Is that clear?

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Alison's POV:

3 weeks, 3 whole weeks without knowing were the people that I care about the most are, I knew A had something to do with it the second day that they didn't come in to school. I should've listened to A's threat, now it's all my fault that they're missing.
The police started looking for them on the third day, searching all around Rosewood, they went as far as they could in the woods, but found nothing, still they kept searching, for two weeks but this week the third week, they decided that there were other more important cases to be solving, than four teenagers that could've easily run away, or if kidnapped are most likely dead, but I know they arent, A is evil but I know A isn't that evil, because if A did kill one of them, it would be one less threat against me and A can't have that, so I kept on to the knowledge that they were still alive, and kept reminding myself that I would eventually see them all again, and I would eventually get hold Em in my arms and kiss her and make her feel safe, but until that day arrives, I am sitting in my room, crying, and running out of ideas of bargains to give A to get them back.

I am sitting on my bed crying, when my phone rings, it's Emily's Mom, "Hello, M-mrs Fields." I say in between sniffles, "Alison?! It's Emily, she just turned up at the police station, we're going now, come, if you want to." I stood up, "Oh My... im on my way Mrs Fields!" I hang up and run to my car, not caring at all what I look like, I drive as fast as I can to the station, and when I arrive I see Mr and Mrs Fields getting out of their car, so I park and run over to them, "Mrs Fields." She turns around, "Alison, come on then." I walk in with them, as soon as we do, we see Emily, her parents go over to her immediately and they both pull her into a bone crushing Hug, I then saw them talking to Em and looked away and suppressed her tears, she says something and her parents nod in response, I take this as my cue to show myself to my girlfriend, "Emily?" I choke out, by now I've started crying, but then I choose step out from behind Em's parents and run over to her and pull her into a huge hug, I would've kissed her, but her parents are right there, "I've missed you so much, I love you, are you ok?" I ask, I notice that she awkwardly pulls away from the hug and nods, "uh yeah thanks." "I'm so glad you're ok, I love you and I swear when A is found-" "wait, you love me?" She asks looking confused, I stare at her confused as to what she's implying "Um yeah, Em, of course I do, you're my girlfriend." She takes a step away from me and my heart plummets,"Um sorry but I think I would remember if you were my girlfriend." My heart shatters and tears well up in my eyes, I step away from Em feeling really hurt, and she suddenly looks really guilty, "Wait, don't you remember me, don't you know who I am?" She shakes her head and my heart keeps breaking into even tinier pieces, "no I really wish I did, but I don't, I'm sorry." A tear falls down my cheek, "Em, it's me, Ali, Alison Dilaurentis, the girl that is madly and hopelessly in love with you." She starts to cry too, "I can't remember, I'm sorry, I think A tampered with my memory, I want to remember you, because you're beautiful and seem really nice, but I can't!" I suddenly remember what has just happened for the past three weeks and decide to forget that she doesn't remember me for now, I need to make sure she is ok, so I step towards her and hesitantly pull her into a hug, "it's ok, it'll be ok, you're safe now, we'll figure something out." She hugs me back and sobs, so I rub her back and whisper sweet nothings into her ear to try and calm her down, "A-Alison, im really sorry I can't remember you." I squeeze her, "ahhh it's ok, don't worry about that now, we'll figure something out, we also have, right now, let's just focus on the fact that you're ok." I whisper back to her, then I decide to be bold and kiss her on her head, after that we pull away and she smiles at me sadly, and I smile back at her, she takes my hand and starts rubbing her thumb over the back of it, suddenly a girl appears beside Emily and Em instantly releases my hand and turns and hugs the girl, "are you alright? Did everything go alright?" I hear Em ask, the girl just nods, they pull away and stare into each others eyes, next thing I know, they're leaning in like they're about to kiss, so I cough really obnoxiously loudly to remind them that I'm still here, Emily jumps away from the girl and immediately looks guilty, "Um and you are?" I ask the girl, "Maya, Maya st Germain." I nod, "right and you were about to kiss my girlfriend because?" She looks shocked, "excuse me?! Your girlfriend? Look I don't know who you think you are, but you're crazy if you think my girlfriend is yours." I look back at her just as shocked, "WHAT?! I'm Alison Dilaurentis, and Emily Fields is my girlfriend, and I'm in love with her, and have been for 5 years, we recently got together and then she was taken from me from that bitch A and I've just gotten her back to find out she remembers everything and everyone apart from me, and NOW, I'm standing here listening to you, tell me that Emily Catherine Fields is your girlfriend, well I don't think so, because if you are her girlfriend, then we're the hell, have you been for the past two years?!" I take a deep breath in and glare at Maya, who is glaring right back at me, "Well Alison, for the first year, I was with Emily, happily in love, kissing her, hugging her, holding her when she was crying about you being 'dead', Oh and making sweet sweet love to her-" I slapped her, but she just turned back to me and carried on where she left off, "Then in the second year I was locked up in a room all by my self by A. So, where were you for 2 years Alison? Whilst poor Emily here was left to think you were dead, I mean not that I'm complaining, I got to be with her and you were well dead so I had her all to myself-" I slapped her...again, "Oh you think your story is sad, Well how's this, I was hit on the head with a rock, by A, buried alive by my own mother, pulled out by and old woman, ran away from her, picked up in a car by a girl I used to bully, taken to motel by her, told to run away by her, so I did, I came up with a new identity and ran and left everyone to think I was dead, I was on the run for two years, I got a big scar from being cut with a knife by someone I thought I could trust, I risked my life to keep coming back to rosewood to save my friends, then after two years, I did finally come back, only to have my friends think that I'm the person that I fear the most, then they were taken from me, the love of my life was taken from me, and then after three weeks of none stop crying, my girlfriend comes back not even remembering me, because that son of a bitch A decided to ruin my life even more, so Miss German-"she cuts me off, "it's Germain and its actually-" I scoff, "you do know that I do not care right? Anyway as I was saying, before you rudely interrupted, Emily is MY and I will help her to remember me to the day I die if I have to, because I love her, and I will be damned if anyone tries to get in the way of my true love and I, the only reason I would stop is if she asked me to, Emily and ONLY Emily, do I make myself clear?" Maya looks taken aback and slightly frightened, "I-I uh um." "I said, do I make myself clear?" I say again, this time through gritted teeth, she nods frantically, "Good, then welcome back, I'm sorry A was a bitch to you, but then again A is a bitch full stop." She looks completely bewildered and in then end just goes away and sits down, I turn to Em, who looks a mixture of amused, dissapointed, embarrassed, shy and sad, "Ill see you tomorrow?" She nods eagerly, I turn go over to her and hug her, before turning and walking out of the station. As soon as I walk home I go up to my room and cry on my bed again, I will figure something out Em, I promise.

And BOOM, there's another chapter! I now have a plan and know how this book is going to end, so I won't get writers block and will keep updating, I'm thinking about writing other books, not necessarily PLL related, would you guys read them? Please let me know! I love y'all! ~Stacey xx

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