Sandy Feet

66 4 6

♥ Written for the Shinobi Book Club Valentine's Contest ♥


A/N: Modern one-shot (not an N:SS chapter but includes characters from it). Cannon character is OOC.

Mood songs to play while reading: Cicadas and gulls by Feist &/or XO by John Mayer. (Really recommend listening to these.)

Enjoy! ^_^


The tips of her fingers softly glided atop the rough rocky barrier as she strolled down the walkway. She stopped at her usual spot and leaned into the waist-high wall, carefully resting her forearms against its cold, firm rocks. The crashing of distant waves caught her attention. She let out a soft, longing sigh. A small chilled breeze ruffled and seeped through her violet sundress, making her body shiver and tense. But yet, she smiled and giggled to herself.

It was about mid-day and the clouds above made their way across the sky, rarely interfering with the sun's rays while they shined down onto the beach area. Imao took in a deep inhalation of beach air and let out a relaxed sound of gratification. She hummed her little tune as she moved away from the rock border and began to walk down the path again while skimming her fingers on the wall as done before.

She had only taken a few steps when her distraction led her to bump into another. The phone she had been concealing within a pocket of her simple lilac cardigan had fallen ungracefully, making a plastic clattering noise. Her purse then fell beside her as her feet immediately stepped back to steady her shaken equilibrium.

"I-I'm so sorry. Please excuse me." She smiled nervously and crouched down to feel for her purse. The person stayed quiet while Imao's fingers twiddled at the ground, anxiously. Suddenly, a hand firmly gripped one of hers, startling her and making her pull back.

"Here." The voice was calm yet distant - the slight, deep hoarseness making it clear to her it was a young man. He placed the strap of her purse onto her arm but continued to hold on. Her hand still wriggled within his as she tried to free it from his grasp.

Before she could pull away, his hand softened as he took a step toward her. Without hesitation, he got on one knee, picked up her phone and placed it within the hand he held,

"...I don't mean you any harm. I- I would like to take you somewhere. Please, climb on me." His crouched body turned away from her and slowly pulled her to his back, placing her phone-clenched hand on his shoulder.

Imao swallowed her insecurity and began to calm herself as she placed her other hand on his back. She listened and felt his steady breathing, showing no presence of agitation or eager intention. The beach area wasn't full of visitors or locals as on weekends but it wasn't without passersby and random wanderers. Reassured by the facts, she let out a reluctant sigh and obeyed his concise plea. Her chest leaned into his back carefully while her arms wrapped around his neck and placed themselves over his broad shoulders. A quick gasp escaped her startled, flushed face as his arms suddenly dug underneath her knees, pulling her whole body to him while he stood up and balanced their weight,

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