"I don't know who I'm bringing, but do you know who you're bringing?" Robina asked her (h/c) haired friend.
"I haven't thought of that...Maybe I'll take...M-Marth.." (Y/N) said the name barely audible for Robina to hear.
"Who? (Y/N), you need to speak up sometimes. Now, who were you going to take?" The white haired female inquired.
"M-Marth.. I uh, was going to take Marth." (Y/N) said, blushing.
"Ohh! You're taking the Hero-King? Nice choice! You can wear your navy blue kimono! (I broke the 4th wall, gomen.) Oh, you two will be matching, it will be perfect!" The olive eyed female said, her eyes sparkling in joy.
"Did you want Chrom to take you? I-I mean, you were almost the same, when you were with Lucina." The (e/c) eyed swordswoman said, as she took a small step back.
"I think I will take Chrom. We can wear our branded seal kimonos!" Robina said, as she ran off to her dorm room.
"I better get ready, since the festival is today." (Y/N) said, as she walked away from the billboard.
~Time Skip: Noon~
Marth walked to the (h/c) haired female's dorm room, and knocked, a sakura blossom in his hand
"Come in! Its open!" He heard his crush's voice say through the door.
The bluenette opened the door, revealing (Y/N) at her vanity.
"Oh, Marth! What is it that you needed?" The (e/c) eyed girl said, as she looked at the Hero-King that was in front of her.
"U-Uh, (Y/N), I was um, going to ask... Would you like to go to the Fall Festival with me?" Marth said, as he held out the sakura blossom to her.
"Of course I'll go with you! I actually was planning to ask you first, but you beat me to it!" She said, taking the blossom out of Marth's hand, and putting it in a small cup of water.
"G-Great! I-I'll come get you at 8:00!" The bluenette stuttered, as he left, a blush present on his face.
Just then, Robina walked in, her kimono and underclothes in her hand.
"So, did Marth ask, or did you?" The whitette asked the (h/c)ette.
"Marth, now, would you mind helping me put this on?" The (e/c) eyed female said, as she held out her kimono.
It consited of a royal blue mixed with purple and there were small white flowers all over the bottom portion of the kimono.
After getting her underclothes, her kimono, and her sash around her waist, she helped her olive eyed friend into her kimono.
Robina took (Y/N) to her vanity, and brushed her (h/l) (h/c) hair.
After that, she clipped her (h/l) bangs with a white sakura clip.
The whitette kept her hair in twintails, but she put in a clip that had a lot of beads in it.
After that, they left (Y/N)'s room.
~Time Skip: 8:00~
Marth was dressed in his clothing, and went to (Y/N)'s dorm room and knocked.
The door opened, and Marth blushed at the sight of (Y/N) in front of him.
"S-She looks...s-stunning!" The bluenette thought, as his blush increased.
"(Y/N)? A-Are you ready to go now?" He said as he regained his posture.
"Yes, I am. Shall we get going then?" (Y/N) said, as she stepped out and closed her door.
~Time Skip: Outside At The Festival~
It was nearing 10:00, and there was said to be fireworks at 11:00.
Marth and (Y/N) were seated at a bench, which had a clear view of the sky, with dango in their hands.
"Thank you Marth." The (h/c)ette female said, as she blushed.
"What for, milady?" Marth said, formally.
"For asking me to come with you to the festival." She said quietly.
Marth chuckled. "Thank you, (Y/N) for allowing me to take you."
The bluenette grasped the (h/c)ette's free hand, and the fireworks began.
There were a whole variety of them, ranging from the Fire Emblem Logo, to the Smash Bros Logo.
Once the last one, was being lit, Marth kissed (Y/N), startling her at first, but then kissed back, just as the last few fireworks went off.
They pulled away, due to the lack of oxygen, and Marth leaned his forehead on (Y/N)'s.
"I love you, (Y/N). You make me the happiest person alive, knowing that you're always by my side. I hope you share the same feelings as I do." Marth whispered to the female.
"I love you as well, Marth. Ever since we got into Smash, I've actually liked you for quite a while now." She whispered back.
You Got The Ocarina Of Time!
Konichiwa minna-san!
Let's take a vote; who thinks I should create more chapters like this??
I mean, I love making these, but I want you're guys' opinion.
Next Chapter(s): Festival Of Love: Pt. 2 (Pit X Reader)

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Fanfiction[discontinued] the newest smash has just been announced, and y/n had been anticipating for their letter to come in and finally, after days of agonizing and restless days, their letter had arrived. join y/n in the newest smash game, meeting new chara...