XIII. Channeling

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XIII. Channeling

Loneliness. One word to describe Brianna. She’s acting like a walking dead for week and it worries Alden. He just makes sure that he picks her up in the morning or rather meet her on the forest since the Palace is a danger zone for him. He’s trying his best to cheer her up but only gains an empty look from her every time he tried.

Since the “friend-war” begun and Dahlia refused to talk to her, Brianna’s been quite and—blank. Partly his fault but he will not carry all the blame since her knot-head friend Dahlia is a natural born sadist. Truth is, Dahlia couldn’t have stood a chance at him if he willed so. But the actor in him dictates to make a scene out of it. He just did not anticipate Brianna’s meeting with Trevor be cut short, making her witness all the drama. His instincts then told him to keep the show going.

But seeing the result of it makes him want to reverse the time. If not, atleast make things work this day. For her. On her special day. He has already planned some event by the end of this day to please Brianna. He’s just hoping it will work.

He glanced at her. She’s walking with eyes staring blankly in front, her arms falls limply by her side, her shoulders fall very low like she’s carrying the world of problems. With hopes, he throws an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close with a gentle shake.

“Hey, cheer up birthday girl!” he teased.

Too careless to shake Alden’s arms away, she simply drops her head on his shoulder. She needed that effortless support from him to push her on walking. Alden’s been animatedly talking about today’s practice, and with ears half listening to him, she forced a smile.

“I’m fine.”

“Hmm. Okay,” Not so convinced. “If you really are, then what did I say just a while ago?” he beamed and presses his chin on top of her head. But immediately jerk away while rubbing his side that Brianna just pinched. “What?”

“Don’t make a fool out of me. You’re not funny.”

“You’re not funny either. Until when are you planning to act like a zombie?”

“A what?”

“A zombie. A walking dead. Humans have a thing on them. It’s currently dominating their movies.”

“You’ve been on the human worlds then?”

“From time to time. Running errands.”

His answer caused her brows to shoot up. Running errands? On the world of humans? Would Uncle Trevor ever allow that?

“What errands keep you busy, huh? Aside from toying the feelings of people around you?” she asked while cocking her head and raising a brow at the same time.

He slammed a hand on his chest and crushes the fabric that covers it. He’s really good at acting, Brianna mused.

“Ouch!” Alden exclaimed, keeping an eye open waiting for Brianna’s reaction.

She rolled her eyes and sniggered. “Is that a jerk of a reaction because the question hits through you?”

“Why can’t you just ride on the joke, huh?” he hissed and rumbles her tidy hair. Alden really adores her like his own younger sister. And for the first time of what seemed like a wake week, she cracked to laughter. A genuine one, causing his heart leap for joy. For the result of it, he would give ten points to himself for finally making her laugh.

Because the sight of her laughing makes her cute, Alden grabbed her and pulls her close to him where he can smell her delicate hair. Brianna, still shaking from her own private joke, carelessly wrapped her arms around his waist and rests her head on his chest. That was the extent of what she can reach because Alden’s still few inches taller than her.

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