Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Calla squeaks and flees from the room. I sigh and turn around.

"Can you stop doing that? You're going to give her a heart attack."

The corners of Hades' eyes crease. "Calla is already dead, Evie. She cannot have a heart attack."

"That's not the point I'm trying to make!" I splutter, throwing a card in his direction. Hades catches it without moving a muscle. I glower at him.

"What is the point you are attempting to make?" He places the card down on the bed next to him.

"Stop zip-zapping everywhere and scaring my friend! And stop being so casual about it all!" I toss another card at him. I feel an odd sense of satisfaction when it hits him square in the face.

"Would you stop throwing cards at me?"

"Maybe." I huff over-dramatically. "Would you stop keeping secrets?"

The smile drops so quickly from Hades' face you'd think I'd slapped him. His tone turns icy.

"No. I cannot."

I falter, taking a step back. "I'm sorry. I was only joking around. I know you can't."

Hades' expression doesn't lighten at my apology. "Never bring it up, not even in jest. You may not believe me, but I do not enjoy keeping secrets. Particularly from you."

Inwardly, I sigh. But outwardly, I nod.

"Okay." His eyebrow raises slightly, and I shrug. "I mean it. Okay. I trust that you'll tell me. Eventually."

"Why?" Hades asks, his voice soft. He elaborates when he catches the look of confusion twisting my face up. "Why do you trust me?"

"I don't know; you asked me to?" My nose crinkles up in confusion. Hades tilts his head to the side questioningly, so I pause as I think. "I know that we're only just getting to know each other, and that we hadn't really met before Spencer 'died,' but I feel like I've known you my whole life. You feel familiar. And for some strange reason, I trust you completely."

Hades doesn't respond; he just watches me with an unreadable expression. I gingerly sit down on the edge of my bed, leaning back against the bedpost.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason." He says mildly. In a blink he's standing in front of me, shuffling a pack of cards. "So, how good do you think you are at poker?"

I can't stop the self-assured smirk that spreads across my lips. "I'm alright. I was taught by Spencer, after all."

"Very well then." He clicks his fingers, and a table and chair appear in front of us. Hades sits down, his eyes sparkling. "If you truly believe yourself to be that good, then I'm sure you would not mind playing me for a few rounds."

"Play you?" I blink, taken aback. "You want to play me at poker? For what, money?"

"Well, I am sure that we can find a more interesting currency if that is what you wish." Hades shuffles the cards so quickly between his hands that they become a blue blur. He arches an eyebrow at me. "Unless, of course, your hesitation is your humble way of admitting defeat?"

"Are you, Hades, Lord of the Underworld, baiting me?" I scoff and narrow my eyes. He doesn't respond, his eyebrow only arching higher. "Oh, you're on. We will play poker, but only if I get to decide the currency."

"Very well. What do you suggest we use as currency?"

"Secrets." I propose, without hesitation. His brows furrow slightly, so I elaborate. "Every time we lose, we have to answer a question the other person—"

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