Chapter 2

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You stood in front of Hiccup’s father Stoick. Hiccup next to you and Toothless close to you on your other side. You were slightly intimidated by Stoick but noticed that he was kind hearted and nothing to be afraid of.

Stoick scratched his head in thought. “You’re from Bogsnatch? The how did you end up on Berk?” Stoick asked in his gruff accented voice.

You sighed and started explaining the whole story to him. You finished and looked at him to find him blinking slowly with a blank look on his face.

You all stared at Stoick, waiting for his reaction to your story. Silence coated Hiccup’s house when it was broken by booming laughter. Stoick’s laughter bounced and echoed off the walls of the wooden building. You and Hiccup flinched at the noise and Toothless covered his ears with his scaly paws.

Soon Stoick’s laughter calmed down and he cleared his throat, ready to speak again.  “Well Miss ____! Those are certainly the girls we like in Berk! You will fit in just fine here!” Stoick boomed, a jolly smile on his face.

Wait! Fit in?! Who said you would be staying?


“But Sir-“

“Please, just call me Stoick!” He interrupted.

“Well, Stoick I didn’t know I would be staying, I mean I don’t even know where to stay...” You trailed off, unsure of what to say.

Hiccup opened his mouth to speak but his father cut him off. “You can stay with us! There’s a spare bedroom right next to Hiccup’s! I’ve always wanted a daughter, and it seems like Toothless has taken a liking to ya!” Stoick said, excitement plastered onto his rough looking face.

Upon hearing that you looked down at Toothless who looked up at you, noticing he had your attention he snuggled even closer into your side. You looked towards Hiccup who nodded with a smile at your unvoiced question.

You turned towards Stoick with a warm smile on your face. “I would love to stay Stoick.” You said.

Upon hearing those words a smile lit up Stoick’s face that mirrored yours before he turned to Hiccup. “Hiccup, take her to the spare bedroom. ____ there’s some supplies in there that I’m sure you could use for the time being. Welcome home ____.”

Your smile was so wide it almost split your face, you almost tear up upon hearing those words. Your parents were never kind to you like this.

Before you could even process what you were doing, you ran forward and hugged Stoick.

Hiccup watched in slight shock until a warm smile appeared on his face and he chuckled to himself as Toothless whined at the scene. He and his dad had become a lot closer now that there were dragons around. He was grateful for that, and now you were here to. He couldn’t help but blush at the thought of you joining his family, he had started to develop a small crush on you. His thoughts drifted to what Astrid would think and that’s when he began to panic. Oh no! Astrid! He liked Astrid remember! Well it’s not like they’re official...No! He couldn’t let anyone find out about this little crush that was starting.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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How To Train The Heart Of A Dragon [Hiccup x Reader x Toothless]Where stories live. Discover now