Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Kezia and I stand in silence, neither one of us willing to back down first. The blue flames dance in the palm of her hand, and even from where I'm standing I can feel the heat licking my skin. I refuse to let it intimidate me though, and keep my gaze fixed on the goddess standing before me.

"Tell me, Kezia."

"No. As I said earlier, I don't know anything."

I grit my teeth. "Yes, you do. I'm not stupid, Kezia. You wouldn't be threatening me if you knew nothing."

"You're the one being stupid right now, Evie. I've already told you what's going to happen if you don't stop. Be sensible for once and drop it. I don't want to hurt you."

"No." I purse my lips as she narrows her eyes into slits. The flame dances closer. "I'm a part of this now, Kezia. Whether you like it or not, I have the right to know what the hell is scaring everyone so much. How am I supposed to help Hades when I don't know what's going on?"

"Have you considered the possibility that Hades doesn't want you to know, Evie?" She asks sharply. "I understand that you want to help him, but getting yourself hurt just to know the truth seems counterproductive. Didn't you tell him you were going to trust him, trust that he would tell you the truth when he felt comfortable?"

My stomach drops. I stare at her. "How do you know about that?"

Obviously deeming me sufficiently distracted, Kezia ignores my question and snaps her fingers again. The flame disappears in a puff of blue smoke. Turning back to the bench, she sweeps the chopped herbs into her hand and shoves past me.

"Go bother someone else, Evie. I'm busy."

"No. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on."

She doesn't respond. I sigh exasperatedly. "Ignoring me isn't going to make me go away."

Kezia turns to me with pursed lips. She clicks her fingers. "No. But he will."

She points to the fire, and I turn to see the hound that had been slumbering in the warmth was now sitting up with bared teeth. A low growl rumbles through its chest. My blood freezes. I look back to Kezia and attempt to hide my unease with an arrogant smirk.

"Do you honestly think that'll scare me? I share a bed with a lion."

"Tell that to your face." Kezia retorts. I blanch slightly. "Now leave, Evie, before I tell Noctis to escort you out. You are my friend, but you're wearing my patience thin."

"Kezia, you're not listening to me. I won't—"

"No Evie, you're not listening to me!" She explodes, throwing her hands up in the air. Noctis leaps towards me, lips curled back in a snarl. I stumble back a step, my eyes wider than saucers. "Do I really have to dumb it down for you? There is a reason that Hades is omitting the truth, particularly now. He knows you want to help him, which is why he's keeping you in the dark; he's trying to protect you! He knows from personal experience how much of an impact this all can have on a person, and he's trying to keep you from being tainted by it all!"

"Tainted by what? I've already been impacted by it all considering someone tried to murder me!" I exclaim. She doesn't reply, turning away again. I let out a long sigh before finally giving in and using the last weapon left in my arsenal. "Does this have something to do with Kronos, Kezia?"

Kezia stops dead still. The look she gives me sends chills down my spine. "Where did you hear that?"


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