Chapter XX - Dearest Nightmare

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By the time he and Oliver reached their home again, Quinn's heart had finally found a calming point. He still couldn't believe Mr. Dollins had actually traveled this far in search for them and he'd been seen! Dammit! He cursed in his mind, knowing well the man wouldn't leave now until he had Oliver in his sights. And if Mr. Dollins was here in Paris, there was no doubt that Quinn's own father was as well. Thank the heavens, though, that he'd only been spotted by Oliver's. If past events proved they could repeat themselves, Vincent would have been one to cause a scene, alerting the people of Paris that he was initially a "wanted man".

When he was finished setting up the bed in his and Oliver's room, he stepped to the rectangular window and peered out. His blond lover was outside trying his hand at actual gardening, and by the looks of it, he was having a difficult time at the digging part. Unlocking the window, Quinn pushed it open and leaned forward onto the sill. "It seems housework is not your forte," he mocked.

Oliver stuck the shovel in the dirt and groaned, "Perhaps growing up with people to wait on me hand and foot has made me quite the fragile type, eh?"

"I will put the flowers out in the evening when it cools down. Why don't you come inside for a while? I would love to be given a chance to test out the durability of this bed."

Making his way to the outside stairs, Oliver shook his head, "Will you ever cease from your flirtatious ways?"

Meeting Quinn in the bedroom, Oliver wasn't given a chance to say a word when he was taken into bundling arms. He couldn't help a giggle as Quinn hauled him off the floor and carried him easily across the room. It was a full sized bed with a sturdy wooden frame, polished before their purchase and would look even better with...

As he held Oliver at the foot of the bed, Quinn groaned, and said, "We forgot coverings. I believe that is quite alright. Before night comes upon us, I will travel to our neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Bazin. The man's wife makes quilts." Placing Oliver on the bed, then, Quinn crawled between his legs and pressed their fervent lips together. It'd been a while since he'd felt the blond boy in an intimate way, and finally there was nothing stopping them from pursuing their selfish desires.

When he sought kisses against Oliver's throat, Quinn nipped them along his neck until reaching the creased collar of his shirt. Undoing the buttons to get rid of the shirt, Quinn smirked when Oliver's hand pushed his long dark hair out of his face. When the shirt was off, he then went for the buttons at the front of the blond boy's trousers, unhooking each and tugged them off until Oliver was in nothing but his flavorful soft skin. Running his hands gingerly down the boy's small frame, Quinn watched as Oliver began to lose himself with each stroke of his hands.

Feeling himself excite at the mere sight of Oliver's naked body below him, Quinn got rid of his own clothes, littering them about the floor until he wore nothing but his marriage ring. When he made to bring his mouth down around Oliver's cock, he stopped when he heard the enquiring whisper of his name. "Yes, my love?" he said in return.

Oliver sat up from under Quinn, his cheeks a shy shade of pink as he came up. "Can I do it this time?"

Since their first night of intimacy together, Quinn had been the one to orchestrate, but he didn't mind allowing Oliver a turn at taking over in any way he liked. With a leer on his face, he brought himself off to the side and lied down beside Oliver. "Go ahead," he said, "If you change your mind, don't be afraid to let me know."

Honestly a bit nervous given his lack of experience pleasing someone other than himself, Oliver straddled Quinn's waist, thinking shortly of what he should do next. Starting simple, he kissed his young lover, arousal rising when Quinn's feathery touch glided down his back. Giving a tasteful lick over the boy's wet pink lips, Oliver then let his kisses move down Quinn's jawline, feeling each of the prickly hairs that never quite seemed able enough to grow any further. When he sucked tenderly at a particular spot below Quinn's jaw, Oliver dragged his groin down against the dark-haired boy's, able to hear the breathy release it inspired.

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