Chapter 7 - First Pain

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"What do you mean it can't be done!?" his fist pounded on the table as he stood up. Gaara had never felt so determined to get answers.

"I'm sorry, Gaara... but you know it's for the benefit of our village." Kankuro tried to reassure him.

"Benefit? For the village? Explain to me how that will benefit the village, Kankuro. How?" Gaara stared down at his older brother angrily. Kankuro looked down, averting his eyes from Gaara's frustrated expression.

"You know that the village will... respect you more if you comply with the elders' request. You've already agreed to it and there's no turning back. I'm sorry." Kankuro stood up and walked towards Gaara. He patted his younger brother's shoulder and gave him a stern look.

"I don't understand what's gotten into you lately, but your duties as Kazekage need to be taken seriously. You're old enough to understand that now." Gaara glared at him and swatted Kankuro's hand off his shoulder. Gaara walked towards the window of the little meeting room, somewhere in the Hokage's building, they were in and looked down at the villagers of Konoha walking around.

"Please get your things ready. We leave in a few hours." Kankuro moved one of the chairs into the table and walked out of the room. Gaara's facial expression changed as he heard the door shut behind him. He sighed as he realized that the next decision he made was going to change his future... He then remembered something that Imao once said in one of their meetings.

"The heart and mind can never coincide. One will eventually subdue the other... it just really depends on what you listen to the most."


Imao packed her things frantically into a small bag. She tried her best to be quick and quiet so as to not make it obvious that she was leaving should her father come home soon from his job. She had worry and strife written all over her face. She kept debating whether what she was doing was right. Her heart raced as she grabbed things from her drawers. She'd never felt so scared... but then she also never felt so excited. For once in her life, she was about to rebel. She was about to make a decision of her life. She and her siblings had always obeyed their father. The only one that seemed to get away with things was Imai but even so, their father was very strict about everything.

As Imao searched around, she found a picture. It was of her family; her father, Yasuko, Imai, Kiyoshi and her before Yasuko was married off. Her eyes began to water and her worry had now turned into sadness. She pressed the photograph against her chest as she sighed. She closed her eyes as the tears rolled down her face...

"What the hell are you standing there for!? You gotta get moving!" Imai glanced inside Imao's room. Imao quickly wiped the tears off her face and put the picture in the small bag. She grabbed a few more things and stepped out. Imai and Kiyoshi waited for her outside of their home; they looked around making sure that their father wasn't there to witness Imao leaving.

"Ok... I'm ready." Imao came out sadly out of the small house. Her siblings came to her still being cautious of their surroundings.

"Are you sure that..." Imao tried to question her siblings.

"Look! You know that you have to go now in order for you not to get caught." Imai exclaimed. Imao hung her head down slightly, still feeling unsure of the whole situation.

"Don't worry... everything will be fine. For once, I'm on your side sis'." Imai patted her twin on the shoulder, giving her a slight smile. Imao could feel Imai's compassion; she had never heard her call her that... 'Sis'... She smiled at Imai, holding back a tear... but then, she heard a whimper. Imao faced Kiyoshi, as she could sense that he was trying to fight his sobs. Imao couldn't hold it anymore; she went to Kiyoshi and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back as they both started to cry. It was such a bittersweet moment.

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