Chapter XLIII

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I realize that once again I've made you all wait a month until I updated again and for that I am sorry. It just can't be heled when there just isn't enough hours in a day. Between work and three kids, it's crazy! Anyway hope you all enjoy this chapter. & just a heads up this strory with be coming to an end soon =(





Life was good and everything seemed to be getting back to normal.

As normal as it could get considering all that had happened. 

The weeks had seemed to disappear. Here one moment and gone the next. Every day my baby bump grew more and more. I knew that soon I would be needing to get some maternity clothes. That wasn’t really something that I was looking forward to, I like my normal clothes too much. Plus, Cain was still stuck in his paranoid mode and wasn’t allowing me any where off campus except for the pack grounds. He, of course, had to be with me at all time. It was smothering really. 

We also kept in constant contact with Isles. He wanted to know anything that changed during my pregnancy. There wasn’t all that much to tell. Nothing extraordinary happened in the weeks since I had met him. That was a bit of a downer, I really wanted to know what else my son was capable of. Waiting to find out was getting rather exhausting. 

“We need to go shopping,” Jas commented as she plopped down on the sofa beside me. “Not for us though. For you.”

“I don’t want to wear gaudy maternity clothing.” I muttered 

“There are some boutiques that sell maternity clothes and they’re really cute.” Amy said 

“Doesn’t matter,” Ash shrugged “No way in hell would guard dog Cain let her off campus without him.”

“He’s taking overprotective to a whole new level.” Reese added 

“Of course he is,” said Sierra “She’s carrying his son. The future Alpha of the pack.”

“She’s right,” I murmured rubbing my hands over my belly. At the rate I was growing it wouldn’t be long till I couldn’t see my feet. “And as much as I hate to admit it, I’m gonna need new clothes soon. It’s already getting harder to button my pants and my skinny’s are starting to feel a little too skinny.”

“Then it’s settled.” Jas nodded “We’re going shopping.”

“I’ve got the key’s to Nate’s truck.” Ash grinned 

“We are all so dead.” Sierra whispered 

“We’ll be fine” Reese grinned throwing her arm around the girls shoulders. “Live a little.”

Sierra was so right. We were dead. Our mates were going to throw a fit once they knew we were gone. Ah, what the hell. I wanted off campus and I could deal with Cain later. With a grin I stood from my perch and headed for the door with the girls hot on my heels. I grabbed my coat before we walked out. It was still cold out, Spring not ready to make an appearance just yet. I was really gonna miss the snow once Spring did arrive. 

“I can’t believe we actually made it,” Amy giggled as we all walked through the mall. 

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