Chapter 1

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You were wondering aimlessly through the forests of Berk. You were lost. Yep, lost. Deep in the forest. How you got there? Originally you were from the island of Bogsnatch. Your parents had organized an arranged marriage for you but once you refused, humiliated them and disgraced the family name they set off for the nearest island and dumped you there. You were furious that they would just throw you away like that but what did it matter, they never cared about you anyway. All they wanted was luxury and riches.

You travelled further threw the lush green forest, grumbling to yourself about your parents. You were lost in thought until you heard a twig snap behind you. You whipped around and scoped the area. You slowly and cautiously reached for the hilt of your sword, feeling nothing. You looked down in panic, your sword wasn’t there. In a rush to get you off the island and out of their lives, your parents didn’t bother to let you get any on of your things. Realization hit you like a brick as soon as you realised that all you had were the clothes on your back. You were standing in the middle of a forest, lost, on a island you didn’t know and defenceless. ‘Just great’


You stood still and silent, waiting for your attacker to come out. Soon enough a black dragon came out. Its bright green eyes stared at you in wonder. You gasped and stood still, not knowing what to do. You had heard about Berk’s ties to dragons. That they didn’t fight them, but trained them and befriended them. You never really had any dragon’s on Bogsnatch, just a few stragglers here and there but they left as quick as they arrived.

The black dragon slowly started approaching, as if being careful not to scare you away. You went rigid and looked behind you. You were in a clearing. It was a dead end. If you ran the dragon could easily catch you anyway. You stood still and prepared yourself to become the thing’s next meal. You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt its breath on your face. You didn’t realise how close it was and gasped, putting your hands out in front of you to stop it from coming any closer. You close your eyes, to scared to see what would happen next.

The creature backed off a little and stared at you curiously, green eyes scanning over your form. The dragon slowly moved its head towards you and rubbed its head up against your hand.

You felt something scaly rub up against your hand and snapped your eyes open. You stared in shock and with wide eyes as the black dragon rubbed its head against your hand. You slowly and hesitantly began to pet its head. The dragon shut its eyes and rumbling sound began to sound out from its chest. You quickly noted that it sounded like it was purring and you giggled. The dragon opened its bright green eyes at the sound of your voice and raised its head to look at you. Its mouth slowly started to twitch and curve up into somewhat of a smile. You giggled but saw that it had no teeth.

You sat down and to your surprise the dragon curled up next to you. You began to pet the dragon again and it exhaled slowly in content. It closed its eyes again and began to purr softly.

“Where are your teeth?” You murmured softly to the dragon, not expecting a response. The dragon’s eye’s snapped open, and it opened its mouth showing its teeth before retracting them again.

“Cool.” You said, slightly surprised that the dragon understood you. You returned to patting the dragon and took note of the saddle that it wore. ‘It must have an owner, maybe that’s why it’s so friendly.’ You thought.

How To Train The Heart Of A Dragon [Hiccup x Reader x Toothless]Where stories live. Discover now