Chapter 3

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Katherine's POV

The beautiful sunlight shone through my bedroom window. I woke up and went to my bathroom to wash up.

As soon as I walked out of my bedroom door, the very inviting smell of pancakes lingered in the air.I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning darling" my mum said with a warming smile.

"Morning mum" I say tiredly

"Sleep okay?" she asked


"Wonderful.... I made pancakes. Would you like some?"

"Mmmmmm..... yessss pleeease"

My mum put a pancake in my plate and I covered it with syrup and shoved it down my food hole. Record time!! I ate that pancake in like 1 minute.

"So where would you like to go today Katherine?"

"So formal mum... it's Kat, I don't respond when people call me Katherine coz I'm not used to it" I said as I grabbed another pancake.

"Okay, okay KAT.... where would you like to go today? " she says after giving a little laugh.

"Hhhmmmm lemme seeeee.... how about.... noo....oh! oh! wat about..... nooo... eh let's just go to the mall"

"haha, same old Katherine" I gave her a look. "Oh sorry... I meant same old Kat"

"That's better... I'm gonna go get changed" I hopped off my seat and walked past the the plate of pancakes..... grabbing one more as I walked past.

I walk up the stairs to my bedroom and open up my suitcase. Hhmmm what to wear. What. To. Wear. It looks like it's gonna be a hot day, so I grab a pretty red and white summer dress with flower patterns on it and then I hop into the shower.

When I come out I put on my dress and some gladiator sandals and dry my hair. I didn't do much with my hair because I like my natural curls. A pair of simple red earings and I'm ready to go.

I walk down the stairs and wait for my mum in the kitchen. I hear her talking in her room. It sounds like she's on the phone.

"Yes babe...... no.... my daughter is staying with me for a couple weeks..... I don't know when I'm going to tell her..... I will.... okay.... bye love"

Wtf, who the hell was she talking to. It couldn't have been dad because they don't talk to each other that way and I don't have any siblings so why would she say 'babe' and 'love'. I hear her coming so I walk away from the door and pretend that I've been texting the whole time.

"Ready to go Kat? "

"Yup. What took you so long anyway? "

"I was on the phone"

"Oh ok."

Oh well at least she's being honest, but I want to know who she was talking to.

Mum said I could drive so we hopped into the brand new Porsche and headed to the mall.


" Phew!!!... I am EXHAUSTED" My mum said, dumping herself onto a bench with all my shopping bags.

"Me too.... I am STARVING!!!"

"Welk then... to the food court we go"

"Yaaaaaaaay!!!!" I said excitedly. I really was very hungry.

We walked around the food court looking for a good place to eat. I spot my favourite restaurant.... Nandos!!!

"Mum I wanna go there!!" I shouted, pointing to Nandos.

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