The Bewitching

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(BCF 2015 Halloween Contest)

"Aaah! Open the door!" A cowardly voice seeped through the cracks of the wooden door as multiple pounds against it quickened in rhythm.

*squeak* The door opened slowly but was then pushed completely open as Naruto rushed inside and closed the door, leaning against it as he caught his breath. A petrified but familiar orange-red head sat in front of him - he had been knocked down in the process of Naruto's panic.

"Heh, hi. Sorry about that. Here." Naruto smiled nervously as he extended his hand to help Kiyoshi up.

"It's ok. I'll get my sister." He jumped to his feet quickly and glanced awkwardly at the nerve wrecked blonde before leaving the kitchen/dining room. Naruto tried to collect himself while he paced around, unable to make sense of what had just happened to him.

"Hey, Naruto!" His good friend popped out of the hallway entrance. He jumped and stiffened as the words were spoken too loud and excitable to his liking. He smiled weakly at her, turned pale and collapsed on the floor.


A few minutes passed when he finally woke up, sitting on a chair in front of the small, rectangular dining table. Kiyoshi had been fanning him while Imao cooked dinner and readied some tea. Naruto groaned as a pounding sensation emitted from his head.

"You hit your head pretty hard." Imao went over to him and placed a cup of tea in his hands. She gestured Kiyoshi to stop fanning and help her serve food. The two siblings filled three plates with the delicious smelling meal the girl had prepared. Kiyoshi took two of the plates to the table as Imao took the other to Naruto.

"Alright, here is the meal I promised. You're lucky my father is working late this evening, otherwise you'd starve." She playfully poked his arm. Naruto fumbled the chopsticks around; still shaky from the previous event. Imao sat down next to him and sensed his trembling movements.

"Is everything ok, Naruto? You're acting rather strange. Did something happen on your way here?" She reached out to his arm closest to her and patted him softly.

"You won't believe me. It was..." Naruto shuddered, "...disturbing." He started to pick at his food since he could barely pick any of it up.

"Try me." Imao smiled kindly at her bewildered friend.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Naruto sighed uncomfortably and began his story.


On the route to the Tanaka household, Naruto was happily making his way to the dinner he was promised by Imao.

'Oh! I can't wait! Finally a proper house meal and with a wonderful person... Wait, is it a date? Am I underdressed!? Crap!' He stopped to check his outfit and shrugged.

"Oh well, no time to change." He continued to make his way to the special dinner. 'I wonder how it is that she cooks without burning herself... Or the food.'

The sun had been setting when he left Konoha and the forest around him got dark faster than usual. Naruto was only minutes away when he suddenly heard an out of place and eerie sound. 'What the...?' He came to a halt as it continued. His curiosity got the best of him and he veered off from the dirt path and into the woods.

The strange melody continued to echo around but became clearer as he got closer to the source. He jumped onto a tree branch and hopped to others stealth-fully until he saw a familiar being.

'Imao?... Wait... Ugh...' He realized his thought was wrong and came to the conclusion that it was the annoyingly aggravating twin. He watched as she continued to do odd taijutsu moves in rhythm to her peculiar vocalizations.

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