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Written by Phans for Phans, Sing For Me collects and gather the best fanfictions we can get our hands on that feed our Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies obsession. With recommendations being written as much as possible by a team of hard working, Phantom-loving, avid readers (who've gone far past the point of no return when it comes to having a Phantom obsession), Sing For Me will ensure that you'll never have to run out of fanfictions to read ever again.

If you have any suggestions of things to read, comment them below, or tag them with #potoficrec or send us a message, and we're sure to give it a look.

So kick back, relax, and let your fantasies unwind.

Kamilla K. Thierry
Co-founder of POTOFicRec
Wattpad Fanfic Category Representative

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