These tears I cry. PART 1

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Hey guys! so im sitting in science... im supposed to be be brainstorming for a project but im not... and the teacher keeps walking around me and looking at me funny... anyways...

here is the next chapter, im sooooo sorry on how short the last one is but I will hopefully make this one longer...



Caleb still hadnt come home and it was now 3:00 in the morning... he left yesterday.

I was a nerveous wreck, I felt my insides turning and I felt as if I was going to throw up since I hadnt seen him for a long time. My hair was knotted and messy, My makeup was smudged all under my eyes and my face was blotchy from crying.

"Dont worry Anna he'll come back..." Izzy reassured. I snorted "Sure Izzy sure...." I rolled over onto my stomache and brethed in Calebs sent from the pillow. I felt somones hand rub my back, a low humming noise flowed through my ears then I heard the singing frokm the lullaby that was being sung.

À la claire fontaine,

M'en allant promener

J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle

Que je m'y suis baigné

Il y a longtemps que je t'aime

Jamais je ne t'oublierai

Sous les feuilles d'un chêne,

Je me suis fait sécher

Sur la plus haute branche,

Un rossignol chantait

Chante rossignol, chante,

Toi qui as le cœur gai

Tu as le cœur à rire,

Moi je l'ai à pleurer

J'ai perdu mon amie,

Sans l'avoir mérité

Pour un bouquet de roses,

Que je lui refusai

Je voudrais que la rose,

Fût encore au rosier

Et que ma douce amie

Fût encore à m'aimer

I smiled slightly and rolled over to see Celeste, a small smiled placed on her lips. "Where was that song from?" I asked her softly, she chuckled. "My children weren't as tough when they were younger as they are now..." she rubbed her knuckles over my cheek. " Drake, Tantum and believe it or not Caleb were all afraid of the dark when they were childre. Not like the way they are now, big strong macho men who feel like they are being challenged by the world, but when they were children they were scared of everything, expecially Caleb, he was a very timid little child..."

She trailed off looking me in the eye. Her Hazel eyes sparkiling, remembering the memories. I smiled softly. "He was scared of everything?" She laughed and nodded her head, her now messy curls bobbing everywhere.

"Si mi amouree, he was so timid we worried for him somethimes. He has definatly grown up..."  she then slightly went distant but came back to reality with a quick shake of her head.

"Dont worry sweetheart, he'll come back... I promise.... They allways do..." she winked at me then stood up and left the room. 

I sighed. Rolling over onto my back I caught a whiff of what I smelled like.

I scowled with disgust. god lord I smelt bad. Sighing I stood up and power walked to the bathrom.

I need a shower...

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