Excuse me?

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Alison's POV:

About two or three minutes after Emily left to think things through, there was a knock on the door, I walked over to it and opened it and there stood Emily, except it wasn't the same one that just left, this one had on different clothes, she looked skinny and in pain and she was covered in dirt and blood and she looked like she was about to faint, I walked over to her and caught her just as she fell over. Somehow I managed to pick her up and carry her over to the couch in my living room, I went to get a first aid kit to clean her up a bit and I also got some sweats and a hoodie from my closet, I went back down carefully took off her clothes, it's not weird... right? I mean she's my girlfriend and maybe she remembers me seeing a as she came here? Then I cleaned the mud off her gently and then once she was clean of mud I cleaned her wounds and bandaged them, there were quite a few deep cuts and seeing them brought tears to my eyes, she obviously went through so much more than the others, after that I put my clothes on her and pulled up the blanker, then I sat there holding her hand and stroking her hair. I sat there for about 10 minutes and then she finally started waking up, "A-Ali?" I smile at her "hi." "I've missed you so much," she say tearing up, I feel my eyes widen at that, wait does this mean she definitely remembers me? "wait you remember me?" Emily frowns, "of course, how could I ever forget you?" I smiles faintly but if this Emily remembers me but the other one doesn't... and the other one remembers our other friends.. does this mean... "um, Em, do remember you're other friends?" Em frowns again, "which ones?" I look at her puzzled "Spencer, Aria and Hanna?" Her face lights up "Ali, I saw Aria in A's doll house!" I smile, maybe this is different maybe she's the real Emily Fields..."so you can remember them!" She shakes her head, "their names sound familiar, but no I only remember you, what made you ask?" I sighs never mind, "oh boy, we have a lot to catch up on babe." She sat up to look at me properly, "w-what do you mean?" I look at the floor and then back up at her, "um do you want me to tell it to you straight? Or should I sugar coat it?" She looks slightly worried now, "um I think I can handle it..." I sigh and then begin, "Em there's more than one of you, meaning there is another Emily and no one knows which Emily is the real one, the other one can't remember me but remembers Aria, Spencer and Hanna, but you, you can remember me, but not Aria, Spencer and Hanna, so things have now gotten very complicated, also the other Emily is content on trying to remember me to get back together with me..." she sits there speachless, staring straight ahead trying to process everything and then she turns to me, "WHAT? There's two of me?!" I nod, "ok well um, that's not something you hear everyday, wow... um... and the other me, you said she's trying to get back together with you?" I nod again, "Are- are you going to?" Now I'm the one who doesn't know what to say, "um well I um, uh well you're both the same person in way, but I have you and I kinda feel like you might be the real Emily but i might have a slight biased opinion seeing as you're my girlfriend and everything, but I'm about the other one, probably not, not now that you're here." She nods slowly, a smile forming on her face, "oh and also you seemed to recognise the other girls faces, but the other Emily didn't look like she could remember mine, so I don't know maybe that's a sign?" Emily smiles again, and lies back down. After sitting in a comfortable silence for a little bit, there is a knock at my front door, I go over to it and stood there is, Aria, with Spencer clinging on to her arm, and Hanna with a flask in her hand, great... and lastly behind them all is Emily, the other Emily, the one who left my house earlier, the one who doesn't remember me.... "Babe? Who is it?" I turn around to see the Emily that does remember me standing behind me, "um it's Aria, Soencer, Hanna and um you, the other you..." bother the Emily's lock eyes and then they slowly and cautiously walk over to eachother, "wow." They both say at the same time, the others walk in, or well in Hanna's case stumbles in. Once both the Emily's are done inspecting each other they follow me into the living room and sit either side of me, I look at the other girls, "ok guys, so here's what you missed, the other Emily came here and collapsed, I looked after her and then I told her everything and long story short this Emily, who we shall call Emily 1, Emily 1 can remember me, but not you guys and Emily 2 ok so the other Emily, Emily 2 can remember you guys but not me..." Emily one takes my hand, I notice Emily two glance at our hands and shift uncomfortably in her seat and next thing I know, both Emily's are holding my hand, "well, you got yourself a threesome over there Ali..." Hanna says smirking, "Shut up Hanna." I say, "ok hold on" Emily 1 says standing up she goes over to Aria, "So you're Aria, the one I saw in the doll house, right?" She nods, "yeah I'm sorry for running off i-" "it's fine, it's forgotten." Emily 1 says cutting her off, she turns to Spencer next, "Spencer?" Spencer nods, so lastly she turns to Hanna, "so you must be Hanna?" Hanna giggles, "the one and only." Both Emily 1 and Emily 2 flinch at that, "Hanna!" I scold her, "ok so now that I got down who's who, I think I'm going to try and slowly remember you, maybe if we hung out tonight or something?" Emily 1 says sitting down, everyone nods, "Well this is going to be fun right guys? I hope there's no awkward third wheeling over there with you though Ali... probably wise for you not get too drunk, wouldn't want you making out with the wrong Emily now would we, or can both of you feel the same thing? Like if Ali was to make out with one of you would the other one feel it, because that would-" I glare at Hanna, "OK Hanna, I think we get it, maybe you should shut up now? Or maybe stop drinking jeez!" She just chuckles and takes another big sip from her flask, oh boy this is going to be a long night.


~Stacey xx

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