Chapter V - The Lancechester Manor

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The journey had taken a bit longer than Oliver anticipated. They'd needed to stop once to eat and rest, and after one day of enduring the bumpy ride northwest of Southampton, Banemount was in view. They were not passing through the city. Instead they traveled along a mildly busy road shared by the locals who were either headed toward the city or away from it and out to the surrounding villages.

Oliver peeked out of the cab's window, looking on at the people who went by. Not much about them appeared different from the citizens of Southampton, except...the women did wear bigger hats, tall and decorated with flowers and ribbons of all sizes.

Given the window of the cab was big enough, Oliver leaned out, making sure to hold on tightly with his good hand. Couples and solo riders gave him a strange look as he smiled and took in his new surroundings. "Charles," he called to the handler of the coach, "How much longer till we reach the Lancechester manor?"

The name alone was enough to call even more attention to Oliver. Before the handler could answer, Oliver felt a pair of hands grab his waist and tug him back into the coach. Having bumped his head on the way in, Oliver plopped down and rubbed the back of his head. "Ow, Quincy, what did you do that for?"

"We're still moving, you dunce," Quinn said, pushing his hair back and out of his face. "You'll hurt yourself again."

Oliver huffed much like a punished child, picking up his feet so his legs could stretch along the seat he was on. "I want to get out of here," he groaned, "I'm going to go insane if this damned trip doesn't hurry up."

"Would you like another story?" Quinn offered. "Paris was an interesting place for me."

With a soft smile in return, Oliver reached out and touched Quinn's cheek, "Don't get me wrong, love, but no thank you. That is, unless you are going to tell me of the time you decided breaking my heart was the right thing to do."

Quinn didn't say anything for a moment, just sighed, annoyed, and swatted Oliver's hand away. "Are you going to hold that over my head the entire time we are here? The last thing we need is for Jasper Lancechester to become suspicious of us."

"What is there to be suspicious of? We're not a couple..."

Several minutes went by and soon the horse-drawn coach was alone on a country road. The manor was not far now, beautiful as the open blue sky splayed clear behind it. The structure was magnificent and erected from copper red bricks with creamy white lining around the numerous windows. This manor and land itself, its beauty was unmatched, the intricate design like a grand palace. Surely it was a home fit for a Lancechester. One paved road led toward a front entry, and it curved before a wide set of white steps trekking to the massive front doors.

"This place," Oliver said in awe, "I believe I will like it here." The care that went into the grounds was phenomenal with trimmed shrubs, nurtured flower beds, towering slender trees, and a centered structure of two rearing white horse statues sat directly in the middle of the pale stone road.

As the carriage slowly rolled to a stop, the main door of the marvelous manor began to open, and a pretty woman appeared beside a man who'd opened the door for her.

Oliver could hardly wait any longer. Rushing passed Quinn and out the side door, he nearly missed the steps meant to help him down and stumbled. Quinn, luckily, reached out quick enough and caught him before the boy ended up landing on his face. "Steady, clumsy fool," Quinn sighed, getting out as well when the other boy was stable.

"Welcome, fair guests!"

Oliver and Quinn looked up at the sunny voice. A gracious and most beautiful woman with black hair stood smiling in the doorway at the top of the wide steps. Her dress was coral blue, silvery silk sewn at the top of her breasts and around the cuff. Her name was Darcy Lancechester, head mistress to the absolutely stunning house in her wake.

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