Chapter 12 - The embers that remain

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Mood Songs: Look After You by The Fray
& Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard

It had taken another day for Imai to finally be interrogated and discharged from Suna care. Her interrogation concorded with the rest of her siblings, only adding how her father always insisted that she train like a fierce shinobi though they never belonged to a village. Afterward, the Tanaka siblings, aside from Imao, reunited and conversated over lunch in an undisclosed area of Suna, away from the hateful stares of the villagers.

"It sucks being stuck somewhere you can't leave and are not wanted." Imai pouted meanwhile she picked at her food. A corner of Yasuko's lips slid downward while she tended to her little boy as he made more of a mess with his food than he ate of it.

"It's not so bad. Everyone must understand we were victims, Imai, but I guess they're still scared that they could be wrong." Kiyoshi tried to justify. Imai scoffed and gave him an annoyed look as she slurped some food into her mouth.

"Really Kiyo? You truly believe that a whole village would understand that a bunch of outsiders hid something without knowing? Not to mention letting this something wreak havoc on their village. I don't think so," she paused to gulp the food she had been talking through, "On another note, there is something I've been meaning to ask you." Imai put her chopsticks down and leaned back in her chair. Her eyes squinted in suspicion as she stared at Kiyoshi, which made him squirm a little in his seat,

"You have always been close to Imao and you never noticed anything strange about her? Or maybe... you both agreed to hide something from us about her! Or hid something about you! I mean, we aren't related by blood so maybe you were in on it all along-" A hard slap on the table caused Imai to stop her rant.

"Imai!" Yasuko snapped at her sister. "Don't you dare speak to him that way! He is much a part of this family as you or I. Father was the one to blame. I do not need to explain that again!" Her face flushed with anger. Her son took this opportunity to gulp down a lot of food in order to please her.

"Actually... I did hide something from you and I'm honestly surprised you never noticed." Kiyoshi stood up and untied his hair.

"My real name is Ruri and I'm a girl. Imao convinced me to live as a boy in order to join you and hopefully become a Tanaka. But that doesn't matter anymore because I don't need to be someone I'm not just to survive. Even if you don't accept me, I still see you as my sister. Just like Yasuko and Imao." Ruri was done with the lie she had to live with for so long, which gave her a great sense of ease. She turned to her eldest sibling who was gleaming with pride and acceptance. Then faced Imai - her face couldn't have been more contemplative as she held her chin with one hand and eyed her from head to toe. A shiver went through Ruri's body as she looked away from her sister's gaze.

"I knew something was strange about you... But it doesn't matter now. You're family. Always will be." Imai stood up to playfully punch Ruri's arm and gave her a coy smile. "Just forget what I said. This place just has me on edge. Especially since they haven't let us see Imao." She turned away with a displeased, pained face.

"Don't worry, we'll go ask the Kazekage again." Her eldest sister tried to be hopeful. Imai plopped down onto her seat, making it rock a little.

"Right... the Kazekage..." The twin began to show a strong dislike for him by crossing her arms and shifting uncomfortably in her seat. Ruri reached over to her and patted her arm.

"He's not a bad person. You know that." Her emerald green eyes tried to show reassurance but Imai was too bothered to acknowledge them.


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