chapter 11

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as i finally awake from crying all night my eyes feel like punching bags there so swollen from last night but i didn't want to remember. i mange to get out of bed and get dressed i pick up my phone and there's text messages from lele but none from Steven i go to the bathroom and wash my face i throw my hair into a quick bun and a t shirt and sweat pants i didn't feel like going to school but i knew i had to i managed to find lele and she gives me a hug

"are you ok" she asked "yeah I'm fine i guess i just don't understand why he would do this to me" i wonder confused "look I'm sure he has a good explanation for it" she replied not sounding so sure "oh really" i replyed with one eyebrow raised " ok your right i got nothing can we just kill him thats my vote" she asked i begin to laugh " you got bail money" i ask still laughing "no" she said looking sad "don't worry we'll figure this out" i say sounding confidence

we part ways and i see Steven and Darcy walking together she gives me a dirty look and

i want to kill her i hold myself back and walk into class they walk to the back as they did before i clench my fist at the thought of them together again but Steven and i didn't officially break up so technically we're still together he's just cheating on me it sounds horrible but all i wanted to do was fix the problem and work it out so i text him and say we need to talk he teplys back and tells me meet at the library at lunch i couldn't wait i count down the time till lunch and rush to the library i scan the room and find him sitting at a table i walk over and sit down

"hi" i manage to get out "hi" he says "what's going on" i ask "there's just some things i need to handle" he replies "like what you can tell me" i reply "Darcy is going through alot right now she has no money" he says "thats not my fault she sucks guys dicks for money" i say coldly he shoots me a disappointed look "im sorry if i sound mean but it's true after all the hell she put me through you expect me to feel sorry for her" i say " your becoming the bully" he finally says "how could you tell me that shes the one who told all your business to the school" i start to yell now " look she may have told my business but that doesn't make it and excuse for you" he yelled "and what about that kiss you thought i forgot about that" i replyed he looks down at the table "Layla I'm sorry you had to see that but she confessed that she still love's me and that she wants to work things out" he finally looks back up at me "so your leaving me for her after all the crap we've been through I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME I EVEN HAD SEX WITH YOU!!!" i scream "please calm down" as he tries to shh me " no fuck you!!!"

i run out crying and leave him there alone i find lele and she comforts me i pull myself together and finish the rest.of the day i walk home thinking of all the crap thats happened i arrive home and off course my mother's not home i head upstairs and crawl into and fall asleep


*3 hours later*

i wake up to loud music coming from downstairs i stumble out off bed and open the door the music is so loud it pushes me back i go downstairs and see three men and my mother dancing i bottles and bottles of alcohol.

"Well sleeping beauty awakes" my mother says sounding very drunk "who is this" one of the guys says scanning me up and down "this is my daughter Layla" my mother says giving a weird smile "Shes better then what you told us" another guys says " whats going on?" i asked confused "aww poor thing doesn't know whats going on" the guy smiles and laughs ok now im terrified my mother opens the door and says "do what you want just don't make a mess and keep her bruised free i need her for other clients" she shuts the door

" you see your mommy sold you to us for the evening we paid good money to" they begin taking off there clothes i try and run to my room but one of the guys grabs my foot "where you going sweetie" and pulls me down to the.floor i manage to wiggle away and kicks him in his balls i sprint upstairs and lock the door i phone and call Steven ring....ring....ring

hello" a mellow tone voice answers "Steven it's layla you have to help me my mother sold me to these men and now there after me please" i now sound histarical "its ok ill be there soon just stay in your room and don't come out till i arrive BANG...BANG....BANG "OPEN THE DAMN DOOR BITCH" "HURRY" i scream they burst through the door and i drop my phone "hello layla....layla answer me" disconnceted damn it


Steven's POV:

"how could i let this happen the one girl who has been there for me is in trouble and i've been such and asshole to her i gotta fix this i need to save her i couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her i love her to much"

" they pull me to the floor and i try to scream but one of the guys gags me with a rage the start ripping my clothes apart there filthy hands rub my body i try to wiggle free but they hit me so i wouldn't struggle my vision goes blurry but i could see and image of someone fighting with ne of the men "who is it" i thought but couldn't make out who the next thing i know im in a hospital the bright light shines into my eyes and it burns

"well your awake i see" a nurse hands me a a glass of water i tke the glass and chug the water down "what happened?" as i scan the room " you were attacked and a young boy called the police and brought you here" she replied "Steven where is he?" i now am sitting up "please get sme rest your friend is in critical condition he was stabbed near his lungs it doesn't look good for him we're keeping our eye on him" her face looks sad my heart sinks and i can't seem to get my head around what the nurse just told me she walks out and i begin to cry into my pillow how can i lose the person i love i don't care what i said about him I LOVE HIM and now i might lose him for good

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