Chapter VI - House of Cards

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Oliver was so filled with joy he could nearly feel himself floating. There was no way for him to express how relieved he was that Quinn confessed to him. He'd lived his life long enough without the boy who'd infiltrated his heart, so being able to call him his lover felt extraordinary.

As he and Quinn walked the corridor back to the stairs, Oliver snuck a kiss behind the black-haired boy's ear and grinned knowingly over to him. When that petite brush merely sparked a slim smile out of Quinn, Oliver did it again.

Quinn stopped in the middle of the corridor as Oliver's kiss warmed the back of his ear. Given he was sure there were no servants anywhere throughout this part of the manor, he let it be, feeling as teeth nipped down on his lower lip when Oliver's hands began to glide up his chest. "What are you doing?" he questioned, voice just shy of a whisper.

Oliver was fascinated by Quinn's everything. Even with his clothing shielding his body's form from view, one could feel just how strong he was through them. "Teasing you," Oliver admitted.

Taking hold of the hands trapping him, Quinn turned to face Oliver and raised an eyebrow at him. "Control yourself," he said, "Within our quarters we can do whatever our hearts desire, but once we step outside those doors, all of our affections must come to a stand-still."

Oliver just beamed up at Quinn in all his delight, "Apologies, I'm only taking advantage of being alone."

At that, Quinn glanced over his shoulder once, and since not a soul was around, he went ahead and gave Oliver what he was sure the boy wanted. Another kiss. "There," he said after, "Now, pull yourself together. I know I am irresistible, but you must tame your appetite, Olive."

With his cheeks pinched the color of cherry blossoms, Oliver held in a chuckle, and said, "I don't think I will ever get tired of the taste of you on my lips."

Quinn shook his head and hurried his fond lover along.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Darcy was waiting for the two boys to join her. Kindly, she touched Oliver's arm, "Now," she began, "despite what others may label Jasper as, and by that, I mean as a tempered tyrant, that couldn't be more of a lie. Yes, some days he can be a wee bit less tolerant of things, but I assure you it is only for him being tired. I've told you already he is a busy man. So, please, forgive him if he comes off as irritable."

"We understand," Oliver let be known.

Darcy then led them the rest of the way to a room just passed a crafting area. Jasper's office. When they turned into the room, a man was sitting behind a lofty crescent desk. He was focused in a leather armchair, hair as blonde as a sunflower in morning light, and it was long, flowing to settle just a bit past his shoulders. Fitted in a navy-blue button down and black trousers, Jasper sat going through several important documents he'd received while out.

"Surprise!" Darcy shouted, Jasper flinching at her high-pitched jollity.

He looked up immediately and his gaze fell onto the two strangers behind his smiling wife. Oliver was almost taken aback by how absolutely handsome Jasper was. His clear, river blue eyes were brighter than any jewel he'd ever seen, jaw perfectly cut with a mild softness, prominent cheekbones sharp, and his lips were plush and pink. All in all, Jasper Lancechester was a tender mix of handsome and what anyone could refer to as quite pretty. As a man, he was breathtaking as ever.

Not taken by the "surprise" at all, Jasper's eyes went from Oliver and Quinn and back to Darcy, "Are you going to introduce these unfamiliars or am I going to have to guess who they are?"

Ouch, Oliver thought, to be called an "unfamiliar" by a Lancechester...

"It is Oliver Dollins!" Darcy beamed, "And he's brought a friend. His name is Quincy van Zant."

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