Chapter 10.1 - Here comes the... unknown truth

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He continued to pace around the room, murmuring.

"Naruto, can you please just stop!? I'm trying to sleep in until the wedding starts!" Kiba yelled through the blankets while covering his head. Akamaru growled quietly.

"Why do I always end up bunking with you!?" Kiba turned away from Naruto and continued to snooze away. Naruto was still unfazed by Kiba's words and began to get dressed. He couldn't stop thinking about what Gaara had said the evening before. Although Gaara had already explained to the team that it was to promote peace among the lands, Naruto couldn't stop thinking about it.

"I need to go talk to him. This doesn't feel right." He thought out loud as he stepped out of the shared bedroom. He walked determinedly through various hallways, only to find himself lost. He turned another corner and found two Suna guards standing outside of a room.

"Uh, excuse me, could either of you please tell me how to get to Gaara's office?" He scratched the back of his head. One guard gave him clear instructions on how to make his way to the Kazekage's main office.

"I don't believe he will be there. There is a small kitchen close by the office. Please feel free to grab something to eat while you wait." One guard instructed.

"Ok. Thanks." He looked down the long hallway feeling a little distraught. Just as he was about to leave, he heard a voice speak up from behind the door. He looked at the door surprised by the shouting. He looked up at the guards and saw that they did not respond to it. He gave it a concerned look and decided to not get involved. He turned away and set off to find the kitchen.

~Behind the door~

"Will you just listen for ONCE!? Do something for you! Just go! Leave! Run away before it's too late! I know you've gone through a rough time but this is the moment to make a change! Please! Don't let yourself be persuaded against your beliefs!" The bride's aide pleaded hard and could see that the bride-to-be was still unresponsive as before. She then grabbed her by the upper arms and looked hard at her even though the bride turned away from her,

"Sister! Just...!" The aide shook her a little but the bride immediately turned towards her, glaring with anger. For a split second the aide saw the bride's eyes well up with tears but then disappeared as her face immediately changed back to her old blank expression.

"What does it matter?" she spoke for the first time in a very long time. The aide looked at her with an insistent expression of urgency.

"I... please..." the aide was interrupted,

"What does it matter?" the bride looked up at her aide with eyes devoid of any emotion. Her will was lost and her heart... gone. The aide had never seen her this way. She had never felt so upset that she couldn't get through to her. She gave up and released her grip from the bride's arms. The aide had a habit of always being able to persuade or to win any fight against her. But the battle that she was trying to win was one that only the bride could fight... but the will in her was no longer there. All the bride could feel was that she was nothing; she had finally given up hope and let herself feel apathy for the world and everyone in it. She had surrendered.

Gaara was making his way to his office when he heard a loud groan coming from the kitchen.

"Ugh.. soo much food." Naruto grunted as he sat on a stool, bellyful of breakfast. Gaara peeked into the small kitchen and spotted Naruto sitting in front of the kitchen island with many empty plates surrounding him.

"You're up early." He poked fun at Naruto, knowing he's not one to be awake at that time. Naruto looked over to the kitchen opening and looked at Gaara with a face of regret.

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