Chapter 7

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Harry drove my back to my house and I couldn't stop thinking about Louis. He likes me. He really likes me. I can't believe it.

My mum still wasn't home. It's like 23:30. Where the hell did they go?

Speaking of my mum.... Connor. I can't belive what he did to me. I HAVE to talk to my mum about this. Surely she'll leave him if she knew he hit me.

I went into my room and dived onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Louis.

Kat: Thank you for the dinner :-D XxXx

Louis Tomlinson: You're welcome babe, goodnight... Xx


I couldn't help but smile to myself. He called me babe!

Just then I heard my my mum's car pull into the driveway. Ugh! Connor.

I heard them come in through the door. I didn't even go down to greet them. I would have just gotten shouted at for being up this late, so I made myself comfy and went to sleep.


*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of my mum's laughter. I creeped slowly down the stairs to see if we hsd guests at 8:00 in the morning.

I was disgusted when I saw Connor sitting on our couch SHIRTLESS!!! He was having coffee with my mum. He must've told her something really funny because I haven't heard her laugh like that in ages.

I just walked into the kitchen, minding my own business, and I made a cup of tea. My mum was staring at my like she was watching a rare animal in its natural habitat.

I ignored both of them and went back to my room. I can't believe that my mother let that asswipe stay over. O gosh... I hope this is not gonna be a regular thing... if it is, I'm gonna move in with Louis.

Speaking of Louis. I check my phone. I see a message from Louis.

Louis Tomlinson: Good morning beautiful !!! Have a nice day. XxXx

Awwwww that's so sweet. I send him a reply.

Kat: Morning Louis. Same to you! ♥

Louis Tomlinson: Nice heart. Gotta go, I'm in the studio. ♥ Xx

Yay! I got kisses. I'm already in a good mood today. Louis' at the studio. I remember him telling me that he and Zayn were going to record their parts today. I'm gonna get bored all day.

I hear the door downstairs open and close.

"He's gone. You can come down now Kat!!!" My mun shouts from the bottom of the stairs.

I walk down the stairs and she gives me an apologetic look. She always knows when there's something wrong.

" What is it sweetheart? " she asks, she knew I didn't like Connor, I could see it in her eyes. But she wasn't expecting what I was about to say.

"He hit me mum!" I say in a tone that was louder than expected.

The look on her face was pure horror and shock.


"You heard me mum. He. Hit. Me. "

I showed her my injured lip.

"Oh my goodness, HOW COULD HE!!?" she seemed furious.

"He said that if I told you, he would hurt you too, that's why I didn't tell you yesterday, I was afraid of what he would do to you." The tears were starting to form.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he did this to you. I'm gonna get rid of him RIGHT NOW!!"

She went into her room and after a while, I heard her shouting all kinds of rude words into the phone.

She emerged from her room, red faced and watery-eyed.

"It's over darling. I'm s-... s-.. sorry."

"Can I ask you something mum?"

"Sure Katherine, what is it?"

"How long have you been dating Connor? "

More tears fell from her eyes. "T- Tomorrow would have been six months."

Oh No! What have I done. I had no idea they were going out for that long. I thought they just met... I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Did you love him?" I say so softly that it's almost a whisper.

She nodded and cried more. I just hugged her and she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry mum. I had no idea. I thought you just met and-"

"It's okay honey, I thought I knew him but... I clearly didn't. I don't regret what I have done. I'm just glad that you're okay."

"Thank you for understanding and... well... believing me."

"Thank YOU for telling me."

We just sat in the kitchen for a while. I told my mum the good news about me and Louis and she was very happy for me.


Hey gurl, haaaaay. Ok, so I was listening to Same Mistakes while I was writing the conversation between Kat and her mum. Makes it even sadder.

There is sooooo much more drama coming your way so stay tuned. B.T.W sorry for not updating sooner... school sucks... I hate Physics.....



-CraZyCarr0t ★ ☆ ★

Broken: A Louis Tomlinson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now