chapter 3

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As the final bell rings for school to end i collect my stuff and leave to my locker as i reach my locker i put away any unnecessary items and close it shut.

i head for the main entrance and push the door open all of a sudden "fuck you"!!! screams coming from the other directions i peer through the corner to see what is going on. "please calm down" a gentle voice asks "why are you breaking up with me?" her voice begins to break "I've fallen out of love with you" Steven states. she begins to sob uncontrollably as he trys to console her she steps back and slaps him across the face and screams "you'll regret this just you wait". she storms off down the hall

Steven POV: (sigh) "man that was the hardest thing i ever had to do in my life at least it's over... i think"

as i think to myself while walking home "what did she mean he'll regret it?" "maybe it has something to do with what he was going to tell me?" as i turn the knob opening the door not knowing what awaits me on the other side i see my mother "where the hell were you?" she states drunkenly "school" i reply coldly "don't take that tone with me you little BITCH!!!" she screams "don't forget who's taking care of you" i laugh at the thought her taking care of me yeah right what a joke i snicker.

she steps closer and slaps me across the face not surprised by her actions i simply take my stuff and head for my room and close the door shut. i hop into bed close my tired eyes and fall asleep

4 hours later:

ring! ring! ring! i groan as i reach over for my phone

"hello" i reply

"hey" layla it's Steven he says

i quickly open my eyes and sit up "whats up" i say more awake "can we meet i still need to tell you that thing" he says secretive "sure" i reply "where" "meet me at dunkin donuts in 15 minutes" ok i say and we both hang up.

i get dress and begin to walk to dunkin donuts i see Steven we sit and order a ice coffee i stare at him waiting for him to tell me "well" i ask urging him to tell me his big secret'm "spit it out!" i almost say screaming "Layla I'm suicidal" he says sounding a little more relieved.

as i look deep into his big hazel eyes i try and figure out how can a handsome guy like him be suicidal he's popular quarterback for the school football team i don't get his life is perfect. "Steven" i reply "yeah" he says looking straight at me "why couldn't you tell me this before you know i would have understand what you felt don't you remember i nearly killed myself i the school bathroom" i state confused on his situation "i know you would have understood me" he states "but not everyone else at school" he replyed sounding more nervous "what are you talking about" i ask "Darcy knows about me being he paused suicidal and she says if i ever cheat or break up with her she'll tell the whole school and ruin my football career" he finishes "that bitch i blurt out not caring if anyone heard me" "thats why i need your help he asked grabbing my hands" "with what?" i ask "helping me not try to kill myself and tell my parents" he asked "but i can't even get pass my own problems let alone help you with yours" i say letting go of his hands "it's ok i understand looking up at me with his puppy dog eyes

damn it i caved in and say "fine I'll help you" a huge smile rushes upon his face and he says "thank you" we finish our drinks and pay the waitress and leave "i really can't thank you enough for what your doing for me" he says smiling i give him a reassuring smile back then he hugs me i given and hug him as well then we stare deeply into each other's eye's

"Layla" he asks

"yeah" i replyed

"your so beautiful" he says still holding onto me

i blush at the comment he makes he leans in closer and kisses me.

"you have soft lips" he says looking at me i simply stare at his big beautiful eyes and fall into a trance we kiss again before parting ways as i walk to my car and think what the hell just happened?


Steven POV: wow i cant believe i kissed her that wasn't suppose to happen she's just suppose to help me with my problem i cant lie though that kiss was amazing.


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