Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

The moment my feet land on solid ground, I open my eyes to see the familiar layout of the library. I barely have time to collect my thoughts before a black blur comes barreling towards me, bowling me over as soon as it collides with me. My squeal of surprise is suppressed by a mountain of dark fur and sinewy muscle.

A sharp whistle pierces the air, and the mountain lifts off me to reveal a large, grinning feline face. My jaw drops.

"Pluto! Is that really you?!"

The young lion chuffs, sounding suspiciously like he's laughing at me. I laugh as I scratch his chin, shock rendering me speechless for a moment. He's twice the size he was when I left, and taller than a Clydesdale horse.

"He has missed you desperately." Hades chuckles, helping me back up to my feet. He smiles at me. "Welcome back, Evie."

I grin and tilt my head back. A feeling of peace washes over me. "Would it be crazy to say that I actually missed this place?"

"It depends on whom you are talking to." Hades replies wryly. He touches my closed fist, uncurling my fingers from around the pendant. "May I?"

I nod, turning around and pulling my hair out of the way. His fingers graze the back of my neck for a moment, sending shivers skittering down my spine. My heart starts thudding in my chest. When the pendant clicks into place, I turn back around to face him, not missing the look that crosses his face.

"Thank you Hades. It's beautiful."

His smile grows. "I am glad you like it."

"I love it, Hades. Truly." I turn around and grin when I spot my favourite green couch. I fall back onto the couch and sigh happily, snuggling down into the luxurious cushions. I turn my face towards the crackling fire and close my eyes in content. "I missed this."

A shadow passes over me. When I peel open one eye, Hades is standing in front of the fire, concern decorating his handsome features.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Hades." I reassure. I'm then interrupted by an ear-splitting yawn. He raises an eyebrow and I smile guiltily. "I guess almost dying took a lot more out of me than I thought."

Hades stiffens. His features smooth out into that impassive mask I've grown to despise. "Do not joke about that, Evie."

"Sorry." I frown when he sighs, pushing myself up to a sitting position. "Hey, what's going on? Why are you so worried? I'm okay, I promise."

"I cannot tell you." I start to protest, but he holds his hand up. "Not because I want to keep you in the dark, Evie. I promised that I would not do that anymore, and I meant it. The issue that is worrying me is too big of a burden to tell you when it is only based on a nagging worry. I do not want to tell you, and scare you, only to find out that there was nothing to worry about. I want resounding proof before I burden you with the truth."

I don't respond for a beat, before standing up. I look him in the eye and nod lightly.


My reply seems to surprise him . "'Okay?' You aren't going to fight me about it?"

"Did you seriously just say aren't? Are you finally learning to use conjunctions?!" I clap my hands gleefully. He just raises an eyebrow at me. I sober up. "Okay, I'm sorry. Time and place, Evie. No, I'm not going to fight you about it. I did a lot of thinking when I was in Greece, and I realised that I made a mistake. I know I hurt you when I left, and I hate that I caused you that pain. I'm preaching that you need to learn to trust me, when I need to do the same myself. So, here's me learning." I pause, and hesitantly glance up at him. "I'm sorry, Hades. I trust that you'll tell me when you think it's best. I know you're just trying to look out for me."

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