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Emily's POV:

I never in a million years thought that I would see Maya ever again, I mean she was dead, they took her body away in a body bag, if that doesn't scream never seeing her again, then I don't know what does... and yet here she is standing right in front of me, her clothes ripped and dirty dried blood on her face and well alive. Still in shock I slowly walk over to her, "Maya?" She looks up at me and instantly tears up, "Em." She manages to croak out, I don't say any more, but burst into tears and pull her into a hug not wanting to let her go. Whilst hugging her, I look over her shoulder and see Hanna at Spencer's side making sure she's ok, I mean we all know she isn't, she just lost Aria to the devil, but still it's a nice gesture. I decide to pull away from the hug, take Maya's hand and go over to where Hanna and Spence are, "Um.. guys, this may be a really bad time, but what do we do now?" I ask, " nothing, what's the point? We may as well sit here and die." Spencer replies solemnly, I glance at Hanna and she looks back at me, "Spencer I-" "No Hanna, don't you dare give me a speech about how we're lucky we made it out, Aria, the girl that I love and YOUR best friend is still stuck inside that hell hole and its all because of that scum A and this bitch right here, who just so happens to still be alive, well good for you honey, but don't expect a freakin welcome home party from me, for all i care you can rot in hell." Spencer says crying now and pointing at Maya who is standing behind me cowering, "Spencer! She was in there for a LOT longer than we were, don't be such a bitch to her! HANNA and I have lost Aria too, not just you, ok? But we are going to figure something out, we always do." Spencer glared at me and then got up, gave the door behind a really big kick and then stormed off, I motioned for Hanna to follow her, "Han?" I called before she run off, "Yeah?" "Make sure she doesn't do anything, you know stupid." Hanna nods and runs off after her, I turn around to Maya, "I'm sorry, she didn't mean that, she's just really really upset right now, Aria and her have a thing going on at the moment so it's especially hard for her knowing that she didn't get her out." Maya nods at me, "come on then, let's get out of here and find the others ok?" Again she just nods, takes my hand and clings on to my arm as we follow where Spence and Hanna went. Eventually we come across them talking by a big tree, "Hey guys." They look up, Hanna gives me a weak smile but Spencer just turns away, I go and sit next to Hanna and Maya lies down resting her head in my lap, "So, how far do you think we are from Rosewood?" I ask, no one answers right away but eventually Spencer reluctantly turns around and answers, "Well Emily, I don't know, but seeing as the kissing rock is over through there I would say... not far." I smile at her, but she just turns away again, "Well then what are we waiting for?" I say, Spencer turns back around and glares at me, "ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR??? OH I DONT KNOW, HOW ABOUT..... ARIA????" She shouts at me, I open my mouth to say something but then close it again, thinking better of it, "Yeah Em, Aria, one of your 'supposed' best friends, remember her?" She says now in more of a whisper, her tears threatening to fall again, I move Maya off me and stand up, "I'm going to go and get the police, you guys stay here, I'll take Maya with me, Hanna watch Spencer and keep an eye on the door to A's doll house or whatever it was." Hanna just nods and I bend down and pick Maya up bridal style, and make my way over to the kissing rock so that I could easily find my way out of the woods from there. I get to it in about 20 minutes or so, and I'm quite tired, having carried Maya all that way, so I set her down on the rock to have a rest for a little bit, I sit down against a tree and close my eyes "Emily?" I open them and look at Maya, I crawl over to her so that I'm at her knees, "what's up?" I ask, "I-I'm s-so-rry." She croaks out, "Hey, you don't need to be, you've done absolutely nothing wrong, I'm so glad that you're alive, I thought I'd lost you!" She tugs my shirt indicating that she wants me to sit next to her on the rock, so I did, "I-I've m-mi-ssed you." She smiles weakly, I smile back, "I've missed you too, more than you'll ever know Maya." I then feel her pull on my shirt near the collar, and before I know it my lips are on hers, it feels so good, so right, but I pull away because I start to worry about her, "Come on let's keep moving." I say standing up, I pick her up bridal style again and make my way out of the woods. I reach the edge of the woods after about 15 minutes and I just keep walking even though I am completely worn out, from carrying Maya, from A's torture, which got worse and worse, I remember having my brain shocked, so I can tell that I am missing a huge part of my memory and I feel like I've forgotten someone important to me, only problem is, I don't know who it is that I've forgotten, i get to our cars which are still there from when we came to go to the kissing rock God knows how many days ago, I open my car door, put Maya in and then get in myself and drive to the police station, when I arrive and get Maya out of the car again I carry her inside and instantly see tanner, "Tanner!" She turns around and sees me with Maya and immediately runs over, "officer Cavanaugh, take Miss fields here to the waiting area, I need to deal with this young girl here first." Toby turns around at the sound of my name, and sees that it's me, "EMILY?" He runs over and pulls me into the biggest hug, "come on, I'll call your parents and let them know, your.. hang on, where are the others, Spencer,Hanna and Aria?" "Still in the woods, waiting for some officers, and Aria, um, A still has her, but we know where she is, so." Toby nods and then looks around him, ok I'll go with these two officer and get them and Spencer and hanna can show me where A is keeping Aria." I nod looking at the other two officers, who smile at me sympathetically, great just what I need..sympathy, "Em, call you parents." Toby says to me as he walks out the building, I nod again and go to the front desk, "um excuse me, could I please use your phone? I need to call my parents and tell them I'm alive." The officer nods and hands me the phone, I type the numbers in and press call, they don't answer right away, but when my mom does, you can hear in her voice that she's been crying,
"Hello?" She sniffles out, "Mom?" "EMILY?" I tear up, "Mom, I'm ok, I'm at the station-" she cuts me off, "I'm on my way." Then she hangs up. Not long after she arrives with Dad and they both pull me into a bone crushing hug, "sweetie, what happened? Are you ok?" "I'm fine mom." "What happened then?" I look away and suppress my tears, "um I'm not ready to talk about it yet..." they nod understanding, "Emily?" A voice chokes out, whoever it is I can tell they're crying, then she steps out, a beautiful blonde haired blue eyed girl steps out from behind my parents and runs over to me pulling me into a big hug, "I've missed you so much, I love you, are you ok?" I awkwardly pull away from the hug and nod, "uh yeah thanks." "I'm so glad you're ok, I love you and I swear when A is found-" "wait, you love me?" I ask confused as to why this beautiful girl standing before me, who I have never met is saying she loves me, "Um yeah, Em, of course I do, you're my girlfriend." I take a step away from her, she may be gorgeous, but I don't remember having a girlfriend, especially one that looks like her, "Um sorry but I think I would remember if you were my girlfriend." She steps away from me looking hurt, now I feel bad, "Wait, don't you remember me, don't you know who I am?" I shake my head, "no I really wish I did, but I don't, I'm sorry." A tear falls down her cheek, "Em, it's me, Ali, Alison Dilaurentis, the girl that is madly and hopelessly in love with you." I start to cry, feeling really bad, "I can't remember, I'm sorry, I think A tampered with my memory, I want to remember you, because you're beautiful and seem really nice, but I can't!" She steps towards me and hesitantly pulls me into a hug, "it's ok, it'll be ok, you're safe now, we'll figure something out." I hug her back and sob, not wanting to let her go, ever.

I don't eve know if the song goes with situation, but oh well, I like it thank you to those who are still reading this, I know I've really sucked at updating, but I'm really trying to improve on that!
~Stacey xx

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