Chapter XVI - Heart of the Unyielding

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At breakfast the next morning, Oliver felt strange to be seated around everyone after the scene he'd caused the evening before. He couldn't believe everyone was on board with this murder, and no matter how many times he'd tried to convince Master Jasper otherwise, there was no deterring him from the course he was on. Seated beside Quinn, Oliver ate his eggs and ham, sipping back his tea before excusing himself from the table. Although he didn't see eye to eye with the Master, he was still here for one reason alone, and that was to deliver the painting he'd completed yesterday.

In the art room, he carefully tucked the portrait of Elijah Goode into a suitable, sturdy frame, making sure the edges didn't crinkle in the process. With the strength he mustered, he hauled the heavy piece to the second floor, coming back for a stand to perch it on until Master Jasper found an appropriate spot for it. With it set up in front of the Master's private library, Oliver went back downstairs to everyone.

He stopped just outside the doorway when he heard Quinn's voice, "He will get over it," the boy said, "Given his peaceful outlook, Oliver simply doesn't understand this."

"Believe me," Jasper's voice came, "Someone like that bastard would not hesitate to try and corrupt Oliver if he knew of the boy's preferences. Edmund had never stepped to me in a sexual manner until he began to suspect my relations with Elijah. Someone like him needs to be put down before he hurts another, and you never know how many boys he could have gotten his hands on in all these years."

Oliver sighed, wondering if all of that was possible, for Edmund to debase other people for his own pleasures. If it was true, the blond boy thought maybe this wasn't such a vain act. But, still, with the shadow of murder cast about the manor, he couldn't help but think this day was going to be a bust. Waiting a few seconds outside the doorway, Oliver lowered his head and entered. "I would like to finally present to you your birthday gift, Lord Jasper."

Having finished his meal as well, Jasper stood from his chair, Darcy springing to her feet with him. "The portrait," she exclaimed, "It is done?!"

"Yes, my Lady," Oliver nodded.

Everyone stood from their chairs and joined Oliver in the hall, Quinn appearing to debate about if he should follow at first. Oliver led the way to the second floor, and when they gathered around the blanketed frame, he withdrew the covering and looked toward Master Jasper. The man was as silent as a winter night while he stared, meeting the still green eyes of the painting. For a moment, it looked like he'd been holding his breath, only releasing when Darcy touched mildly at his shoulder. "How beautiful," she said for her speechless husband, a hand cupped over her mouth when tears suddenly began to glisten in her eyes.

Juliette placed a kind hand at Oliver's backside, her voice a whisper, "You did a wonderful job," she said. "It resembles him perfectly."

Downing a sore lump in his throat, Jasper felt the usual emptiness of loss weasel its way inside him. Those eyes were just the same as the radiant emeralds that once looked at him with love, lips the same reddish pink, and his hair...he wanted to touch it, feel the softness of it as he had before. Though he would never know what Elijah may have looked like now, at the age of twenty-nine, being able to look upon the face of the boy he'd given all of himself back then felt like a gift.

Oliver twirled a loose sting in the cuff of his shirt, "How does it fair, my lord?"

At the question, Master Jasper tore his gaze from the painting, meeting Oliver's awaiting blue eyes. "It is wonderful," he said, voice sounding much smaller than it was any other day. "Thank you, Oliver, for coming all this way to do this for me."

"It was my absolute pleasure."

The afternoon went by moderately slow, but the manor was anything but calm. Once the sun was high in the sky, additional maids and servants who'd been hired for the occasion showed up, getting to work on making sure the entire place was spotless, and decorated properly for the event. Malissa bustled around with the maids, telling them how things should be set up, while Howard made sure all the food preparations were done correctly, and Alfar assisted the other hands in preparing the ballroom.

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