Dark Pit grabbed the Smash Ball, and once he had neared (Y/N), he used his "Dark Pit's Staff", while chuckling. "Goodbye." He said, smirking as he pointed the black and purple staff at her, making (Y/N) scream, and fly off of the Reset Bomb Stage.
"Uwaaahhhhhh!!!" The (brawler/swordfighter/gunner/bowwoman/mage) had screamed, as she flew off the stage, just as the timer went off. "GAME!" The announcer shouted. "The winner is, Dark Pit!" As his name was called, the dark angel had posed, while smirking his signature smirk, and (Y/N) had clapped for him.
Once that was finished, (Y/N) had walked out of the stage, and immediately into the training room, where she could either fight CPUs or just practice on the white sandbags. Growling, the (h/c)ette had taken out her weapon, and (slashed/shot/punched or kicked) the CPU which was set conveniently to Dark Pit.
"Haah! Take that!" She cried out as she repeatedly inflicted damage on the CPU, who had screamed in pain. (Y/N) huffed, and wiped sweat from her forehead. She then hit Dark Pit off of the stage with a loud shout, as he had screamed a scream that (Y/N) had wanted to hear during their real fight.
The door to the stage opened. "So you're reliving our fight, but with you winning?" A deep voice had said, cockily. Annoyed, (Y/N) had turned around, an irritated look on her face. "What do you want Pittoo?" She had nearly snarled. The dark angel's eyebrow had twitched, and an annoyed look was also placed on his pale face.
"I just came to check if you were crying in your room (A/N)." (annoying nickname) Dark Pit had said, raising his eyebrow in an amused way as he said (Y/N)'s nickname she hated. "Acting cocky because we won, huh?" The (brawler/swordfighter/gunner/bowwoman/mage) had said, putting her hand on her hip, smirking.
Pitto had rolled his eyes, and started walking towards (Y/N). "Look, don't be mad. Let's rematch, or if not, we can practice together." He said, as he had pinned the girl to the worn brick wall of the Reset Bomb Stage. "I mean, only if you want to." He said, blushing.
"Fine. Let's train right now instead of using CPUs." (Y/N) had said, trying to turn her brilliant (e/c) eyes away from Dark Pit's ruby gaze. "D-Don't look at me like that." She had stuttered, as her face turned the same shade of red as Pittoo's eyes. Realizing what (Y/N) had said, Pittoo's face had turned red as well.
The stage had disappeared, and it was just a regular room with sandbags and other training equippment. "Let's get going then. The training isn't going to start itself." (Y/N) had said grabbing ahold of Pittoo's hand, and pulled him over to the training circle. Sometimes Link and Ryu do sumo in there.
They pulled out their weapons, and got into their battle stances. "Tsk. See, that's where you're problem is at." Dark Pit had said, as he stood up properly. "What?" (Y/N) asked in disbelief. "How can my stance effect how I battle?" She asked, as Pittoo had walked over to her.
"It leaves you open for attacks. Someone could easily use their side smash, and knock you out of the stage. I could use Electroshock and hit you out." He said. He then starts fixing her stance. "Don't bend down so low. Although it gives you more speed to dodge normal side attacks, it gives an advantage to use a normal down attack." Pitto says, as he takes hold of (Y/N)'s shoulders, and lightly pulls her up a little bit.
"O-Oh. I didn't know that. I knew about the normal side attacks, but not about the down attacks." She stuttered, as she looked at Dark Pit, who was at his side of the circle, in his stance. "Now... Come at me!" He shouted, and once he did, (Y/N) had charged at him, and (slashed/shot/punched or kicked) him, but after doing so, he had used Electroshock, and punched her stomach, making her fall to the ground.
"What happened?" The fallen girl had asked, as she gasped for air. "You used an attack that left you wide open after. I used that advantage to hit you. And that was one of your strongest attacks. Never use that first. Use one that is a little weak, but has the same amount of power." Dark Pit had said, helping the (h/c)ette up from the ground.
"Again! We're going to keep going until you can sucessfully hit me out of the circle!" He shouted, as he got into his stance, and (Y/N) got into her new stance that Dark Pit had showed her to use. "Go!" He shouted, and (Y/N) had once again charged at the dark angel, and used one of her normal side attacks.
Once she finished, Dark Pit had used Electroshock again, but (Y/N) knew that was the attack he was going to use, and jumped up. She then began to charge up her (sword/gun/arrow/tome) halfway, and noticed that Dark Pit was advancing on her, and getting ready to slash at her with his twin swords.
She jumped away, and landed behind him, and used her charged attack, sending Dark Pit near the edge of the circle. He got up, but once he did, (Y/N) had hit him with her strong attack, sending Dark Pit out of the circle. "Aughh!" Pittoo had screamed, as he had hit the sandbags.
"Yes! I win!" (Y/N) said, as she did her victory pose. Dark Pit had gotten up, and walked over to the posing female, smiling at her. "Good job (Y/N)! You did it! You finally beat me!" He praises, as he grabs hold of both her hands. "Thank you so much Pittoo! I could just kiss you right now!" (Y/N) said, as she squeezed his hands tighter.
Pittoo blushed, and his eyes widened. "D-Do you mean it?" He stuttered. "Mean what?" (Y/N) had asked, as she tilted her head. "That you want to... kiss me?" He asked. "Does this answer your question?" The (h/c)ette had azked. "Does what--" Pitto began, but was cut off by (Y/N) placing her lips onto his. Ruby eyes had widened as (e/c) eyes had closed.
"I love you Pittoo." (Y/N) had muttered, after they parted from their kiss. "I love you too (A/N)." Dark Pit had whispered, as he placed his forehead onto (Y/N)'s forehead.

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Fiksi Penggemar[discontinued] the newest smash has just been announced, and y/n had been anticipating for their letter to come in and finally, after days of agonizing and restless days, their letter had arrived. join y/n in the newest smash game, meeting new chara...