Chapter XXI - Sacrifice for Love

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Oliver stood out in the small courtyard of his property, surrounded by darkness except for the dull glow of the lantern in his hand. Night had fallen several minutes ago, and still, he was here without Quinn, by himself now with just the moon and stars for company. He wanted to think nothing was wrong, that Quinn was just taking his time, or maybe miscalculated when determining how long he would take, but there was a sinking feeling in his gut that spoke otherwise. Quinn wouldn't leave him here to worry, wouldn't take his sweet time like this.

Eyes looking up into the stars above him, Oliver witnessed a small bright light race across the sky. He closed them then and breathed out shakily. "Come back," he wished, "Don't leave me here."

Unwilling to go inside to hide from the cold sweeping across the night, Oliver sat down at the foot of the stairs. He didn't want to believe something could have gone horribly wrong during Quinn's trip, but if he trusted the inkling nerve in his chest, he knew that was just the case. Crossing his arms over the top of his knees, Oliver breathed out, a cloud of smoke forming from the chill. Not for a moment did his gaze leave the tunnelway, and for several more minutes he prayed the hardest he ever had that Quinn would soon appear to him. He sat there, twisting his marriage ring round and round his finger, holding onto what faith Quinn had given him that he'd come back, because Quinn...he always came back. After ten years, ten whole years, he'd come back, and just like then, he'd come back now. He had to!

Not wanting to cry, Oliver shut his eyes, blocking the tears threatening to leave him. He wasn't going to cry tonight, because everything was going to be fine. Quinn was late, that was all, he was running late from the Bazin's, and would be back in a few more minutes. Just a few more.

When half an hour went by, Oliver's level of panic went up, and no longer could he lie to himself, say anything to assure himself that everything was going to be alright. Quinn was out there, somewhere, and he was in trouble.

"Come back," the blond boy whined into his knees, "Please."

Standing from the bottom step, Oliver's heart rate picked up when he heard the faint clopping of hooves coming up the trail along the cottage. With all the relief in his being, Oliver raced to the tunnelway with the lantern in hand, but when he met the eyes of the people before him, his hopes were driven back into the ground, replacing his optimism with complete sorrow and faithlessness.

Handling the coach coming up the trail was Rupert, and beside him wrapped in a white shawl was Ethyl. He could only guess that his father was inside. Given he hadn't the strength or heart to run, Oliver dropped to his knees. He just didn't have the energy to react in any manner other than to fall.

"Lord Oliver!" Rupert shouted, tugging the horse reins to a stop. "Master Thomas," he then banged a hand on the top of the coach, "We've found him!"

The second Rupert announced Oliver's presence, the door to the coach flew open and Thomas Dollins burst from inside, coming out in a gray suit with a black winter coat covering him for the weather. Laying eyes on Oliver, he ran for him, pulling his only son, only child, into an embrace so tight there was no room to think of escaping from it. "At last," he said, "I thought I might never see you again, my son. You should not have run, Oliver, you didn't have to. Your mother and I, we want you to come home."

The blond boy could no longer hold back his worry, letting out what he'd been holding in from the moment the moon shone from above. His lungs shook devastatingly and he fisted his hand into the back of his father's coat. "He's not here," Oliver cried out, unknowing tears soaking into the warmth of fabric against him. "He hasn't come back to me."

Thomas pulled apart his embrace and looked confused about Oliver's teary eyes. "What do you mean?" he said, "Where is Quincy? He is not here with you?"

Oliver shook his head, "He's been gone since before the sun set!"

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