The Matthew Boys...

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OK HEY ok so's it is 8:20 in the morning and I have 20 min till i go to school and im bored so i decided to write for you!!!!!


There was 4 really hot guys there one looked like he was the eldest and then two of the others looked like twins and the last looked the youngest "Oh my god they are so hot" Izzy said dreamily, I snorted "Ok Izz if you say so.." I hadnt reallly got a good look at all of them but when I turned my head I saw who had drove them here, becasue he was getting out of the drivers side of their car. This Man was absolutly gorgeous! his greeen eyes were framed with his thick lashes and his short brown hair was had gel in at the frount but not in the back *you know wahat I mean?? anyways look at the picture :P*. He had glasses on his head and a leather jacket on with some dark wash jeans, everyone had gone quiet, towing his brothers I think by thier elbows he brought them to the office.

As soon as they left the yard was filled with voices "Oh my gosh I wonder who the guy in the leather jacket was" "god! they are beautiful ""Who do they think they are coming in like they own the place" There was many diffrent oppinions but mine.... well i didnt have one I didnt like to gossip about people like that. "God did you see tall dark and dangerous" Izzy gushed to Clara and Jamie. they nodded their heads vigerously "Yeah I think he's the eldest" I said finishing my apple. Izzy sighed dreamily "huh he is one good looking guy i for sure want him in my----" she was cut off by the bell THANKYOU GOD I DID NOT WANT TO HEAR THAT CONVESATION THAT WOULD HAVE STARTED! quickly grabing my stufff i walked down the hallway my heels clicking on the pavement.

Once through the doors I could see the girls crowding the door way to the office, snorting I carried on, hearing a shrill scream I knew the brothers had emerged from the office I stopped walking and watched shaking my head. The skanks were pushing their chests up on them, in a way I felt bad for them, but when the head skank of the schol Kelly started to rub the eldests chest , I couldnt contain my self I burst out laughing, The eldests head whipped up and looked at me, as soon as I saw my laughter died down into a fit of giggles I watched him as he watched me.

His eyes went wide and I saw him mouth something I wasnt quiet sure what, but Kelly looked over to where he was staring and screamed and walked away, sluts and all. The eldest hit the others shoulders from behinde him and they all turned to see where he was looking, the looked at me and their eyes went wide with shock. Giving them a 'what the hell?' look I carried on walking I could faintly hear them talking from behinde me "Thats not her is it?" "Guys Annastasia died Caleb saw" "It has to be her!" I could feel their eyes on me all the way down the hallway.


quickly making it into class into math class I sat right at the back for this class.... I hate math I really trully do I hate it with a passion... the teacher came and started to go on and on about some theory we had to learn I was paying attention but in my own way ;P untill sudenly I got this vision


Screaming the red haired girl stood up on the bed and looked at the massive june bug "Caleb Ucciderlo Ucciderlo!" the man Im assumings name was caleb came over to the beautiful woman and caught wasp and sqashed it "Mi amoure its gone'" he said holding his arms out for her "Davvero?" he nodded "Si" and she jumped and he caught her in his arms.

Kissing her neck, he felt her take a shaky breath, he knew she did not like bugs she hated them all together wasps junebugs and the fuzzy bumblebees and centipedes. But thats why he loved her.

He kissed her neck again and she smiled at him " I love you Caleb" he smiled back at her "I love you too .."

*Daydream finishes*

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