Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Josh Cordell~ My best friend


Kayla was a rapper. She was amazing at it. Even her improv was good. She could go for a long time. She tried to get me into rap, but its not really my thing. I remember when she stole my iPod and told me she was going to put some “good” music on it. She never got around to it and ended up just giving it back.

She also played basketball. She was was really good, even though she only played community ed. Kayla played mostly wing and sometimes post, she wanted to play point guard, but she was too big. She had a lot of concussions though, and they were considering not letting her play. She was so mad at that. Everyone knew how important basketball was to her. I think it was because of her dad. He died of cancer one summer. The summer she started playing the drums.

Our band director, Mrs. Kouba (Co-BA) told us about how Kayla had come to her in the summer and started learning how to play on a drum set. By the end of the summer she had her own at home. When Kayla died, her mother and would-have-been step-dad, gave it to the school. It has a little plaque on it. It says In Loving memory of Kayla Jackson.


            Kayla loved the drums. She especially liked loud drums. She was a drummer in Jazz Band, School Band, and Trashcan drumming. (A/N: I added a video our drummers, the purple drum is Kayla’s, and we dedicated this piece to her.) Two days before she committed suicide, she got a solo. One of the boys who usually played, didn’t show up. Mrs. Kouba, our director of almost everything, decided Kayla would do it. And she did. And she was great. And soon we all left. And Kayla was there. Alone. And then gone. She was gone. And that’s the last time any of us saw her.

Kayla died on May 1, 2011. My confirmation date. I always dreamed of writing a story called, Confirmed in Converse, because I almost was. But then my mom yelled at me and I had to take them off. And then, all this happened, and I decided on a different name. Confirmed in Tragedy. The day I was confirmed, one of my best friends killed herself and Osama Bin Laden was found and killed. Not that I support him, but it is a lost life, so I consider it a tragedy. Great. Just Great.

I found out in a weird way. I was on the computer and I was supposed to be getting off. Something made me check my email one last time. I scrolled through the names of the people who were online. I came to Phoebe. Her status was, “Kayla, we all miss you and love you, Rest in peace <3” I clicked on her and started up a chat:

8:56 PM 

me: who is kayla? 

Phoebe: jackson?

8:57 PM 

me: no the person in ur staus! 

Phoebe: that is kayla! 

me: what? Kayla died? 

Phoebe: she committed suicide…

8:58 PM 

me: WHAT?  

ur not messing with me? 

Phoebe: no im seriously not /:

9:00 PM 

me: o mi god, when? 

Phoebe: today… 

me: holy crap, how did u find out 

Phoebe: me and sydney were texting and it's all over facebook /:

9:01 PM 

me: HOLY CRAP!!!! 

Phoebe: yeah :(

9:02 PM 

me: i gtg now 

Phoebe: mkk cya tomorrow


I logged off. It’s hard, hearing one of your close friends died. I texted my boyfriend, Josh (AKA: Kayla’s best friend) and asked if it was true. He said it was. I was starting to cry now. It had finally sunk in. She died. Kayla. MY Kayla. I decided I needed to tell my parents. I went downstairs and sat on the couch.

“Mom? Dad?” I asked. “A girl from my school committed suicide today. Just thought I’d let you know.” I went upstairs. Numb. I needed to talk to someone. Rachel. I dialed her number. She answered, cheerful. CRAP! She didn’t know yet.  I said in a very shaky voice, “Rachel? Kalya’s dead.” She stuttered.

“What? She… WHAT?” Rachel was confused.

“She committed suicide.” I was sobbing now.

“When?” We were both sobbing now.

“Today.” I couldn’t breathe. Was this really happening? In a semi-famous town, tragedy had most definitely hit.

“Kayla was lovable, everyone’s friend.” ~ Kelsey H.

The song today is Talking to the moon by Bruno Mars. It's about someone leaving and he sits outside, talking to the moon, just HOPING that she will talk back. And he's trying to get to her, but its just not possible, because she's gone.

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