Chapter 5 - The boy with Love on his mind

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"What a beautiful day... the sun makes it feel nice to be outside," Imao spoke out, sending her vocal vibrations all around in order to sense her surroundings. She was off to look for a place to wash her family's clothing again. Imao walked around carrying a bag full of sparing clothes in front of her as she hummed, hoping to find a stream of water around; possibly the creek she and Kiyoshi found a few days before.

After a few long minutes of wandering around the vast Konoha Forest, she decided to stop and listen. Her humming wasn't the only interesting technique she inherited because of her blindness. She also had other heightened senses, and her best one was her hearing. She stood there and listened for a while. Finally she could hear it, the trickling of water. She smiled to herself and began walking in the direction of the sound.


Imao arrived near a small stream after a short walk. The sun shined openly on it and made the small open area warm and quaint. She sat down in front of the side of the stream and placed her bag of laundry next to her. She began to hum a tune to herself as well as to inspect her surroundings again. She had the whole place to herself and she began washing the clothes in peace.


'I wonder how all of this will go.' The young man wondered to himself. He kept wandering around in the unfamiliar forest, questioning the intrusive thoughts in his head.

'Can I really go through with it? Will it do any good to my village?'

As the young man continued wandering, lost in his thoughts, his ears catch an out of place sound,

'Humming?... Hmm...' He followed the soft melody and stopped behind a tree, looking towards the direction of the humming. His eyes caught a glimpse of a young woman sitting in front of a creek. The rays of the sun shined down making everything glow around her. He kept looking; slightly transfixed by the way the area lit up with soft colors. He felt oddly at peace... not only by what he saw but mostly by what he heard. The girl's humming seemed to have calmed his thinking and put him at ease. He stood there watching her...

"You know, you can get a better look at me if you weren't so far away." Imao taunted, realizing someone was watching her. His brow raised with surprise at her awareness. He didn't know whether to approach her or to just leave her be but then decided to leave her alone and started walking away.

"I didn't mean to scare you off. I just didn't know whether you were a threat or not." She replied to her feeling a decrease in the presence. He paused his movements and looked back for a moment.

"If you'd like I can leave and you can have this area to yourself. I'm pretty much done washing clothes." She began to gather her things when she felt the person walking towards her. She stayed alert should the person were to try to harm her but kept her cool and continued putting her stuff away. The young man stopped a few feet away from her side and looked down at her. She gripped a piece of laundry and slowly placed it in her bag, reading herself to run.

"That's not necessary." He said to her in a calm but distant voice, "You don't have to leave." He sat down close to the creek and looked at her without turning his face. Imao didn't know what to do. He seemed too calm but yet... she felt she could trust him for the time being.

"Well, thank you." She nodded as she looked in his direction then continued packing her laundry in the bag. He stayed quiet as he stared at the creek for a while and Imao felt a little awkward not trying to befriend him so she tried starting a conversation.

"So, do you come here often?" she questioned politely.

"No." he responded listlessly and continued to look at the creek.

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