Chapter 13

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Denice's P.O.V

When I kissed his cheek I started blushing like mad crazy so I walked around him and back down stairs. When I got back down to the living room everyone was cuddled up on the couches watching tv. "Hey sis. If it's ok with you Marques wants me to live with him...even though we just meet" Celeste said playing with her fingers nervously. I put my hand on her shoulder and the other in her hair and ruffled in around making it look all crazy. "Yea. I don't care your basically an adult now" I turned to Marques and growled loudly making him flinch. "If you fuck up. Believe me you are gonna get fucked up" I said baring my fangs at him. Celeste laughed and giggled and I watched as his eyes softened and I think I heard a little whimper escape from his mouth. "Awwww Baby"Celeste cooed to him and ran to him and into his arms. "THANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU!" Celeste yelled jumping up and down in Marques's lap. I could tell he was trying to calm his wolf because he was biting his lip and digging his nails into the couch. "Celeste stop jumping on him." I said smiling. I heard Malcolm coming down the stairs and I looked at him. He walked right passed me and opened the door. "Come on we're going home" I nodded and said goodbye to everyone and left out the door with him.We walked down the street instead of running so we could just talk....but we really didn't talk. We mainly just walked in silence.....until.

Malcolm's P.O.V

We were walking silently till I saw a girl walk by with a dog a pitbull at that. I couldn't help myself and walked up to the girl and asked could I play with the dog for a few mins. I looked at the dog and leant down to pet it. The dog jumped up on me knocking me down and licked my face. "Your a good girl aren't ya" I said getting up petting the dog one more time before I told the girl thanks and grabbed Denice's arm and walked on our way.
When we got to the house I opened the door and went straight up to my room and jumped in my bed pulling the covers over my head. I wanted my music so I got back up and hoocked up my surround sound turning it all the way up with a lot of bass. I flipped through my tablet and decided to listen to Wiz Khalifa,I sat my tablet down and jumped back into my bed.

3 hours later

I woke up to my music still blasting and my covers half way off of me. I rolled over and looked at my ceiling. "You like your music really loud" I looked over nex to me. "O SHIT!" I jumped back and fell out my bed hitting the floor, Denice leaned over the edge and just looked at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you". I was getting mad. For one she scared me,two she's in my bed without permission. "Get out" I growled a bit. She looked sorry,and upset but she didn't protest she got up and left without a word which I'm sure are coming later. I'll be surprised if they don't but she really pissed me off like seriously. I got off of the floor and just stood there dusting myself off then I went to the bathroom to take a leak.

"MALCOLM!!!" I heard Denice yell from down stairs and my wolf took over and rushed down the stairs to her cries. When I made it down stairs she was laying on the floor bleeding out from her stomach. There was a dark shadowy figure standing over her, the next thing I know all I see is red and I hear my bones crack and realised that my wolf was causing me to shift. I could feel his anger and hurt,we lunged at it and tackled it to the floor and ripped into its neck tearing the major artery and pressed down on its chest watching it choke on its own blood. Once it was dead finally I left it and went to Denice who was on the floor screaming in pain. Her cries made me whimper in sadness.
I bent my head down ripping her shirt open and licked her wound helping it heal faster. It was bubbling and was black around the edges. I changed back and ran and grabbed the phone dialing the pack doctor. I told her to get ove here as fast as possible. "Denice it's ok calm down please".I said trying to get her to stop screaming because it wasn't helping me focus at all. "'re not the who just got s...stabbed" she growled through gritted teeth laughing a little. I smiled at her because even though she was in pain right now she still was capable to laugh and smile. I was sitting on the floor with her in my arms when someone knocked at the door. I picked Denice up off the floor and carried her into the living room laying her on the couch softly. I ran to the door and opened it quickly,finding a smiling Jasmine that was our pack doctors name. "Good evening Alpha. What was the emergency" She said looking around me then she saw Denice and pushed pass me. Yea,she could get away with stuff like that she was like one of the pack mothers no one disrespected her or crossed her cause honestly she could fuck you up.

"Hi sweetie you ok?. What happened?" I heard Jasmine ask Denice as she took out some bandages and some purple colored liquid from her bag. "Well She came in my room and was asleep in my bed then I woke up and she scared me and I fell out my bed and then got mad and told her to get out....." I stopped because Jasmine gave me a I'll kill you if you ever do that again look. "But I was upstairs in the bathroom when I heard her scream for me then I came rushing down the stairs and saw that thing over there hurting her. I lost control then ripped it's throat out and killed it." I finished with a deep breath,running my hands through my hair. "Well this is kinda your fault Malcolm. You do know that right" I nodded and walked toward them and sat next to Denice grabbing her hand rubbing it soothingly.

"Denice this may taste awful but you have to drink this. You've been stabbed by a rouge darkling..... it wanted to weaken you so it could claim you and your powers". She said grabbing the bottle purple and opening it. It had a nasty smell that made my nose tingle. I put a pillow underneath her head to help her drink it easier. When she started to drink it her face balled up and she coughed a little. "Baby you ok?" I asked and she nodded that made me happy and put a slight smile on my face.
"Ok That should be enough. She should heal in 2 days tops or at least  3" Jasmine said before getting up and helping me carry Denice up the stairs....well telling how to carry her more than help. "Ok take good care of her. Try not to be as mean as usual with her alright, I mean it" Jasmine said patting me on the back extra hard, then left.

I walked over to the bed and sat next to Denice and just looked at her. She had falling asleep after she drank that stuff. Damn she looks so beautiful and peaceful. I moved her hair away from her face. Why am I so mean to's like I'm her big bad wolf.

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