fresh start

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Emily's POV:

I ran out of the police station, but I couldn't see her anywhere, so I ran over to my parents who were in the middle of a conversation with some policeman who I didn't recognise, "Mom?" She turned around and smiled, "Oh hello hunny, this is Lore-" "that's great mom, where does Ali love?" Dad steps forward, "I'll take you to her." I smile at him, "Thanks Dad." We walk towards the car and once we're in and driving, Dad speaks up, "Thank god, I needed an excuse to get away from the insufferable man." I glance at him, "who was her anyway?" He rolls his eyes, "Lorenzo, he's an idiot, he kept asking your mom about who Alison is, God I wanted to punch him." I chuckle, "Dad! You don't even know him." He scoffs, "Yeah and I don't want to, he seems like trouble, and he's annoying, and he was going after your girl!" I blush like crazy now, "Daaad, stop!" He chuckles lightly, "Well I know that she makes you happy, even though you can't remember her, I saw your face light up when you first saw her, it's almost like a part of you refuses to forget her." I smile, "Yes well apparently I've been in love with her for a long time." I look over at my Dad who's grinning now, "Yes, thats right." After about a minute of silence I speak up again,"Dad, if Lorenzo talks about Ali again, please let me know, I have a lot of pent up anger at the moment and I'm looking for a punch bag." My Dad frowns, but I can see he's stifling a laugh, "Now Emily, under different circumstances I would be telling you off, but at the moment I feel like not only would I tell you, but I would join you." I laugh as he pulls over in front of a house, "just don't tell your mother." He finishes, I turn to him, "it'll be our little secret." Then I wrap my arms around his neck and he instantly hugs me back, "I love you Daddy." He squeezes me,"I love you too baby girl." Then he pushes me back from the hug, "Now go get your girl." I nod, smile at him and get out the car, running up to Ali's front door, "Oh and Emily!" My dad calls, I turn to face him, "Yeah?" He chuckles before speaking again, "You might want to go next door, I don't think Alison is a 90 year old woman." I blush intensely and run next door to Alison's actual front door, "Bye Emi!" "Bye Dad!" With that he drives off, leaving me in front of Alison's house, I go and ring her doorbell and wait, then I hear shuffling behind the.door and it opens, and there is Alison, her eyes are red and puffy, and her hair's a mess, and yet somehow she still looks absolutely stunning, "Emily?" Alison questions, and I don't say anything, instead I just pull her into a huge hug, she doesn't hug back back immediately, but when she does, she clings onto me and sobs and I rub her back soothingly, "shhh it's ok gorgeous, I'm right here now, I'm back and I won't go anywhere." She shudders, "B-but E-E-Em, y-you don't even remem-ber m-me." She says in between sobs, "Its ok, I'd love to get to know you, we can have a fresh start?" Alison pulls away from the hug, and smiles, "I'd love t-that." She says calming down again, I bring my thumb up to her cheek and wipe away her tears, then I do something completely out of character and unexpected, I look out side noticing it's raining and throw Ali over my shoulder and run out, I find a mud puddle and throw her in it, laughing hysterically, "EMILY! You are dead!" She shouts giggling I see her starting to stand up and run, knowing that she's going to try and get me l, I run and I get to her backyard, great now there's no escape, Ali runs over to me grinning, "Oh Em, it's a shame you forgot that I have a pool in my backyard." My eyes widen as I see a plan forming in her head, she starts walking towards me slowly and then all of a sudden she's tackling me and jumping into the pool with me still in her arms, we resurface laughing our heads off, "Em?" Ali says as our laughter is dying down, "Yeah?" "Would you like to go on a first date with me...again?" I nod enthusiastically, "I would absolutely love to Ali." Then I splash her in the face and swim away frantically.

Aria's POV:

I'm cold, it's dark, I'm scared and I'm alone, Well alone as I can be with A watching my every move, I'm in a dark windowless furnitureless room, I feel like I'm going crazy, all I can do, is sit on the cold hard floor rock back and forth and mumble reassurances to myself, I miss my mom, I miss my dad, I miss my brother, I miss Hanna and Emily and Ali, even though A has tried to make me despise her and want to kill her, I see through that bitches plan and refuse to, Ali has changed, I can see that, and I miss her, but most of all I miss Spencer,the beautiful girl that I'm in love with, I'm lost without her, and now I'm stuck in a depressing room without her, I'm probably going to be left here to die, I had my chance to escape, with Spencer, but I didn't move and A grabbed me, now, I'm stuck, I don't know what to do. I'm sitting on the floor tapping a beat with my foot and humming some creepy tune , when the door to room slowly creams open, there is a slither of light that shines through, I wait to see if anyone comes in, but no one does, so I cautiously make my way over to the door and open it wide, I have to squint because I've been stuck in the dark for so long, so I'm not used to the brightness, I step out of the room, and wait for my eyes to adjust, after I do, I see I'm in a corridor, I look to my left and it seems to go on for ages, then I look to my right and it seems to go on for not as much, so I make my way down there, as I do I see other doors, except these doors have bars on them, I decide to look in one, so I go over to it and I can't see anything, so I start to turn away, as I do, something grabs my hand, "Argghh!!!!" I scream, I see another hand, a place boney one holding my hand in place, I calm down and slowly walk over to the door, what I see shocks and terrifies me, I rip my hand free and then run, I run and run, until I hear a voice, Toby's voice shouting my name, "ARIA!" I run to the sound of his voice and eventually get to him, when I do, I'm sobbing and I just collapse into his arms, he scoops me up bridal style and starts running to what I assume to be exit, we reach it and I see a figure running towards us, Toby puts me down and I see that it's Spencer, I catch her in my arms when she reaches me, I'm still so shocked and traumatized both from what happened and what I just saw. After I say hello and everything to both Spencer and Hanna we head home, and I'm having a mental argument with myself whether to tell them what I just saw or not, how would they ever believe that I just saw Emily in there, skinny, pale and cold, when she left here with them?

Oh damn, let me know if you were expecting that, because I wasnt! Love you guys, don't forget to let me know about the other stories and I will tell you the types of topics I was thinking! ~Stacey xx

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