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I was holding my breath. Waiting for whatever answer Lucy was going to provide. It felt like an eternity had passed and she had yet to spit it out. I could feel my nails digging into Cain and Mana’s hands. There was no doubt that there would be half moon marks when I let go. I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up drawing some blood. 

“Well?” Cain urged 

“They were all inconclusive” Lucy answered 

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Mana asked

“It basically means that she has no idea whether or not Kaila is pregnant.” Cain replied 

“That is just ridiculous,” I huffed 

“Which is why, I want to do an ultrasound.” Lucy said 

“Then let’s get to it,” I nodded 

Cain and Mana both got up off the bed and stood off to the side. Laying back on the pillows, I got myself as comfortable as I could and folded my shirt up so that my stomach was showing. Lucy went about getting the machine ready while I waited. After clicking a few buttons and adjusting different things that I would probably never be able to name, she squeezed some cool blue gel on to my stomach. 

“What the heck is that thing?” Mana asked with furrowed brows.

“This, is a transducer.” Lucy replied holding up the wand thing. “It’s what helps me see if there’s a baby in there.”

“Right,” Mana said nodding once. 

“Let’s see if we can find anything,” she said placing the ‘transducer’ on to my stomach, moving the gel around as she went. 

I was watching the screen unsure of what I supposed to be looking for. I had never gone to an ultra sound before. I’ve never known any well enough to go with them. Seeing as how I’m the first out of all my friends to be put in the situation it wasn’t like it was familiar to me. After watching the screen for a while I turned my attention back to Lucy, he brows were scrunched up in confusion as she moved the wand this way and that. 

“This is odd,” she murmured to herself.

“What is?” I asked 

“I’m not picking up anything,” she replied 

“Meaning I’m not pregnant?” I asked in a whisper

“No, meaning nothing. It’s almost as if there’s a something blocking me”

“Seriously?!” I groaned 

“I’d have to take a wild guess and say that you’re wolf doesn’t want to let anyone know just yet.” Lucy said 

“Why is she being such a bitch,” I grumbled “She apparently thinks I’m ready for the responsibility for a child but, refuses to let me know if I’m having on or not!”

“She is your wolf, why don’t you ask her” Lucy said 

“Oh, I plan to, alright” I huffed sitting up and pulling my shirt done once I was clean of gel. 

Stepping out the room, I grumbled under my breath all the way down stairs. This was just ridiculous. This all had to do with my wolf and it was about damned time that she gave me some answers. I walked straight out the front door ignoring the calls and looks from Mana and Cain, I kept right on walking. I just needed a moment to myself so that I could talk to me wolf. 

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