It's Fine

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Gerard's POV

"I'm going to go get Paris. She's been in the bathroom for a while," I tell the guys as I start out of the room.

Frank grabs my arm before I get far though. "Get Hayley to go in. She is a girl so..." he gives me pleading eyes.

"She probably doesn't want to talk to us anyways. She most likely thinks she embarrassed us by having a panic attack in front of all our friends," Mikey says, always being sensible.

"Fine. One of you go find Hayley. I have to go find Mathew and tell him it wasn't his fault."

I rush out of the room and pull out my phone. Scrolling through my contacts, I finally find his number and hit call.

"GERARD! PLEASE DON'T BE MAD! I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN FOR HER TO FREAK OUT. I JUST-" I cut him off with a laugh. "Dude, I'm not mad. I'm deffenantly not happy, but you didn't know."

I hear him let out a sigh before apologizing again and hanging up.

Paris' POV

As I sit on the counter, I hear someone come in. I glance over to see Hayley Williams walk in the door.

"Hey girly. Your dad wanted me to come check in on you."

I let out a sigh before going over and hug her. We stand there for a few minutes, me just crying in her shoulder.

"I feel so embarrassed now. I had a panic attack in front of all my dad's friends," I sob in her shoulder harder.

"Hey. It's okay. Your uncle sent me in here to tell you that it's okay. They aren't mad or anything," Hayley whispers as she soothes my hair.

"A-are you sure?" I whimpered out.

"Of course. They love you so much, you know that, right?"

I nod my head before beginning to compose myself.

"I'm going to go talk to them," I whisper, mostly to myself.

"Alright. They really aren't mad at you, okay?"

I nod and head out of the bathroom to go face My Chemical Romance.....


Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update. I had LOADS of make up school work plus I started my early college application for early college. It's been a busy few months for me, so sorry for slacking on updating.


Kelley [AKA Forever-at-the-disco]

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