Chapter 2

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Denice's P.O.V

I was halfway to school without anyone messing with me yet,but just my luck someone who hated me had to drive by. I tried to hide behind my books that didn't help at all,they threw a football and hit me right in my head knocking me and my books down on the cement. "YOUR NOT MEANT TO BE HERE YOU FREAK!" The driver screamed at me as they drove away laughing. Why does everyone hate me I've never done anything to anyone EVER not even elementary. I picked myself up then my books and hurried to school.

I got there and sat under the usaul tree I sit underneath and wait till the school bell rang for firsr block. I was writing in my book when I saw a shadow cast over me. I looked up to see Casey and Mia standing over me smiling. They where the only 2 people that actually treated me like I was a person even though they weren't treated like me at all,they had alot of friends and a boyfriend or a girlfriend and they lived happy lives unlike me.

"Hiiiii Denice. What you doing?" Casey asked in his deep voice filled with curiosity. I smiled at him and pointed to my book then held up my pen to hm. "Oooo yea the same thing your always doing" he smiled laughing. Mia just laughed and patted my head,she always did this even when we first meet she was great and one of the weirdest girls I knew exception of myself. We just talked and laughed until the bell rang and we had to go to class.... For some odd reason I felt a little sick all of a sudden. I got into my classroom and everyones attention went straight to me. "Look what the dead drug in" "freak" "Ew your digusting" All the remarks were just going on and on and they didn't stop until the teacher came in. Once class got started I wrote down all my notes and copied all examples that where on the board. I put my head down once I was finished,I was falling asleep when something hit my head and my hand. I lifted my head up and found out it was a paper ball. I picked it up and unballed it, it read Kill yourself already save everyone else the trouble!. I felt the tears well up in my eyes and the hot streaming tears pour down my face as I read the paper. I got up from my seat running out the room into the hallway. Not really looking where I was going,I ran into a brick wall or a person. They just stood there hovering over me looking down at me making me feel smaller than I already did. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and wasn't paying attention" I said getting up from the floor. I looked up right into golden eyes and I heard a growl. I held my head down and ran around the person trying to get away from the school as fast as possible. My Stepdad wasn't home so I decided to go home and just stay in my room. I ran all the way home not stopping not even when my ribs started hurting. I finally made it home and unlocked the door and went inside all of a sudden the sicknest I had earlier came rushing back and I shut the door and ran to the bathroon throwing up. I was throwing up so much my stomach was hurting,I didn't really eat anything today so it made it hurt even more. I sat there throwing up and crying wishing I still had my mom here to help me or my daddy telling me it's ok and I'll make it through this.
I finally stopped and got up stripping out of my cloths. I needed a bath after today to clear my head, I really didn't wanna do anything stupid. I turned on the hot water and let it fill the tub and added some rose petals from my room and some bath salt. I put one foot in letting it send heat all through my body slowly, I got in and sat down slowly letting the water conceal me. Relaxing I unpinned my hair and let it fall into water it was really fucking long and just now I've noticed its turning red a little. "Weird" I thought to myself as I held my breath and went under the water, I was under water for awhile when I saw those eyes again they were so light brown it was almost as if they were see through.I was just wondering who was that guy anyways I've never seen him around school before today.... I came from under the water washed my hair and and took my bath and got out wrapping a towel around my body bending down letting the water out. I stood up and looked in the mirror. "Why is it so hard to love myself?" I thought as I walked out of the bathroom into my room closing my door. I went to my dresser and got out my batman pajama shorts and tank top,I grabbed some underwear and slipped them on put in my cloths and grabbed my hair brush and went and sat on my bed turning on my music and plugging my headphones and pressed play on "Eternal Sunshine"by Jhene Aiko and turned it all the way up blocking out all sound around me. I layed down and began to sing getting lost in the music as I always do. I was halfway asleep when my door burst open scaring me but the sight behind the door scared me even stepdad and he was drunk. I felt the sickening feeling of the memories of what he did to me come flooding back of how he beat my mom and me and did worse to me when my mom died when he got drunk.

I got up from my bed taking my headphones out looking at him. He got closer to me and I bagged away. I kept bagging up until I hit my window. "Hey D...denice" he said in between hiccups I could smell the alcohol from across the room. I could feel my body get weak as I became scared of what might happen. "Get away from me Josh" I said as my voice broke and trembled. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOU LITTLE BITCH!" He screamed as he lunged at me grabbing me by my hair pulling me to the floor. "LET ME GO. LET ME GO!!!" I screamed at him,I refuse to go through this again I won't I just won't. I punched him in the leg hard making him fall to my level then I head butted him and punched him in the face knocking him out cold. I took his hand from my hair and stood up amazed at what I just did and curious of how the hell did I know how to do that.

I stepped over his body going to my closet grabbing my duffel bag and stuffing as much cloths I could and grabbed my phone,charger,and my headphones and ran out of the door laeaving him on the floor. I ran and ran and ran until I made it to Casey's house. "Casey! Casey!" I yelled as I banged on the door like I was crazy. I heard his feet coming down the stairs at full speed I'm surprised he didn't trip,the door swung open and he looked at me with wide eyes and shock. "What is it whats wrong?!" He yelled lightly pulling me into the house. I couldn't help it and broke down in front of him "H...he tried to h..hurt me again Casey.H...he almost did it again. I..I can't go b...back there I won't" I cried out in between sobs. He gasped and hugged me close to his chest rubbing the back of my head soothingly. "It's ok you don't have to go back I promise you can stay with me. I'll take care of you". He said shushing me as he talked I was facing the doorway to the hall when a guy came walking out the back with just a sweatshirt on that looked liked Casey's but just a little bigger his body was buff ass hell and he looked liked a Hollister model but sexier. "Uhhh...Casey w...who is that?" I asked sitting up off of him. He looked behind him and smiled brightly and then back to me "Denice there's something I wanna tell you.I'm gay and this is my boyfriend Jackson we've been dating 3years now and I love him"

My brain went on overdrive and played what just happened inside my head and all I could think was "OMG!"

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