Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The barreling shadow of doom screeches to a halt before Hades and I, towering over the two of us like a skyscraper. I squeak a second time, ducking behind Hades. He laughs — actual, full-bodied chuckles— at my reaction, and steps forward to greet the big black dog.

"This is Cerberus." He scratches the dog's head, turning to me. My eyes just about bug out of my head at the sight of the two standing side by side; the top of Cerberus' shoulder is almost level with Hades' head. The monstrous dog has to crouch down just so his head is within Hades' reach.

"I can see that. Why does he look so..." I struggle to find the right words. "Semi-normal? Normal and un-normal? Normal-ish?"

"What are you surprised by?"

"Well..." I fold my arms and unfold them again, tucking my hair behind my ear as I regard them with an incredibly wary gaze. My questions bubble up through my lips before I can stop them. "Why is he so small? Why does he look like a Newfoundland? Why does he have one head?"

Hades chuckles. "He prefers to take this form when he is around those he is not familiar with. He finds that it does not scare them as much."

"You're talking about him like he's extremely intelligent." I say slowly, tentatively holding my hand out to the dog. Cerberus blinks at me, almost like he's sizing me up, and steps forward. It takes all my strength not to flinch as he draws closer. "Is he?"

"Of course." Hades replies, watching Cerberus sniff my hand. "He has the essential job of ensuring that the dead are unable to escape, and that those who do not belong in this realm do not succeed in breaching it. That task requires some degree of intelligence, would you not agree?"

"I guess." I smile and reach up on my tip-toes to scratch behind Cerberus' ears. "But that still doesn't explain why he's so small, and... well... normal." Cerberus growls softly, and I wince. "Sorry."

"He manipulates the way you perceive him; that is why you only see his smaller form. I see something quite different to you." Hades explains. "He only takes his true form when he's either guarding his post, or around myself or Aeacus. It takes him a long time to trust you enough to let you see his true form."

"You or Aeacus? What's so special about Aeacus?"

"Aeacus and Cerberus formed a... special bond, when he turned up." Hades' lips turn up ever so slightly when Cerberus' eyes light up at the sound of Aeacus' name. "Aeacus is somewhat of a recluse, and prefers to call himself Cerberus' caretaker over an official Judge of the Underworld. He will help out when he is needed, but tends to prefer the company of Cerberus over anybody else."

"That makes sense. Who wouldn't prefer his company?" I glance up at Hades and smile. "He's gorgeous."

Cerberus chuffs, almost appearing to smirk at my praise.

"I am sure he appreciates that compliment." Hades responds with a hint of amusement. He whistles again, this time two short sharp blasts, and flicks his wrist at Cerberus. "But unfortunately, he will not be remaining to hear any more. He has a rather important job to attend to."

"I understand." I nod. I pat his head one more time and bow my head. "It was an honour meeting you, Cerberus."

Cerberus barks once and licks my entire arm, causing me to erupt into giggles. After meeting his master's gaze for a moment, the majestic dog nods his head and leaps off into the darkness, disappearing as quickly as he appeared.

Hades looks back at me. The giggles die down in my throat when I realise his expression has retained its sombre seriousness once again. "I have something to show you."

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