My Short Epilogue

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My short Epilogue

"Kayla Jackson!" Our principal said into the microphone, We all applauded and hollered and a few tears were shed. It was our last day. The recognition ceremony. And Kayla's mother had just collected the certificate for our Kayla.

The day had dragged on with two fire drills, and an exciting dance, I had come to realize that my summer had now begun and I immediately said, "What now, what next." Kayla. She was always on my mind. And she still is. 

Writing this has truly been a miracle for me. I never thought I would smile or laugh or love again, but I can't forget what Kayla taught me. Today is her birthday and I know she is a happy 14 year old angel.

It has come to my attention that I have some very important people to thank. First is Kayla. She gave me some great times and even though I have accepted her death, I still love her and all the memories she gave me. She was a living miracle.

Next, is Kayla's mother, the strongest of us all. We all will always support her, and she always has supported us. I have really come to like Angela, and her reading my story has truly been the most wonderful thing.

Third, is my friends and family. You all pushed me to do my best on this and gave me hope and supported me through it all.

Finally, I want to thank our teachers, they made such an impact on our lives and it was hard to say goodbye that final day. We all bonded that day and broke down those strict walls. We were all in this thing together.

As I painted Ms. Jackson's hand a beautiful purple I just had to keep those tears inside. I let a strange sense of satisfaction as I watched the handprint appear. I realized, the best thing to do was set Kayla free. I will always have the memories of her and she will always be in my heart, but no longer will i blame myself. I am done being the bad guy, I don't wanna hurt anymore. So I volunteered and smiled more, made memories and great friends, and I learned to  live and laugh again.

When I went on my mission trip this summer, I met a little girl. Her favorite color was purple. She loved rap. She was a bit of a tomboy, but also kind of girly. She would only talk to me and my friend Tegan, and we were both friends of Kayla's. The little girl took my right hand, the hand with all my Kayla bracelets on it and wrote on word. Her name. I looked down and saw: Kayla. I was in shock! I looked up at Tegan, my eyes probably as wide as saucers. I thought at that moment, my eyes glued to that sky, Kayla, you really are everywhere I go.

I have come to accept the fact that Kayla is gone and that I don't, in fact, miss her. How can you miss someone who is everywhere you look? Everywhere I turn. Every sight, every smell, even every thought. Kayla Faith Jackson. I may love you like my sister, but I can't miss someone who is always with me. Just think about that, and tell me. Can't you see her famous smile every time you look at the sky?

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