Chapter XIX

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Not that long but, I thought you all deserved just a bit more. I know the last chapter didn’t end as you all expected. I know I pissed off a bunch of you because of it. But, don’t worry people I know what I’m doing lol.

& holy crap I almost fainted when xangelsmomx commented on the last chapter (she was the first commet!) so this chapter is dedicated to her! Yes, I know I sound like a crazy person! But, you'll understand once an amazing writter on this site reads and comments on your stories, it like WOW! I swear I started squealing and bouncing in my chair when I saw her comment and I am not afraid to admit it....Okay enough of my rambling, no go read! hahahaha I LOVE ALL YOU AWESOME READERS AND FANS!!!!!!!!





I don’t know how long I sat there in front of the pack house crying. Mana hadn’t left my side the whole time. Nothing was said between us and it was better that way. I didn’t want comforting words of bullshit. What was the point of telling someone it was going to be okay if you, yourself didn’t believe it? That just made no sense. When my sob had lessened to nothing more than silent whimpers Mana helped me off the ground. 

“Let’s go back inside and see what’s going on now.” he suggested wrapping his arm around my waist. 

Nodding he led me back into the house. Amy, Jas and Ash were all clinging to their mates when we walked back in. I envied then in that moment. While they were secure in knowing that their mates were fine I was left to wonder about mine. It’s not that I wasn’t glad that my friends were all okay because I was. The girls all looked up as I had stopped to look at them.

“I am so sorry,” Ash said coming over to hug me.

“You just have to think positive.” Amy sniffed wrapping her arms around me.

“Yeah, you know Cain can pull through this. It’ll take a lot more than what happen for him to leave you.” Jas whispered joining out little group hug. 

“Do you guys know what going on?” Mana asked 

“Doctors still with him again.” Dean said looking down at his hands. “He brought Cain back, but, we don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

“Come on, let’s get you to him.” Mana said pulling me away from out friends. 

“Cain may have hit a rough patch right now,” Austin said “But, if anyone can pull through this it’s him.”

I let Mana pull me up the stairs. My body was emotionally and physically exhausted. I hadn’t slept in over 24 hours and with all the crying I’ve done my body was now feeling it. I was quite literally dead on my feet. The doctor was talking with Brent quietly down the hall from the room Cain was in. Pulling away from Mana I walked into the room. The shallow rise and fall of Cain’s chest along with the beeping of the monitors were the only thing that let me know that he was alive. 

There was a chair next to the bed he was laying on. Taking a seat I took his still cold hand in mind and ran the tips of my fingers over his bruised knuckles. The doctor may have brought him back again, but, I wouldn’t believe he was truly okay until he opened his eyes. For right now I would be content with knowing that he was still alive, just sleeping. Resting my head on the edge of the bed I placed his hand on my cheek and let my eyes close. 

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