chapter 5

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Layla and Steven are walking down the street from talking about how everything will go down with his parents.

"so what do you think I should say?" he asked "just tell them what's on your mind they'll listen" I say trying to make him feel better. " I don't know my parents really don't like to talk to me all they do is leave me money or tell me there going away on a business trip I'm always alone at my house" he looks down with a sad look in his eyes I can't help but feel sorry I put my hand on his shoulder "don't worry we'll get through this together" I give a reassuring smile "thanks I don't know why I never got the chance to be closer to you before.

we reach his house and I feel like my heart is going to pulp out of my chest "why am I nervous I'm here to help him with his problem" he opens the door and we step inside "oh my god your house is so beautiful" I say looking around "thanks" he says throwing the key on the counter in his big kitchen "would you like anything to drink?" I shake my head still amazed at his home how can a guy with a nice house like this be depressed he shows me the rest of the house we enter his room and of course it's the biggest room here we sit and begin to plan out what to say when the came home as I'm talking Steven's staring at me with his big hazel eyes and a smile

"is there something on my face?" I try to rub off anything that was on but there was nothing he begins to laugh "what's so funny?" I wonder

"your just so cute" he says still laughing I give him a glare and begin to chuckle along as well we stare into each others eyes and begin to kiss his soft lips press against mine firmly but yet gentle he moves down to my neck I try not to make it obvious because that's my spot he nibbles down and I let out a soft moan. he hears my moan and lays me down onto the bed he gets on top and takes off his shirt all I see is a six pack "wow football did him well" I think, still kissing he moves his hand up my shirt grabbing my boobs the tender touch drives me crazy. as we lay there making out the door jingles we continue to kiss then all of a sudden

"what's going on in here!!" his angry mother said standing there giving me the death glare we jumped up fixing our close trying to explain but she just shut us up and told us to go down stairs "oh great the one time I get to meet his mother she catches me sucking on her sons face perfect" I think as we sat in the kitchen awkward silence filled the room.

"mom there's something I need to tell you" he said nervous as hell I held his hand to come him down "can it wait " she said making some tea "no this is really important" he replied " oh fine what is it" she said with a snobby remark " mom" he squeezed my hand tighter "I'm...suicidal" he let out a breath of relieve she sat there stirring her tea not saying a word "mom" no response "mom please say something" pleading to get a word out of her "what can I say my son brings some girl home making out on his bed then tells me he's suicidal"

he replies "please just listen to me" he says "you've always been to problem child if your other....." she gives a long pause and tears roll down her face I look at Steven and see hurt and tears in his eyes "what's going on?" I asked confused "oh you didn't tell her" his mom replies "tell me what?" I ask "she sips her tea before speaking "Steven had a younger brother his name was Chris "what" I replied looking at Steven but he looks down ashamed "he was only was only eight years old he looked up to him like a role model" her voice begins to choke up more tears come down his face "AND THAT MONSTER KILLED HIM!!!" "WHAT!!!" i screamed and at that moment Steven and his mom are crying tears but me I look around wondering what the hell I got myself into.

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