Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Less than a full second later, my feet stumble onto solid ground. My eyes fly open, and my mouth falls open with a quiet pop!. Gone was the raucous atmosphere, loud booming music and screaming patrons of the party, and in its place was the foyer of a giant, glittering palace, that looked like it had been stolen right out of Ancient Greece.

I twirl around in a big circle, taking in the spectacular beauty of the ancient building surrounding me. The white marble walls glisten under the warm light, like they're streaked with iridescent gold, and elegant white pillars frame the doorways, delicately etched with intricate designs. Winding around the edges of the room and up into the roof is a magnificent marble staircase, made from the same pearly marble as the walls. Monstrous diamond chandeliers dangle down from the roof like crystal waterfalls, scattering shadowy raindrops throughout the room. The clattering of my old boots echo against the white marble floors, and I suddenly feel extremely out of place.

My eyes widen as the realisation hits me. I cross my arms self-consciously over my body.

I've just agreed to be kidnapped by the god of the Underworld, and I'm wearing my pyjamas.

"Miss Autumn?"

I whirl around to see a young woman standing behind me, her hands folded behind her back. She looks to be around my age, with skin the colour of chocolate and long black curls twisted into an elaborate braid. Standing around her are three middle-aged men with varying appearances: one has cropped brunette hair and kind, twinkling eyes; the one in the middle, at least a head taller than his companions, has even shorter salt and pepper hair and a carefully manicured goatee; and the third one has wild, unmanned black curls, that appear even darker as he shrinks back into the shadows.

"Hi. Hello. You're all new." I blink in bewilderment and spin around again. "Where did he go?"

"Who?" The girl asks, confusion creasing her delicate features. "Hades?"

"Yes. Him. Where'd he go? I need to talk to him about..." I hesitate, twisting my lips to the side. Somehow I felt that I needed to talk to him about everything and nothing all at the same time. "Something?"

"He's gone. He doesn't tend to linger." The brunette man extends a hand and a warm smile. "Welcome to the Underworld, sweetheart."

"Cool it, Rhadamanthos. The girl has hardly been here for thirty seconds; she doesn't need to hear the reprehensible 'sweetheart' that's always dripping from your lips." The taller man in the middle rolls his eyes and steps forward. The young woman standing in front of him stumbles out of the way, her brow furrowing slightly. The man ignores her, nodding at me. "I am Minos. Welcome."

"Minos? As in King Minos of Crete? Of the Minotaur?" I gape. Minos shrugs nonchalantly, but his eyes glint smugly at my praise.

"You have heard of me, then?" He asks. He glances at Rhadamanthos out of the corner of his eye. "It is good to hear that at least my legacy lives on, isn't it brother?"

Rhadamanthos doesn't respond, but his jaw tightens almost imperceptibly. He keeps his gaze fixed on me and smiles a bright, beaming smile.

"As my brother has already betrayed, my name is Rhadamanthos, and his Minos. Over there is Aeacus, the silent partner in our trio."

My gaze follows his finger and I squeak out a star-struck, "Hello."

Aeacus doesn't respond, keeping his dark eyes firmly locked on the door. I falter.

"Is he..."

"Don't mind him. He prefers four legs over two." Minos waves his hand, recapturing my attention. Simultaneously, both he and Rhadamanthos bow and step back. "We will get out of your hair and allow your maid to show you your room."

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