Easy come easy go

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Alison's POV: 

I took Em back to my house, not caring about school, just like this morning the whole car ride was silent and definitely awkward. I kept looking at Em, she looked different, broken and confused she turned and we made eye contact, I whipped my head to look back at the road. Yup definitely awkward. 

We made it to my house and I rushed out of the car and ran to Em's door and opened it for her, because I mean who doesn't like a bit of chivalry? She smiled lightly at me and even though it was small and things were still pretty weird my heart skipped a beat, I couldn't help but grin as I watched her walk up to my house. She waited for me as I unlocked the door. We walked in and I felt my heart leap into my chest... oh no, this can't be happening, not now.

Spencer's POV: 

Ali was acting weird all day today and neither her or Em were in chem this afternoon, I'll text them later it's probably nothing, but just to check I ran up to Hanna and Aria, I smiled at Hanna and winked at Aria and she blushed, god she's so beautiful, 'No Spence focus you can talk to Aria later' 

"Hey Spence, You ok?" Aria said smiling at me warmly

"Have either of you seen Em or Ali? They weren't in chem and i'm slightly concerned."

"Spence, chill they're probably just getting their sexy on." Hanna winked at me and I snorted, We all kenw that something was going on between them even if they hadn't told us.

"Haha, You know what Han you're probably right."  her eyes widened,

"Seriously?? OH MY GOD to have THE spencer hastings tell me i'm right I mean just wow it's a dream come true!" She said rather sarcastically,

"Shut Up"

"C'mon guys class is starting we should hurry!" Aria said whilst still grinning, We ran to our next class.

Emily's POV: 

I don't know what to think about Ali anymore, one minute she's giving me the cold shoulder and the next she's there being a really protective girlfriend, I really don't know if I can handle not knowing which Ali is going to be by my side, because I really couldn't handle it if Ali started to behave like her old self again, I mean that side of Ali, Ali's "bitch side" really broke me more than once. 

I was ignoring Ali in the car, I knew that she kept looking at me but I didn't want to look at her I didn't want to know what Ali I was sitting next to. We shortly arrived at Ali's house and before I could even reach for the door handle Ali was there opening my door for me, she can be so sweet sometimes so I know what I'm going to do will be hard, I gave her a small smile and walked up to the porch, quickly followed by Ali, she was smiling as she was unlocking the door, I wonder what about. As we walk inside there is a woman standing in Ali's hallway, I glance at Ali who's face has completely paled. The woman took a step forward with a tear rolling down her face, 



"I-I just.."

"Just what? I said I NEVER wanted to see you again! GET OUT!" 

"I'm Sorry Ali." She said and she walked out.

I turned to Ali,

"who was that?"

Ali turned to look at me, she had tears streaming down her face, i quickly took her hand,

"That was my-my old child minder...."

I looked at Ali confused,

"She um... tried to kiss me a lot and she has issues Em, she thinks that me and her are a couple, but I swear that I don't like her like that, if anything I hate her and yes she scares the crap out of me."

I pull Ali into a hug, I knew that it's not going to be easy to tell her, but I have to.

"Ali we need to talk..."

Please leave comments telling me what you thought! 

~Stacey xx 

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