Chapter 12

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Denice's P.O.V

I was beyond speechless and happy because my little sister was right here in front of me hugging me. I haven't seen her in forever I thought she had left the state. "What are you doing here Celest?" I asked looking at her. She wiped her eyes and smiled at me. "I missed you so much and I need to find something called a mate apparently I'm not human found out a few days ago"she said shrugging her shoulders. She flipped her hair back and I saw the marking on her neck. "So you already have your mark I see" I said smiling widely. I pulled her back into me hugging her tightly. Malcolm came from behind me and just looked at us. "Well....I guess this is weird" he said putting his hands in his pockets like he knew something we didn't . "And why is this weird?" I said lowly glaring at him. "Did you look at the mark on her neck closely or are you just blind" he said like it was the most obvious thing ever. I moved her hair from her neck and watched as her mark glossed in the light just like mine. "Really she's mated to one of your brothers!" I yelled at him kinding mad for some reason. "Why the hell are you yelling at me. I didn't do anything. Blame the moon goddesses" he said putting his hands up. I stormed off out the door and took off running to Marques's house. "DENICE!" I heard them call but I was already gone,and before I knew it I was on his front porch. I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear him coming to the door and when he opened it. I grabbed him by his throat ramming him into a wall. "Well...h.hello to you D..denice" he choked out but my grip only got tighter. "If you hurt my little sister in anyway I swear to god I will rip you to pieces my damn self!" I growled and snarled at him. "What t.the hell a....are you t..talking about. I d..didn't know you h..had a sister and w..hy are you trying to kill over her. I...I don't even know the little b...bastard" he said but the last part made my hand get tighter and cut off his breathing entirely. His legs kicked and his body squirmed till he went still. No he wasn't dead he had just passed out. I had just dropped his body when Malcolm,Celest,Casey and Jackson came running through the door."WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!" Jackson screamed walking over to Marques's body. "He's not dead he just passed out is all he'll be alright when he wakes up" I said sitting on the couch running my hands through my hair. "I don't know what happened. I just got so protective of her and I felt like he might hurt her and make her cry or break her heart" I said shaking. Malcolm came over to me placing his hand on my shoulder calming me a little. He sat next to me and hugged me tightly. "I promise they'll be ok"he whispered in my ear then kissing my neck softly. I watched as Jackson picked him up putting him on the couch. We all decided to watch t.v. until he woke back up.
We sat there for like 3 hours watching t.v. when he finally woke up. I looked ovet at him smiling mouthing I'm sorry but he just glared at me. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" he yelled at me really loud. I just sat there and let him yell and scream at me until Celest walked through the door with bags of food. " I bought everyone something to eat because I got hungry and I'm pretty sure you guys were to so I brought enough for every body" she said happily oblivious to the point that she didn't know Marques was awake,but he was starring directly at her. "Mine" He said walking towards her slowly. She turned to him looking clueless she was about to say something but he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into his body. "Hi" he said as he tightened his grip on her waist. I watched as Celest body jumped a little,and his eyes changed black and back to normal quickly. "Mine" They said in Unison. I stood up and walked over to them and Celest smiled widely and Marques did the same. "Celest this is the mate thing you need to find. It's him Marques. Marques this is Celest my little sister the one I was talking about" I stood there with my hand on my hip watching them undress eachother with their eyes. "Ok Ewwww. Stop looking at each other like that" I said pretending to throw up in my mouth. I knew they weren't going to stop so I just gave up and went and sat down on the couch ignoring them. Malcolm came and sat next to me laughing ."What the hell are you laughing at?" I asked him glaring at him intensely. He looked at me and stopped laughing and then got up and walked back upstairs leaving me on the couch. I instantly felt like something wasn't right and I had messed up something. I was fighting with myself to hold my ground and not go after him but it was so hard. I threw a pillow across the room and headed upstairs behind him.
When I got up there he was standing by the window just looking out into the yard. "Why did you get up and leave?", I asked scratching the back of my arm. "You got mad for no reason and I'm not gonna deal with that" He said sternly still looking out the window. I looked up and he turned and meet my gaze. "I'm sorry..." he started to chuckle and damn it was sexy. "I really don't like that shit. Don't apologize for something stupid". He said walking over to me squating down in front of me and putting his hand on my chin. "I'm not a nice person at all,and I will not deal with bullshit. If I don't like something I'm gonna tell you. Ok?". I nodded and smiled as I stood up. "I promise to do my best to not give yu bullshit but I'm a very difficult female,but I think I can manage" he cocked his head to the side. "Uhhh.. ok,but I can be a dick sometimes and very fucking hard to get along with so when my temper goes berzerk don't be surprised" he said lowly. I put my hand on his cheek and pulled him to wear he was standing. " I hope I can change that attitude a little bit". I said looking him in the eyes and kissed his cheek.

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