Something's Wrong

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Gerard's P.O.V

"Guys... we need to talk about Paris," I say as soon as I came back from telling her goodnight.

"What about her?" Ray asked, looking up from his phone.

"About us finding her crying in that green room today. There's no way that she had been crying that much over a dog video."

I was concerned about her. I could tell she was lying as soon as she said what she did, but I knew I couldn't confront her about it without talking to the guys first.

"Oh, yeah. That," Frank said as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"She was definitely lying, but why would she lie about why she was crying?" Mikey asked, concern evident on his face.

"Maybe she was just still anxious about being where her mom lives. She could have had a small panic attack or something. I know that that's why she didn't want to go with us this morning," Mikey stated.

"I know. Maybe we shouldn't have pushed her to come with us. She had a rough night last night," I said, hanging my head.

How do I keep messing up with parenting? First I freak out on her when she slept in Mikey's bed, now I'm pushing her to do things after she was already pretty worked up.  I don't know what I'm going to do. Mikey's been way better at this than I have.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Gee. You didn't know it would affect her like this." Frank was right, I guess. I just should have at least talked to her a bit before we made her come with us.

"I don't think I'm cut out to do this," I choked out as I stormed out of the hotel room, walking back to my own.


Paris' POV

"Paris! Get up! It's time to get dressed! Oh yes! Time to get dressed!" Mikey sang as he jumped up and down on my bed.

"No. It's time for Mikey to not have any more coffee," I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach, pulling my pillow over my head as I did so.

I heard a loud gasp before a large weight was almost completely on top of me.

"You take that back right this second! I will have however much coffee I would like!" Mikey shouted, my pillow the only thing between his mouth and my ear. Had it not been here to protect me, I might have lost hearing in one ear, if not both.

"You do not need any more coffee. If either of us needs coffee it's me," I mumbled into the mattress. "Now get off of me! I'm being crushed."

With that, Mikey climbed off of my bed. "Okay. I'll go get BOTH of us coffee. See you in about 10 minutes. Be dressed by the time I get back. We have a lot to do today. And you start school."

I groaned at the thought of school but realized it would be a lot better than actual school. There would be no people to annoy me, I hope.

With about 30 seconds to spare, I was in fact dressed before Mikey got back with the coffee. Maybe today will be better than yesterday. We're less than a block from the venue, so we're walking instead of getting an Uber or anything.

I quickly grab my school bag and the coffee out of Mikey's hand before exiting the hotel room for the day.

Today will be okay.

Or so I thought.



Hey guys,

So I have a bit of kinda bad news...

I don't think I'll be updating this story very much after the 20th this month.

For starters, I go back to school on the 23rd and with at least 3 AP classes this upcoming semester, plus a very time-consuming club, I won't have a lot of personal time to write.

Second, I've kind of fallen out of love for this story. I want to update this story for all of you so bad, but it's difficult to when I don't know where I want it to go anymore. I've had ideas in the past, but present me has deemed them all kinda garbage and so now I'm here with my most popular story and no way to continue it.

I'm so sorry about this, but I think that if I take a break from this story, not stressing over every chapter to make sure that it's even close to being good, I will be able to continue with this story.

I will be trying my best to update at least one of my other stories, as I am much more fond of both of these, but again, with my class load and extracurriculars, I don't see that happening very often.

Please understand my decision and I am sorry if I let you all down.

With care,


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