem for you to get a B this time, what is really the problem?" he asked him.

"Nothing. Really. But- how the heck am I supposed to become the overlord without knowing the basics?!"Misha exclaimed and you stifled a giggle.

"The... overlord?" Mr. Novak asked with a frown.

"Yes! That's why I took this class but I don't seem to be improving anyway" Misha said slamming back to his chair.

Castiel opened his mouth to speak but the bell beat him at it and before he could utter a word as all of the students started leaving, one by one.

"I'll wait for you outside" Misha said, patting your shoulder and exiting the room, closing the door behind him; knowing fully well that once again you'd stay behind to have a talk with Mr. Novak.

"You were not really focused today" he noted as soon as it was the two of you.

"I'm sorry" you let out a sigh as you walked in front to his desk "Just something happened today and I could not stop thinking about it. I promise it won't happen again" you apologized.

"Something bad?" he asked again.

"Not exactly" you bit your lip.

"But it made you sad, didn't it?" he noted and tilted his head to the side. You could swear, one day that adorable tilt of his head and that puppy look in his eyes was going to be the death of you. Especially with the concern she showed, a small totally adorable frown set on his face.

"Yeah" you said with a sigh, looking down at your hands.

"Then... is there something I could do?" he asked, getting up from his seat and walking towards you.

"Maybe...?" it came out as more of a question, the corners of your mouth lifting up in a small smile.

You averted your eyes from the floor to look up at him, your smile only getting bigger as you saw him walk closer to you and close the distance between you, the ever worried look was on his face and his blue eyes shone with... love.

There was no space left between you anymore as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you for a while as you buried your face in the crook of his neck; breathing in his scent that you had yet to realize what it was. You pulled away from there soon and looked up at him as one of his hands moved so that he was cupping your cheek.

He slowly and tentatively leaned in more until there was no space between you and pressed his lips to yours for good.

Spice - Jensen Ackles x Reader (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now