roy [pt 3/end]

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Robina smirked, as she looked at the (h/c)ette female, who was staring down the poster on the corkboard. "What?" (Y/N) said, as she finally noticed the whitette staring and smirking at her.

"I know who you're  going to taakee!" She says, as (Y/N) widened her eyes. "You know, a certain Hot Head? I have a feeling he'll ask yoouu!"

"My goodness! Keep your voice down! He'll hear you!" The (e/c) eyed female whisper-shouted at her best friend.

"Ya know, you really should ask him to take you to the Fall Festival! I'll even ask him for you!" Robina said, as she nudged her friend lightly.

"No Robina. Knowing that you are going to ask makes me even more worried." (Y/N) said, as she shakes her head.

"Aww, (Y/N)! Am I starting to make you nervous?" The whitette said, smirking.

"Hn. Since you're bothering me about asking Roy so much, I'll go and ask him. Goodness you can very annoying at times." (Y/N) said, her eyebrows scrunching together.

Her best friend's olive eyes widened, and she smiled largely, as she said, "You will?! Oh my gosh! I knew you would! Go ask him!! Do it or I will!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, and left to go find Roy.

Roy sighed. "What am I going to do?" He said as his best friend, Marth walked in. "Whatever is the matter, Roy?" The Hero-King asked his red-head friend.

"Oh, Marth, it's you... I really wanna ask (Y/N) to the Fall Festival, but I don't know how." Roy said, exasperated, and Marth had chuckled at him.

The bluenette then had looked out Roy's window, and saw (Y/N) walking near the opened window. Roy, confused, follwed his gaze, and saw (Y/N), making his heart jump out and his face flame up with red, matching his hair color.

The said window that the (h/c)ette female was walking towards was open, and she popped her head in the room, saying, "Hello Marth. Hello Roy." This made Roy blush, and turn away while Marth had greeted (Y/N).

"Why hello there Miss (Y/N)." The bluenette said, smiling a small smile. The (h/c) haired female then had spoken towards Roy. "Roy..." She said, making Roy jump.  "U-Uh, hello (Y/N)." He said, as his face had started to fire up with heat.

(Y/N) had giggled at his reaction, and asked, "Roy, would you like to go the Fall Festival with me?" Roy's blush had increased greatly. "O-O-O-Of course! Wh-What time should I pick you up?" He said, stuttering.

Giggling once again, (Y/N) had said, "About 8:00 maybe?" Roy had nodded furiously, and she had bidded the two a farewell. "Don't forget to wear your kimono!" (Y/N) said, as she left the window.


The (h/c) female had sprinted to her shared room, where Robina sat her bed reading her Arcfire tome.

She then had screamed, making Robina throw her tome to the corner of the room, and pull out her Levin Sword in defense.

"WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?! DID SOMEONE ATTACK YOU?! DID SOMEONE HURT YOU?!" The whitette had yelled at the (h/c)ette.

"ROY WA KARE TO ISSHO NI OMATSURI NI IKU TAME NI WATASHI O MOTOMETE IMASHITA!!!!" (Y/N) blurted out in Japanese, making Robina look at her confused.

"U-Uh, (Y/N)... I-I don't really understand Japanese. You need to translate it for me." The whitette had said, scratching her neck.

(I'm sorry if I translated this wrong because I used Google Translate... If any of you know how to translate the sentence I'm about to use, put it in the comments along with the secret message.(And because Roy in SSB, he speaks Japanese...))

"Roy had asked me to go to the festival with him! I'm so excited for it! I just love festivals." (Y/N) said dreamily, as she walked to the closet. She took out a bright red kimono, the same color as Roy's hair, designed with light pink and yellow flowers.

"Do you mind helping me put this on?" She asked the whitette female, who had nodded. As (Y/N) was putting on her undergarments, she had asked her friend, "So, do you mind telling me who you're going to take?"

Blushing, Robina had confessed and told (Y/N) that she was going to take Chrom with her to the Fall Festival.

Once she was finished, Robina had asked (Y/N) to help put her kimono on, and they were both set.

Roy's face was practically the same color as his hair still as he took out his plain red kimono. The red head decided to keep his blue bandanna on, and he put on the undergarments that were necessary for the kimono. "M-Marth... C-Could you, um...?" The red head stuttered.

"Of course!" The bluenette had said. He walked around Roy, and helped him tie the kimono together.

It as nearing 8:00, and Roy had already left to find (Y/N). He had nervously walked to the (h/c)ette's room, and once he had reached the door, he had blushed.

He knocked, hesitantly, and bit his lip as he heard light footsteps near the door.

(Y/N) had opened the door, and looked up blushing to see a red-faced Roy. "Oh dear Gods! Roy looks so different without his armor!" (Y/N) had thought, as she spaced out a bit.

Robina looked up from her Elwind Tome to find (Y/N) and Roy staring at each other. The whitette had walked over to the both of them, and waved her hand in the center of them, making them snap out of their thoughts.

She then had put her hand up to (Y/N)'s ear, and whispered, "(Y/N), you're starting to drool."

Surprised, the (e/c) eyed female had quickly put a (s/c) hand up to her mouth and wiped it gently. "R-Roy...uh, w-we'd better get going before we miss out on the festival." She said, lightly grabbing his fairly tanned hand, and walking out the door.

It was about 10:00. In Roy's left hand, he had yakisoba, kakigori, and yakitori and his right hand held a paper lantern. In (Y/N)'s right hand were takoyaki and taiyaki and in her left hand was a paper lantern as well. They were seated on a dark blue blanket where most of the couple characters were at, feeding each other the food they got.

Smiling, (Y/N) had began eating her takoyaki first, but her chopsticks were taken from her small hands by Roy.

Pouting, she looked up at the red head, who had chuckled. He picked up one of the fried pancake balls with the chopsticks, and made the (h/c)ette open her mouth.

Blushing , (Y/N) had obliged to Roy's orders, and opened her mouth. He then had placed the takoyaki in her mouth. As the red-head was feeding the (h/c) haired girl, she had taken his kakigori out of his hand, making him stop feeding her and making his smile drop.

Giggling, (Y/N) had fed him the cherry flavored ice, making him blush madly.

After a few minutes of messing around, the fireworks began. There were many variations of colors and logos such as the Fire Emblem logo and the Triforce.

A few seconds into watching the fireworks, Roy had brought (Y/N)'s face towards him, and to catch her off guard, he kissed her.

Once they pulled back due to the lack of oxygen, thy decided to confess to each other.

"Roy...aishiteru desuyo..."

"Watashi mo anata o aishiteimasu...(Y/N)"

SORRY NOTING ELSE TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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